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Your KI Coaster Rankings


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Not sure if this has been done on here before, but I think it will be fun for everyone to share their oppinion.

Here goes mine:

1) Diamondback

2) The Beast

3) Flight Deck

4) Vortex

5) Adventure Express

6) Invertigo Surf Dog

7) Flight of Fear

8) Racer

9) Woodstock Express

10) Flying Ace Ariel Chase

11) Firehawk

12) The Great Pumpkin Coaster


DB and The Beast are in a league of their own, hence the space between them and the others.

Invertigo would be ranked higher if it was actually unique or had a higher capacity.

I'm not sure if Surf Dog is a coaster.

13) Back Lot Stun Coaster

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Heh, I'll bite...

#1-The Beast
#3-Flight of Fear

#5-Flight Deck

#7-Adventure Express

#8-Backlot Stunt Coaster

I have also been on Woodstock Express and Great Pumpkin Coaster, but they are kiddie coasters and I haven't ridden them in quite some time, so for fairness...I'm leaving them off here.

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Beast, Diamondback, Invertigo, Flight of Fear, Racer, Flight Deck, Woodstock Express, Adventure Express, Back Lot Stunt Coaster, Flying Ace Aerial Chase, Firehawk, Vortex.

I've never been on The Great Pumpkin.

Lest we forget - or should we forget - Surf Dog?

(Also, just as a nod to them.... King Cobra, The Bat, Son of Beast, Bavarian Beetle, Scooby's Ghoster Coaster, Demon)

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I'll bite:

1. Whatever is being built in Action Zone

2. The Beast

2. Diamondback

4. The Racer

4. Flight of Fear

4. Firehawk

4. Backlot Stunt Coaster

4. Flight Deck

9. Adventure Express
9. Vortex

9. Woodstock Express

12. Flying Ace Aerial Chase

12. Invertigo

So I have a bunch of ties. I'm not in the mood to be picky enough to break them. :P

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1.) Diamondback

2.) Flight of Fear

3.) Flight Deck

4.) The Beast

5.) Firehawk

6.) Vortex

7.) The Racer

8.) Invertigo

9.) Backlot Stunt Coaster

10.) Adventure Express

11.) Woodstock Express

12.) Flying Ace Aerial Chase

13.) Great Pumpkin Coaster ... lol ...

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  On 4/30/2013 at 10:58 PM, jdawg1998 said:

I just don't get The Beast...in my opinion it feels slow, there's no G's whatsoever, and the only good part is the helix. I don't get it...maybe I'm just weird...

Sit in the front row on a dark night,then say you dont get it....then maybe you are weird! :D

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In reply to the OP:

1. Adventure Express

1. Beast (It's running really well this year!)

3. Flight Deck

4. Flight of Fear

5. Racer

6. Backlot Stunt Coaster

7. Vortex

8. Diamondback

9. Firehawk

10. Woodstock Express

11. Invertigo

12. Flying Ace Aerial Chase

13. Great Pumpkin Coaster

In reply to The Beast conversation: I used to ride Beast expecting thrills, but I now approach it with the attitude of watching a 70's action movie. Jdawg is right--there are no real G's, save for the laterals just after the first drop and a few turns leading to the second lift. But that's entirely the thing with Beast. It's a strong start, then a bunch of straightaways and wide turns. The turns gradually increase in intensity, speed, and forces--and then they drop off the map entirely when you hit the second lift. It's about lulling you into a sense of security, then shattering it with the most intense portion of the ride. It's not the typical B&M progression of most to least intense elements during the ride, and that's a good thing--in my opinion, anyway.

Beast is one of the few rides in the world that manages to theme itself without relying on props or a gimmick, and I think that's why it's as famous as it is.

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Here are my rankings:
1. Invertigo

2. Flight Deck

3. Racer
4. Flight of Fear
5. Beast
6. Diamondback
7. Adventure Express

8. Vortex

9. Woodstock

10. Backlot
11. Firehawk
12. Flying Ace

-Great Pumpkin isn't included because it's a kiddie coaster that I haven't ridden in years. Also, I do not consider Surf Dog a roller coaster.

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  On 5/2/2013 at 2:58 AM, thekidd33 said:

1) Diamondback

2) Beast

3) Flight of Fear

4) Firehawk

5) Flight Deck

6) Vortex

7) Racer

8) Adventure Express

9) Backlot

10) Woodstock Express

11) Flying Ace Aerial Chase

150) Invertigo

That's interesting. Would it be safe to assume that you don't particularly care for Invertigo? Or am I reading between the lines too much? ;)

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1. Diamondback

2. FOF

3. Vortex

4. Racer

5. Flight Deck

6. Adventure Express

7. Beast

8. Invertigo


10. Firehawk

I'm more of an airtime/inversions guy.

Beast goes up to a 2 with night rides but during the day its highly overrated.

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  On 5/1/2013 at 1:20 AM, TombRaiderFTW said:

In reply to the OP:

In reply to The Beast conversation: I used to ride Beast expecting thrills, but I now approach it with the attitude of watching a 70's action movie. Jdawg is right--there are no real G's, save for the laterals just after the first drop and a few turns leading to the second lift. But that's entirely the thing with Beast. It's a strong start, then a bunch of straightaways and wide turns. The turns gradually increase in intensity, speed, and forces--and then they drop off the map entirely when you hit the second lift. It's about lulling you into a sense of security, then shattering it with the most intense portion of the ride. It's not the typical B&M progression of most to least intense elements during the ride, and that's a good thing--in my opinion, anyway.

Beast is one of the few rides in the world that manages to theme itself without relying on props or a gimmick, and I think that's why it's as famous as it is.

Well said my friend, well said.

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