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Fighting Nausea


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The other day was my first day back to the park this year. Each time I rode a different ride, I became increasingly more nauseous. I varied where I sat. Stuck to the very front seat of Top Gun and Vortex, tried the middle of The Racer and The Beast. Attempted Delirium...and that was almost a disaster. I was drinking plenty of water and I also ate. After eating, we did the gentle rides like Boo Blasters, Eiffel Tower and Dodgems.

I guess my question is...what do you do to keep that feeling from happening? I don't want to give up rides.

Forgive me if this is already a subject or mentioned somewhere else.

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breaks are key. I am usually good for about 3-4 rides in a row with no wait before I have to take at least a few minutes just to walk around and get my legs back under me. In recent years I have taken dramamine but so far this year I have not used it on the few park visits I have so far made and have not had an issue.

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I hardly ever get sick, but I did go the other day and get very sick. I think it may be from riding Vortex then FoF within 20 minutes of eachother. I just took a break, got some food and watched some shows and then I felt fine. I think that the problem is when you don't have breaks between rides because there is not a real wait time. If everythings walk on you can get going to fast.

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Also don't eat a 5 way Skyline chili and then decide to ride the roller coaster. It will churn your stomach's contents and next thing that you know, you had a "protein spill." As a former litter getter, I used to clean up the results of said meal by The Racer. Thank God for Voban!

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I have never, ever had, or come close to having, a protein spill at an amusement park. I can ride rides rapid-fire all day (see: Coasting for Kids) and eat anything I want followed by an immediate ride on Diamondback or something else known for producing protein spills without even feeling the slightest hint of nausea. The only thing that limits how many rides I can ride without a break is boredom and exhaustion (OK, that's two things). There are very few rides out there that I can truly marathon for more than three to five consecutive laps for those reasons (Racer and Raven being the two most notable exceptions), but nausea is just not something I ever have to deal with.

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  On 6/20/2013 at 6:43 PM, thedevariouseffect said:

^Same thing basically both work quite well


Although...few shortly beers at the park go well with a hangover.

Do they still sell somewhat decent schwill at the crabshack bar? Its hard to find a micro at these darn amusement "darks"

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Is this a problem you've experienced before on rides or is it new? Were you noticeably tired that day? I'm another who is lucky enough to have a strong stomach when it comes to rides, but I every once in awhile I may get a little nauseous from certain rides. When I was about 15 or so, my first ride on King Cobra left me a tad dizzy and disoriented, but after some food and water I was fine again. Last week when we went out, I had a little nausea here and there after Delirium, but I'm pretty sure mine was caused by the fact that we hit up the bier garten first thing and I didn't have much on my stomach yet that day. The rare times I do feel that way, it's usually because I haven't eaten in awhile.

I don't have any other advice other than what's already been mentioned, but best of luck with sorting it out.

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I usually never get dizzy or anything else, but today while riding Monster with my 4 year old I was a mess! I have ridden Monster several times over the years and maybe it was because I took allergy medicine? We were also on one that spun the entire ride up until the girl stopped us to get off! I don't remember ever spinning that much before, is there a few seats that spin more than the others?

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Sporty's Pilot Shop (sportys.com) sells a product that wears like a bracelet that uses accupressure to combat nausea discomfort. While I haven't used it I had flight students swear by the product. As an added bonus, Sporty's is right around the corner from Clermont Steel.

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I'd grey out sometimes on days where I can go easily from one ride to another, when the crowd is thin. I've learned to pace myself, instead of going immediately from one ride to another. The candied ginger does work for me, as I don't like to eat before DB, sometimes an empty stomach can be just as nausea inducing as a full one. I never eat a huge amount at the park, usually a side item or a snack.

Also, it could be age changing your inner ear. As you grow older, the inner ear can wreak havoc for you on spinning rides.

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  • 1 month later...

In my many years of going to KI, have had just one protein spills and that was on Winnie Witch's Cauldren's in the old Hanna Barbera Land. Yes, I had a protein spill in kiddie land!( lol.) However, that ride spun pretty fast for a kiddie ride and, as a result, my orange drink came up. I was with my friend Brad and we were just 12 years old-recently we reminisced about that incident and had a good laugh.

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