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Banshee Construction Progress


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^ ^ "IAmABanshee" in regards to the photo you just posted, Kings Island has asked that we provide the photo credit tag below and link the tag directly to the photo.

As stated by KingsIslandPR:

"To clarify, below is what we are requesting:

You can embed our photos on the forums provided you include the photo credit tag below and link the tag directly to the photo. "


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^ ^ "IAmABanshee" in regards to the photo you just posted, Kings Island has asked that we provide the photo credit tag below and link the tag directly to the photo.

As stated by KingsIslandPR:

"To clarify, below is what we are requesting:

You can embed our photos on the forums provided you include the photo credit tag below and link the tag directly to the photo. "


I apologize. It's fixed.

Edit: I forgot the link to the photo of the trains. It's there now. My apologies.

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"@KingsIslandPR: The first car of a Banshee train is out of the delivery truck container."


Credit: @KingsIslandPR on Twitter https://twitter.com/kingsislandpr/status/431116745072324608

I didn't forget this time! :P

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Wow. I've read a lot concerning Banshee, and have closely watched construction. But I never realized until this moment that this will be the first inverted coaster with sideways facing trains. Cool! :lol:

I guess they will have to mount seats back to back to utilize both rails... :P

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I wonder, what does the TOS say about this?

I'm glad for the train to come finally, I hope to see testing in March!

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The vehicles for the first of three trains for the new Banshee roller coaster were delivered today. The longest inverted roller coaster in the world makes its highly-anticipated debut April 18. (From KIs Facebook https://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=10152550870628368&set=a.226729858367.174830.155893938367&type=1&theater)


Image courtesy of Kings Island`s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152550870628368&set=a.226729858367.174830.155893938367&type=1&theater

Edited by GamesAndRides
Please include links back to the original park sources, as requested by the park.
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