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Soak City Questions, related to small children


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HI all,

I recently recieved a KI pass for 2014. Can anyone tell me about Soak City, specifically in relation to small children (babies, toddlers, preschoolers). I plan to take my boys (will be 1 yr. and 3 yr.) this coming summer. If I upgrade my Regular Season Pass to Gold, I think I can enter at 10:30 am- is that correct?

If I set our stuff down, towels, stroller, bags, will it be safe? Will I need to venture far from our "home base"? I am not a huge fan of crowds, nosie, and general overstimulation (so a small neighborhood pool would have been my ideal-- but this was a gift ;)

I would only be coming for an hour or so, and would just like access to a no-frills baby pool, splash area... Someone in a pervious post mentioned I may be able to defer our passes (if unprocessed) until 2015, which might make sense for us...

Thanks for your help!

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Even though you're only going for a short time, leaving things unattended is at your own risk, no matter how insignificant you may deem them. (of course, the park will rent you lockers, but they are on the expensive side--around 10-15 bucks if I remember right, although you get some of it back when you return your key)The water park get crowded early on warm sunny days, so going first thing would be your best bet. The early entry may or may not be back for 2014..watch this space or the park's webpage for updates. As far as deferring your pass, you would need to call the park directly to get an answer.

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Thanks everyone, this has been so helpful. What a nice community of KI lovers... I am the opposite of a rollercoaster lover/ thrill seeker, so KI is not my ideal place, but I appreciate my husband's gift (thinking Soak City would be fun). I also appreciate all of your answers and input. Really useful info!

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There are a couple of play areas for toddlers and preschoolers, and they might enjoy the (very) shallow end of the wave pools (for which they will be required to wear life jackets, available free of charge). Otherwise, there's not much to do until they reach 40" tall, at which point some of the major slides begin to open up to them. Gold passholders were able to enter at 10:30 the past few years, but that may or may not be the same next year as the list of benefits has not been announced. However, the attractions do not open until 11:00, so there's not much to do during that half hour.

Do NOT, under any circumstances, leave stuff unattended, even something as simple as your clothes. If it's not on your person, it needs to be locked up. Lockers are expensive; last time I looked, they were $12 small/$15 medium/$21 large for an all-day rental, and prices may have gone up since then. I recommend arriving around 10:00 to 10:15, parking as close to the waterpark gate as you can (you can get a lot closer to the waterpark gate than you can the main gate), and using your car as a locker. Lock your main set of keys in your car and carry a single spare key attached to the front of your swimsuit so you can get back into your car. Then do the waterpark in the morning/early afternoon (these are the least crowded hours by far), and migrate into the dry side of the park when the waterpark begins to become crowded in the heat of the mid-afternoon.

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I love coasters, but when my children were toddlers, there were minimal things to do. My daughter was very short for her age. I have a friend that is not so into coasters, but loves water parks (I don't care for them as much) who would take my daughter to the water park and kids area. I would take my son and her two boys to ride coasters after they were done with the water park.

However, we've always gotten our money's worth since she got tall enough to ride rides. She begged and cried every visit to ride the big rides (she was not totally happy with the kids section, but her big brother rode big coasters.) she's like me and loves coasters now.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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JC Goble3- thanks for info- you said that attractions do not open until 11, within Soak City. What about wave pool or splash pool or baby pool-- those seem like non-attractions/ non-rides to me. Are they closed till 11 am too? Visitors cannot enter any body of water until 11 am?? So, the perks of early entry are to obtain a chair? Are chairs hard to come by at 11 am? I see that the rules state no outside food or bevs. So I can't bring some pb & j sandwiches and apple slices in a cooler??

Also, if I do not upgrade to Gold, is there anywhere to park that is free?? On the street anywhere??


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There is no free parking anywhere close to the park. Food is not permitted to be brought in. It sometimes happens, yes, but it's not supposed to. No coolers in the park.

And yes, if you have a stroller unattended, it may disappear.

And no, bodies of water do not open before the attractions. At least not in years past. The bodies of water are primary attractions in the water park.

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We've had our stroller on the dry side of the park practically every vist for the last 3 seasons. We've never had it anything taken from it, let alone moved (unless they slide it over a few inches so they could get enough room for their own stroller).

This is on the dry side, as I mentioned on the other thread we don't go to the water park other than passing by on the train (or in the fall for halloween when the water is shut off) so I can't speak to the safety of strollers on the dry side. Generally speaking we take any valuables out of the stroller, but there's always been a diaper bag, or other items, things of minimal value that could be taken easily, but as far as I've noticed, its never been touched.

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to add to what terpy as said, w/ bringing in young kids, we've often had sippy cups full of water (even in plain view with the kid holding them) as well as "snacks" for the kid(s) in the diaper bag.

Park policy is clearly no, but in reality we've never been stopped, nor has anyone even looked thru our bag or mentioned a word as one of our kids chomps up some puffs or cheerios when moving from one coaster to the next.

they'll even fill up your sippy cup with ice and tap water if free.

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The wave pools, baby pools, etc. are considered attractions. Basically, you cannot get wet until 11:00.

As Terpy just said, there is no free parking anywhere close from where it would be safe to walk. KI is located on a busy road running between two close interstate exits with a 45 mph speed limit, and you cannot park on the road. You have to utilize the KI parking lot.

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Are chairs hard to come by at 11 am?

The chairs fill up really, really fast most summer days. If early entry is still on the perks list....yes, take advantage. I echo all who said about bringing any personal items to the park (keys, wallets, and even cellphones) best bet is lockers and even better than lockers is your car, imo. Me personally....I'd just leave the stuff at home, I am someone who don't need the coasters in order to have a good time at the park so it usually just my camera I have and its usually around my shoulders/neck.

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....Park policy is clearly no, but in reality we've never been stopped, nor has anyone even looked thru our bag or mentioned a word as one of our kids chomps up some puffs or cheerios when moving from one coaster to the next.....

Cheerios is a registered trademark of General Mills for its toasted oat cereal. As such, it is always capitalized.

Terp, who does what he does because he must

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What Terpy said. Leave the key fob in your car and use a regular key to gain access.

As for your pass, two options: you can enter, turn right around, get your hand stamped, put the pass in your car, and then re-enter with the handstamp; or you can go to the shop to the left of the entrance and spend $5 on a "beach safe", which is essentially a small, waterproof container that you can wear around your neck or tie to your swimsuit. The latter will also enable you to carry a little money and, yes, your car key as well. The beach safe would be a one-time purchase; you can take it home with you and reuse it.

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What about your KI pass? might someone try to steal that? What do you do with that while at SoakCity?

The best piece of advice I can tell you about all of your questions is that visiting Kings Island is a skill that can't ever be mastered. It's not like driving to someplace out in the country to unwind. You really have to be on your toes and be thinking all the time. Does this mean it's not fun? Of course not. I have being going for 20+ years, some members on here much longer. Just keep in mind there are things you'll learn on every visit that you go, and you'll probably always do something different on each visit than you did on the visit before that.

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Well thanks again. Yes, KI sound slike a fun place for some. But not my cup of tea. I really would just like a refund for this gift ;) I have called a few times today and no answer... I am a quiet, low key, no frills pool type of person. I am perfectly happy with the free splash pools around town, with the ages of my boys (1 and 3). Fingers crossed for a refund!!!

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