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Stricker's Grove - 7/9/2013 PTR


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I will provide links rather than embedding the pictures so that the bandwidth-conscious needn't worry. I feel you, I have a smartphone with a finite data plan.

I came home from work yesterday and realized that it was one of the few times Stricker's Grove is open to the public. Having never been there, I decided that it was high time. After a slight miscue with my ATM insisting that my PIN was wrong (even though I typed the PIN I've used since the day I opened the card...), and needing to drive back home to get some cash from my parents (who thankfully are cool enough to loan me money in these sorts of occassions) I finally was able to get it sorted out and get to the park around 6:30. The bear out front told me they were open!


I went straight for the ride ticket booth of course, and the lady in the window (noticing my snazzy Vortex T-Shirt) asked me if I was a Roller Coaster enthusiast. I told her that you could say that, and she asked where I was from. She was quite surprised to hear that I was from Fairfield and had never been there before. She also informed me that at least one enthusiast had come all the way from Washington, D.C. (Terpy? Is that you? :P). Wristband in hand, I headed straight for the smaller of their coasters, the Teddy Bear.



In addition to being an adorable coaster (I just LOVE the sign, and the decoration on the front car), it is also a clone of a Coney Island classic, the Teddy Bear coaster from 1935! It is really a great coaster that everyone can ride! The size makes it great for kids, and the lack of seatbelts, headrests, and if I'm not mistaken, upstops, make it a wild experience despite its size. The Buzz bar helps, too, lol. Having upped my coaster count by one, I decided to do it again and headed for the famous Tornado roller coaster. I, much like someone from a certain... other site that reviews Theme Parks, can appreciate a "rare coaster." (Aren't all coasters rare if they don't have existing clones in large numbers?) At any rate, it was truly a remarkable coaster, and though this one unfortunately has seatbelts and upstops, it's still a pretty wild ride. There's one little pop of airtime that is truly remarkable for a coaster of its size.


Obviously, the flying scooters are next.

Because Flying Scooters :D <3<3<3<3<3


I decided to head for the Round-Up (Or the Electric Rainbow. Whichever you prefer) and boy, was that an experience. It was the only time a ride has ever made me feel nauseous, and I've even ridden a few Enterprises. But that's not to say I wouldn't do it again.


Those were the highlights of my day. I then went and rode the rest of the flats. The biggest treat was the ferris wheel. I'd never ridden a "normal" ferris wheel before. In fact, the only other I've ridden is the one at Cedar Point.


I also enjoyed the Tip Top, especially when I realized that it was one of those rides that you spin yourself. My goal was to spin it fast enough to dislodge from the ride like in that video on Youtube (with the Duck-themed spinny ride). I failed, but I succeeded in making the ride operator laugh and making it very difficult to walk off the ride properly, and in the end, I call that a success.


I went back to ride the coasters a few more times each (eventually riding both of them in every seat) and got some food. It's not fair to compare the food to a park like KI or CP, as the clientele and the market is totally different, but the prices were fair and the food was fantastic, two things which are rarely ever BOTH true at a larger amusement park.

Skipping some details, (I rode every ride except the pirate ship, which was closed) around 9:00 I decided to leave and head home. But I got a few midway shots before I left (shots down the midway are some of my favorite amusement park photos)



I can't state well enough what a fun little park Stricker's Grove is. It has a charm that a park from FUN or SIX (or any other large parks for that matter) could never match. I look forward to my next trip, though I don't know if that will be this year. That whole thing where they only open four days a year plus the 4-H festival kinda throws planning off. But regardless, it is truly a top-notch park. The 4-H festival is going on all this week, and rides open at 5:30 PM every night until Saturday. If you live in the area, I HIGHLY recommend a visit. Admission, a ride wristband, and something to eat will only cost you a hair over $20. Not a bad deal!

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He says the pirate ship was closed. Any pictures of it? Would love to see the progress!

Also, this topic reminded me that Stricker's is open this week, so I'm going tomorrow! Can't wait! Honestly, I always end up having more fun at Stricker's then I do at any other park (with the exception of Holiwood Nights.)

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The Pirate ship looked ready to go, but a lot of rides look like they should be functional when they usually aren't *coughFirehawkcough*. I didn't know it had been down for a while. There was a small crane near Tornado's turnaround headed from the station to the lift that I can only assume was being used for the Pirate Ship somehow.

On another note, I just think it's so cool how they've crammed so many great rides into a midway that is probably no bigger than the X-base midway, maybe smaller. And even KI, a high dollar park with lots of money at their disposal, only managed to fit one good ride in that amount of space! And Stricker's even has bathrooms! (Though that may not be fair in this analogy, as the bathrooms at Stricker's are on the clear opposite side of the property from the midway that houses the rides...)

And yes, I did use my own Stricker's Grove trip report to subtlely bash a ride in X-Base.... BUT WHICH ONE!?!?!?

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Noticed the one white section of track. Retracking?

Also, thanks for the trip report! I always love hearing about people's experience at the park!

I'm not sure, but that seems a reasonable guess. I kinda wondered what they do when their coasters need maintenance, particularly the trains. I didn't see a maintenance shed, but I'm assuming they do some maintenance/repairs from time to time.

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^The wheels underneath the track rails that keep the train from flying off the track when you go over hills.

Also, one of the wise, kind posters on this here site.

Terp, who just HAD to (wouldn't it have been cool if upstop had answered the upstop query?). See also John Miller and safety coasters.

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