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Is Kings Island Haunted?


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Just remember this: Ghosts can not hurt you in the physical sense. Yes, they can frighten the hell out of you, but they cannot cause physical harm.

I was working on TRTR one day and we had a girl who was working unload call the station threatening to leave if we didnt get her off of the ride. When asked why, she said she saw a ghost over there, and if there wasnt a replacement at the exit by the time the ride stop, she was leaving. Needless to say, she left.

Later that same day, I was working that same posistion, and was watching the ride go around, and saw a man in his mid-twenties standing over by the exit, watching the ride, out of the corner of my eye. By the time I realized it, he was gone. I searched that entire exit platform, never found him.

Also, my boss in tech services was working on Phantom Theatre on Maestro during the offseason, when there are no seasonals. He heard a noise in the ride area, turned his head towards it, and when he looked back at Maestro, his head had turned. There was no power and no air pressure on the ride. It was mid Jan. so no left over air would be in the system. Needless to say, he went to work on something else.

Down in Tech Services, if you walked into Scooby or Phantom Theatre (depending on when you worked there) and didnt greet all the characters, the ride would break. Personal experiences on that one.

Ive heard stories of ride ops feeling like something was watching them from the woods on the hill by Gun.

I know a few more, if you want to hear them, then just tell me.

I like these kinds of stories so I'd like to hear the rest of your stories that you have.

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Sorry it took me so long to respond, I have been quite busy. And now, more ghost stories:

For those of you who do not know the Tower Johnny story, here it is.

About mid 80`s, during a senior night at the park, a guy wanted to surprise his girlfriend by jumping onto the elevator when it came up. He set his beer down (fake id apparently) and set his hat right next to it. He then leaned over the side, and forgot about the counterweight, which killed him, and his body was shredded by the structure. Custom was, at that time, that people would prank others by throwing raw meat towards them. So when his cut up corpse hit the ground, people thought it was a joke and didnt report it. Only when his girlfriend noticed he was missing was it reported......

And Tower Johnny lives on.

I was walking around under tower after close with a buddy of mine who worked security. We started hearing noises from the 50 ft. platform, and of course, my security friend had to check it out. We went up the steps to investigate, and all we saw was a full beer and a ball cap sitting right next to the elevator. Needless to say, we left.

A story goes that there used to be a restaraunt where the old Mexican place was. One busy night, there was only one chef on duty, and he went crazy. He went up to the storeroom and turned on the light. He then grabbed his cleaver and cut himself into pieces, while onlookers watched his shadow from the ground.

Some say that you can still see him raising a cleaver into the air and bringing it down on himself. Others have said that the light in that room will turn itself off and on.

Some people have claimed to see balls of light, and even hazy outlines of people walking around the graveyard and North parking lot area of the park after the park closes.

The Witches Fort on the train (whatever its called now) has had its own creepy sightings. It seems that there is something on the inside that drives spirits to it. Some have seen what look like old torch lights at night walking through the woods, straight towards the old fort.

I was sitting in an office in the old town on the train ride one night, and when I turned towards the window facing the train, I saw a light going the opposite way of the train. I ran outside, thinking that they were doing something to the train, I saw one train in the barn, and I heard the wistle of the other train, over by the waterworks station.

Some of the games personell have said to seen "racer boy," a small child wearing a striped red and white shirt running down the midway going towards FoF.

There IS a spirit back in the building next to Scrambler, however he has not manifested herself yet. I can feel her watching. How do I know its a she? Its how she makes me feel. Just from the feeling I get, she is in her mid 40`s, very motherly. I walk back there, and for those of you who know what Im talking about, I feel no malice whatsoever from her. Its pure motherly feelings, protection, love, ect.

In case you are wondering, I can hear spirits (and yes, when you find a talent like that, it will send you nuts until you figure it out), however it takes a lot more for me to actually see anything. That, and the spirit has to want to make contact, you cannot force them to show themselves.

If I remember anything else that has happened to me, I will post them.

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Guest TombraiderTy

Live LOcal doesn't show close enough to make out any house, some brown splotch or something though. Interesting for someone to investigate... who volunteers to jump off the train and climb the wall?

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Guest TombraiderTy
:lol: Okay, on opening day, everybody get on the train at 1:30 PM, and when we pass the fort, everybody jump off! If we're in a large group, at least a few of us will make it. Climb the fort, then have cameras and video cameras ready!
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The fort is so overgrown anyway I dont think anyone would make it.

I have only been to one spot that spirits travel to, which was on Western Kentucky University's campus, and even I, who am used to the feelings of spirits, had to leave after about 5 minutes. But might be fun.

What i have been thinking about doing is going to a couple "haunted" spots around Northern KY/Cincy area just to see if I can make anything out. I think of it as training, but it would still be fun. Anyone else up?

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I am sure that is we asked Maureen nicely that she would let us stay in the park after hours. Haha yeah right. That would be pretty cool though to be a part of a haunted field trip at Kings Island. Nice ghost stories SOB TOM.

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Well, one thing is for sure. NO ONE should be entering there without park permission. Private property is private property for a reason. Knowingly entering an area not open to the public without permission is called trespassing. And Cedar Fair is known to prosecute people for that...for their own protection, and that of the violators...

Just a word to the wise....

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I want to know where the cemetary is in Kings Island. When the land was purchased, there was a cemetary somewhere and a fence was put up around the area. I have looked all over using various arial shots, and I dont see it anywhere, does someone know exactly where it is at?

Note: NVM I just found it!

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Just north of the parking lot, just off of Kings Island Dr. To get to it, just go to the far north of the parking lot and you will see it.

Just a word about graveyards, do NOT go into it if you do not have permission. Again, it is private property, and when KI was built, there was a reason they left it alone and fenced it in.

Just remember this, I dont think you like it when people step on you, so please do not step on others.

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I just remembered one! I was reading another post and just remembered another creepy spot where a spirit lives.

Back by speed pitch, some of you might remember that the Flight Commander queue is still there. Everytime I go back there, I feel another presence, but cannot pin it down. It just watches. It could be the spirit of the girl who fell from Flight Commander, but I dont know.

The woods behind TRTR is another slightly creepy spot. Again, cant confirm if its not just racoons having a good time or not, but it disturbs me to be back there for long.

And as I bring up these creepy spots where I think spirits reside, please do not mess with them. Just let them be, and they will let you be. They will make contact when they are ready, and do not like to be pushed into action. Perfect example: Anyone ever see English version of Ghost Hunters? I love that show, but I will admit, some is smoke and mirrors, but some is actual hauntings. The reason they get the results they get is because they are being almost forced to show themselves. So unless you know how to keep yourself from being posessed, please do not force them to show themselves.

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Well I have never seen racer boy and I worked in games in that area quite a bit in 05. I don't know much about being able to hear or feel ghosts all I know is I have never had an encounter. I can't say I believe or don't believe in them, but when I am in like the coney arcade late at night I make sure I am quick to scram.

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I have never really had a run in with a ghost or presence unless you count going upstairs and gettting that funny feeling in your stomach and you think that someone is following you and you dont want to look back down the stairs to find out.

I do not want to tresspass but if we could get park permisssion then it would legal and pretty darn cool to get in there and do some ghost snooping.

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I know you wouldn't, SOB_TOM, but I wasn't quite so sure about some of our younger members! :)

Yeah I wasnt planning on defacing public property... but man... I would love to get in ther!

Hey Colin, while it definently might be an interesting thing to see, and I know of some former employees who have seen the house, it is located in an area restricted to all park guests at all times. Just follow the rules when at the park, theres not much to see anyways ( ;) )

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You can read about the house within the fort here:


And see some pictures here:


These were taken with consent of the park by those with the approved access.

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