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Remnants of past attractions


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In another topic recently, LordSkippy suggested that we make a compendium of knowledge relating to all remnants of previous attractions that currently exist.

  On 10/7/2013 at 11:23 PM, LordSkippy said:
  On 1/3/2003 at 2:43 PM, Shaggy said:

- Tumble Bug was a Schwarzkopf antique that came from Cincinnati's Coney Island where it operated for many, many years. It was located in Old Coney near The Racer's entrance where the basketball toss now sits. It operated at KI until around 1985 when it was removed for the addition of Skylab. Sadly, the ride was junked and discarded having entertained literally thousands of people for decades. It, IMO, was one of the silliest removals KI ever made.
- Skylab was a Huss Giant Enterprise. Only three ever existed and KI had one of them. It was added in 1986, I think, and lasted until the mid-1990s. It was a maintenance nightmare in which the hydraulic arm would "fail" and the wheel would drop to the ground with a loud "THUD." The ride, althrough a guest favorite, took the place of the Tubble Bug. It was removed after the park deemed the ride too costly to repair and unsafe. It sat idle for a full season before it was fianlly removed. The que and drivers booth (also used for the TB) still exists and can be seen next to The Racer's exit. It has been enclosed, and is used for storage of plush prizes. Only one Giant Enterprise still exists, and it is at KI's sister park Paramount's Canada's Wonderland.

Wait, so the inexplicable rectangular building between the exit path of The Racer and the silly basketball game used to be the queue for the Tumble Bug?

Huh. The more you know.

Somebody should compile a comprehensive list of all the remnants from past attractions. I'd do it, but I haven't the experience necessary.

And so, I've decided that we should give it a shot and see what we can come up with. And hey, since KI is still open for a few weekends, we could even get photos! I'll start the list with every remnant that I know of:

1. Son of Beast's station still stands, and is used for the Wolf Pack maze during Halloween Haunt

2. Crypt's building still stands and is used for the Cavern of Terror maze during Halloween Haunt. Additionally, the Durga sculpture still adorns the wall, and The Bat demon thing still Haunts the antechamber.

3. Until very recently, there were a few footers from King Cobra standing near Adventure Express's queue. I believe those were removed a couple months ago.

4. Flight Commander's queue still stands, and can be seen behind the sports games booths in Coney Mall

5. According to the quoted post, Tumble Bug's queue has been converted into a storage facility for games prizes. No verification on this other than that post, however.

6. Bat's Station and queue are used for Vortex

7. The cars from Thunder Alley can be seen next to the maintenance path near Firehawk. They are very visible from the lift hill.

8. The souvenir photo booth from Kenton's Cove Keelboat Canal can be seen as you are walking out the exit from Cavern of Terror.

9. Some chains from a previous coaster (presumably King Cobra) are present in Flight of Fear's building.

10. Don't quote me on this, but I BELIEVE that at least one of the old cars from Flight of Fear (with OTSRs) is being stored inside Flight of Fear's building.

Feel free to add to the list, or correct me if I'm wrong. I'll try to keep up with this and edit it as information arises, but I can't make any promises :P

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11. Some of the footers for the theming of top gun still exist along the queue for flight deck, up until very recently some of Museum extended queue for Top Gun underneath the station can be seen and there is some activity going on down there. :)

There is a lot things that are used for the Haunt, last year SOB trains, and Phantom theater and all sorts of stuff.

I also know somethings from Cedar Point.

Cedar Point:

1. With in Mean Streak some old/scap for parts cars for Gemini and some old Wild cat cars.

2. Some of the boats and the decorations along the path for the Paddle Wheal Excursions still exist.

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I've got one.

To my knowledge, one of the Skyride footers still exists, near the edge of the Oktoberfest pond on the Bier Garten patio. It used to have a boat covering it, but that has since been removed and a tree has been planted inside the footer.

Also, I believe the Snoopy Boutique used to be the Hanna-Barbera Land Skyride station.

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  On 10/7/2013 at 11:47 PM, homestar92 said:

8. The souvenir photo booth from Kenton's Cove Keelboat Canal can be seen as you are walking out the exit from Cavern of Terror.

Is this the building with the shipping and receiving (I think?) lettering on it? If so, I'd been trying to figure out what that was for a while; thanks! :D

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To add on to the old Skylab ride trivia... for the longest time, the actual operators booth for the old Skylab ride sat inside the parking lot and served as the attendant shelter for the gold pass parking area. It was there as late as 2010. Not sure if its still there or not.

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I'm not sure what it was, but on Firehawk, after we had flipped over for the first drop, I looked down, and directly below the first drop is a dumpster full of ride remnants. Including a grey coaster car with orange lap bars. (Not FOF). Did there used to be a coaster with that sort of color scheme for the cars? Also also The Racer used to have chain between the anti rollbacks on the 4th hill. It might be still sitting there.

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  On 10/8/2013 at 2:09 AM, thoe124 said:

I'm not sure what it was, but on Firehawk, after we had flipped over for the first drop, I looked down, and directly below the first drop is a dumpster full of ride remnants. Including a grey coaster car with orange lap bars. (Not FOF). Did there used to be a coaster with that sort of color scheme for the cars? Also also The Racer used to have chain between the anti rollbacks on the 4th hill. It might be still sitting there.

Maybe not a coaster car, but the old go-karts from Days of Thunder. I can't think of any recent coaster other than FoF with a grey car and orange restraints.

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  On 10/8/2013 at 2:11 AM, Diamondbacker said:
  On 10/8/2013 at 2:09 AM, thoe124 said:

I'm not sure what it was, but on Firehawk, after we had flipped over for the first drop, I looked down, and directly below the first drop is a dumpster full of ride remnants. Including a grey coaster car with orange lap bars. (Not FOF). Did there used to be a coaster with that sort of color scheme for the cars? Also also The Racer used to have chain between the anti rollbacks on the 4th hill. It might be still sitting there.

Maybe not a coaster car, but the old go-karts from Days of Thunder. I can't think of any recent coaster other than FoF with a grey car and orange restraints.

But it had a wheelset under it. (Days of thunders cars are all over on the other side of Firehawk)
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  On 10/7/2013 at 11:47 PM, homestar92 said:

In another topic recently, LordSkippy suggested that we make a compendium of knowledge relating to all remnants of previous attractions that currently exist.

  On 10/7/2013 at 11:23 PM, LordSkippy said:
  On 1/3/2003 at 2:43 PM, Shaggy said:

- Tumble Bug was a Schwarzkopf antique that came from Cincinnati's Coney Island where it operated for many, many years. It was located in Old Coney near The Racer's entrance where the basketball toss now sits. It operated at KI until around 1985 when it was removed for the addition of Skylab. Sadly, the ride was junked and discarded having entertained literally thousands of people for decades. It, IMO, was one of the silliest removals KI ever made.

- Skylab was a Huss Giant Enterprise. Only three ever existed and KI had one of them. It was added in 1986, I think, and lasted until the mid-1990s. It was a maintenance nightmare in which the hydraulic arm would "fail" and the wheel would drop to the ground with a loud "THUD." The ride, althrough a guest favorite, took the place of the Tubble Bug. It was removed after the park deemed the ride too costly to repair and unsafe. It sat idle for a full season before it was fianlly removed. The que and drivers booth (also used for the TB) still exists and can be seen next to The Racer's exit. It has been enclosed, and is used for storage of plush prizes. Only one Giant Enterprise still exists, and it is at KI's sister park Paramount's Canada's Wonderland.

Wait, so the inexplicable rectangular building between the exit path of The Racer and the silly basketball game used to be the queue for the Tumble Bug?

Huh. The more you know.

Somebody should compile a comprehensive list of all the remnants from past attractions. I'd do it, but I haven't the experience necessary.

And so, I've decided that we should give it a shot and see what we can come up with. And hey, since KI is still open for a few weekends, we could even get photos! I'll start the list with every remnant that I know of:

1. Son of Beast's station still stands, and is used for the Wolf Pack maze during Halloween Haunt

2. Crypt's building still stands and is used for the Cavern of Terror maze during Halloween Haunt. Additionally, the Durga sculpture still adorns the wall, and The Bat demon thing still Haunts the antechamber.

3. Until very recently, there were a few footers from King Cobra standing near Adventure Express's queue. I believe those were removed a couple months ago.

4. Flight Commander's queue still stands, and can be seen behind the sports games booths in Coney Mall

5. According to the quoted post, Tumble Bug's queue has been converted into a storage facility for games prizes. No verification on this other than that post, however.

6. Bat's Station and queue are used for Vortex

7. The cars from Thunder Alley can be seen next to the maintenance path near Firehawk. They are very visible from the lift hill.

8. The souvenir photo booth from Kenton's Cove Keelboat Canal can be seen as you are walking out the exit from Cavern of Terror.

9. Some chains from a previous coaster (presumably King Cobra) are present in Flight of Fear's building.

10. Don't quote me on this, but I BELIEVE that at least one of the old cars from Flight of Fear (with OTSRs) is being stored inside Flight of Fear's building.

Feel free to add to the list, or correct me if I'm wrong. I'll try to keep up with this and edit it as information arises, but I can't make any promises :P

That photo booth is actually from TR:TR. There was a ride photo for the first two or three seasons I believe. Back when I worked there we used the building for merch storage, but that was back in 2008.

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  On 10/8/2013 at 1:22 AM, MDMC01 said:
  On 10/7/2013 at 11:47 PM, homestar92 said:

8. The souvenir photo booth from Kenton's Cove Keelboat Canal can be seen as you are walking out the exit from Cavern of Terror.

Is this the building with the shipping and receiving (I think?) lettering on it? If so, I'd been trying to figure out what that was for a while; thanks! :D

That's actually the photo booth for Tomb Raider the Ride, I think.

Edit: Yeah...what he said.

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  On 10/7/2013 at 11:47 PM, homestar92 said:

5. According to the quoted post, Tumble Bug's queue has been converted into a storage facility for games prizes. No verification on this other than that post, however.

If you read Shaggy's original post, it's Skylab's queue that's still standing. LordSkippy mistakenly stated it was Tumble Bug.

The Monorail's maintenance building, alongside random barns and sheds and ponds, are all still standing. And in addition to some of The Bat's footers, its whole station is obviously still standing.

Part of Flying Dutchman's ride platform is still there - it's now the beginning of Adventure Express' queue. Across Oktoberfest, two poles from Der Spinnen Kegger's queue line are hidden among the trees around Viking Fury's exit.

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First, the helper chains are installed on Racer's hills before the turnaround in the early season.

Second, Shaggy did not err--Skylab's quene was the old Tumblebug one. Why would you think a statement like that, if false, would go unchallenged for a decade?

Remember, there are those of us who were there back then and even on opening day in 1972. We don't need to go look up things like that...or rely on the web--which is often not right.

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  On 10/8/2013 at 9:50 AM, The Interpreter said:

Second, Shaggy did not err--Skylab's quene was the old Tumblebug one. Why would you think a statement like that, if false, would go unchallenged for a decade?

Remember, there are those of us who were there back then and even on opening day in 1972. We don't need to go look up things like that...or rely on the web--which is often not right.

I did not notice Shaggy had said the queue was also used for Skylab. However, if you look at the below photo (from opening day 1972), you can see there is no queue behind Tumble Bug, only an exit ramp.


A queue and queue shelter were added with Skylab.


Here is a more recent picture of the area, clearly showing Skylab's queue house as a new storage building.


Now it is of course possible that a new queue was added for Tumble Bug at some point, and said queue was recycled for Skylab. But saying a statement is probably true because it has gone unchallenged for a decade is a foolish idea - there is a plethora of incorrect information in these and many other forums that has never been challenged. Heck, there's plenty of incorrect information on this site's timeline and history pages, outside of the forums.

Edit - None of the above photos are mine, all were found via online searches.

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Apparently one of the gift shops in Snoopy World or whatever it's called was a Skyride station. (I see someone already mentioned this.)

There was also a footer for the Skyride in the lake when that restaurant in Oktoberfest was still Bubba Gump's, but I believe it's gone now. (Darn it, Skippy beat me to this one too!) As of mid-September, the footers for King Cobra which used to be viewable from Days of Thunder's queue are still there, viewable from Adventure Express's queue. In addition, the part of the pavement that led down to DoT now leads into Banshee's construction area.

The old go-karts can be seen while on The Racer.

As of a couple years ago, the former parking shuttles could still be seen out by SoB. Anyone know if they are still there?

Here is a more complete Bat footing.

  On 8/20/2013 at 3:21 AM, HarvestmanMan said:


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