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Kings Island 2014 Discussion Thread


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  On 6/7/2014 at 1:08 PM, The Interpreter said:

Hydra said they didn't necessarily look like they are from KI.

I'm confirming they are not.

More than that I cannot say.

And, if the picture displayed is an actual photo of the seats being sold, then I can confirm that they are not from Carowinds either, as their theater had the same seats as the one at Kings Island.

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So my wife and I are planning to take a long weekend trip to Cincy, and KI either in late July or August. Just wondering what we should expect for Banshee wait times?

Last year we paid the extra for the Fast Lane Plus, and we are planning on purchasing those again this season.

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Guest dtk1376

So far wait times for Banshee have been very reasonable, just make sure you don't have any loose articles on you in the line as they will not let you ride with them. I'd say at most for the queue I have seen (except for opening day) has been around 45 minutes, I'm sure there has been longer waits but not that I have seen.

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  On 6/8/2014 at 2:28 PM, chuck_bob34 said:

So my wife and I are planning to take a long weekend trip to Cincy, and KI either in late July or August. Just wondering what we should expect for Banshee wait times?

Last year we paid the extra for the Fast Lane Plus, and we are planning on purchasing those again this season.

A. Welcome to KIC!

B. With Fast Lane Plus, wait times should be minimal..a train or two weekdays, I'd think not more than 20 minutes most weekends.

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I was looking around the forums and didn't see anything about this yet. It would appear as though Flight of Fear has been upgraded from Fast Lane to Fast Lane Plus. Please see:


It also looks as though Gatekeeper is back to being on Fast Lane Plus only at Cedar Point.


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  On 6/10/2014 at 6:47 PM, jcgoble3 said:

This page says the same regarding Flight of Fear: https://www.visitkingsisland.com/things-to-do/thrill-rides

Interesting. Not having seen the Flight of Fear line on busy days yet this season, I can't comment as to whether it truly needs this or not, but it's an interesting change nonetheless.

FoF was a 3 hour wait last time I went

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  On 6/10/2014 at 7:07 PM, upstop said:

Diamondback should be added to plus too.

Honestly, I don't have issues with Diamondback being a regular Fast Lane ride. I do have issues with how many people Diamondback is putting through on an hourly basis this year. There are some crews that are exceptions to this, but the load/interval times this year on Diamondback have not been good. I'd MUCH rather Kings Island do away with the (completely unnecessary) seat belts and focus on better capacity than move Diamondback to Fast Lane Plus. I can't imagine too many people buying regular Fast Lane if Banshee, Diamondback, FOF and Firehawk were all only on Plus.

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Does anyone happen to know how much Dinosaurs Alive costs? Is there a bring-a-friend discount if I use my gold pass to buy a ticket for someone else for it? I know it is free for me with my pass.

I'm considering taking my husband to the park on Father's Day, and I thought it would be cool to do Dinosaurs Alive with him, since I haven't checked it out yet.

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  On 6/10/2014 at 7:33 PM, gad198 said:
  On 6/10/2014 at 7:07 PM, upstop said:

Diamondback should be added to plus too.

Honestly, I don't have issues with Diamondback being a regular Fast Lane ride. I do have issues with how many people Diamondback is putting through on an hourly basis this year. There are some crews that are exceptions to this, but the load/interval times this year on Diamondback have not been good. I'd MUCH rather Kings Island do away with the (completely unnecessary) seat belts and focus on better capacity than move Diamondback to Fast Lane Plus. I can't imagine too many people buying regular Fast Lane if Banshee, Diamondback, FOF and Firehawk were all only on Plus.

The seat belts aren't the issue. When I last went, the crews checked everything quickly like they should, but then stood around doing nothing. It felt like the guy in the drive box was waiting for the trains to stack before dispatching.

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The whole "scan" thing to me is kind of silly. While I understand it's about safety it seems redundant. Saw several ops this weekend, scan. Then the ride op at controls would say "ready?" To then have the crew look yet again to give the clear signal. Looking and clearing the ride area, seemed to work fine last year and years prior. Not sure why this year is different.

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