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Apparently, Line Jumping IS an Accepted Sporting Event at KI Now :)


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The biggest thing we all need to remember is this, what is worth our time and money and energy? Is it worth getting upset, yelling, and ruining your day because two kids/teenagers/adults jumped the line? Maybe you are yelling to have a little fun, thats fine, but is it really worth getting that upset over?

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The worker at the test seat for Diamondback actually pulled someone to the back of the line for line jumping :)

  On 5/5/2014 at 2:38 AM, Andrew said:

Fines are enough as it is already, getting one that's doubled is even worse. This is done for worker safety of course.

Kind of surprised I've never seen the signs like they have in Tennessee for their work areas. "Slow down! My daddy works here!"

I've seen those signs. In Ohio I think....it's been a few years.

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  On 5/7/2014 at 3:08 PM, APE said:

The defeatist attitude is what causes this type of activity to happen. If you don't have the courage to say "hey, that's not acceptable here" then discreetly inform one of the ride attendants.

No don't take my comment as defeatist. It was more a "don't let it ruin your day" type comment

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All guests using regular queues can and should be required to abide by the regular rules regarding lines, including those regarding line jumping and loose articles, that apply to all other guests at all times. Those who cannot abide by those rules for medical reasons should go to Guest Services and obtain a disability pass that allows them to obtain a return time and wait in a more comfortable spot until that time. If you choose to wait in a regular queue, you are implicitly agreeing to comply with ALL posted rules, regardless of any medical conditions or limitations that you may have. That is precisely why the disability pass exists.

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  On 5/9/2014 at 12:19 AM, jcgoble3 said:

If you choose to wait in a regular queue, you are implicitly agreeing to comply with ALL posted rules, regardless of any medical conditions or limitations that you may have. That is precisely why the disability pass exists.

That's not necessarily true. For those with disabilities, "reasonable" accommodations generally must be made.

Concerned guests should talk to Guest Services to inquire about any necessary accommodations, including accessible ride entrances and dietary requirements.

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You know, this topic should've been locked by the time the first post was done. There isn't much need for a discussion, because it's all the same answer.

Line Jumping isn't allowed. At any park, whether it would be Cedar Fair, Six Flags, or Alton Towers. If someone line jumped, it should be reported, and when it's reported, that person should be taken off the line (If there is solid proof, of no solid proof ex. a Photo, or Video. Then at least 2 groups should report it.)

Simple as it is, Line jumping is not allowed. PERIOD.

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I think we are all in agreement that line jumping is strictly forbidden. The issue of this discussion really is how we react to people who line jump and I think this makes a very interesting discussion. And I think, all and all, this has been a very civil discussion.

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I have Diabetes. I need to bring my bag on the ride. I have to if something were to happen I have to have my medical stuff with me! If I have to step out of line and come back. Suck it up I can't help it. I have a note signed by my diabetic doctor saying that it is absolutely necessary. If I'm still not allowed that's discrimination! I need this stuff to live.

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How is that discrimination? Some rides simply cannot accommodate loose articles on the ride. If you have a disability pass, they will probably let you leave the bag in the station, but there is absolutely NO way in the world that they can possibly allow a loose article (e.g. your bag) to be taken on a ride if it cannot be secured, because unsecured loose articles present a real and present danger to other riders and potentially to spectators. If you cannot ride with taking loose articles with you on the ride, then you most likely will simply not be able to ride, because the safety of everyone else comes first. Not every ride can accommodate every disability, and that's OK. It is most definitely NOT discrimination. If every thrill ride was required to accommodate every disability known to man, there would be no such thing as thrill rides.

And if you have a medical condition that prevents you from standing in line for a long, continuous time, you are STILL not allowed to line-jump. Are they required to make a "reasonable accommodation? Yes: that reasonable accommodation is a disability pass, NOT permission to line-jump. The disability pass exists specifically for people like you who are unable to wait in the regular line. Use it and don't line-jump illegally, because line-jumping is ALWAYS illegal.

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  On 5/9/2014 at 3:47 AM, jcgoble3 said:

line-jumping is ALWAYS illegal.

A violation of park rules, for sure, but illegal?

What constitutes a "reasonable" accommodation isn't always cut-and-dry. If he can usually wait in the standard queue, he might prefer to wait with his friends instead of always getting a return time. Many people don't like receiving more accommodation than they actually need.

If he does have to leave, I would assume that he then gets a return time to rejoin his party in the station. (Rather than being escorted back into a crowded queue area.)

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@Delirium2018 The park will not stop you from leaving the line to take care of your medical needs, however your special need does not constitute an excuse to return to your spot. You can't expect Cedar Fair to just allow diabetics to leave the line and return to their spot... it would cause not only chaos but suddenly everyone would have an excuse to leave and return. You are in no way restricted from leaving the line, but its understood that by leaving the line you lose your spot so my advice to you would be plan your que's accordingly.

ps I am also a diabetic.

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I absolutely have no problem with making exceptions for people with conditions like Diabetes. I have several friends who are Diabetic and, while I understand that the condition can be controlled, I understand that unexpected things can happen. When that happens, I have no problem with the person leaving the line to take care of their medical needs and then returning to the line. ( I remind you all that I am still standing by the current rules of the park as is my responsibility as a KIC member-I am just saying that I would give my blessing to any change in such existing rules to accomodate those with health issues.)

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Personally, it doesn't bother me a bit if someone needs to step out of the line for a medical issue and then return with their party. I don't see this as having any negative effect on my wait time. The only time I take issue with line jumping is when a large group of people tries to enter the line with just one person who has been standing in line, This seems to happen more often when school groups are at the park.

Here's the thing folks, yes the rules say no line jumping, but sometimes that needs to be bent based on the totality of the circumstances. I am just as excited to hurry up and get on a ride but I want everyone to be able to enjoy those rides as well. I have some friends who are diabetic who would feel extremely embarrassed to even consider getting one of the disability passes and I completely understand why they would just want to stand in the normal line.

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  On 5/9/2014 at 5:07 AM, HTCO said:

If you see line jumping get another party to complain with you and make sure you tell a supervisor as well. Some employees are new and are not familiar with some policies yet.

Sadly not all sups care either. After talking to the Male sup on DB about a camera on the ride you could evidently see and he shrugged his shoulders, wow. That killed me. Then the sup in controls just..ugh. I expect more next visit.

In regards to the Diabetic episode. I understand the necessity of testing and materials to help control your levels, see it every day. I work next door to an Endocrine clinic so it's all familiar. If I was a ride op and someone had to leave the line, I'd actually help accomodate them to where they were before, if anyone gave them lip that's an easy thing to defend. I would however stress the disability pass. I'd be more comfortable with you as a patient being able to rest and relax or seek another attraction where you're not out "exerting" if you will and not have any complications, than be in the line and have a potential episode. I would suggest that route in the future as to not cause issues for yourself, or worry bystanders/ride ops who have no clue about the complications to your diagnosis. Just food for thought. It's a good pass and has good intentions to help accomodate those such as yourself, I'd look into it.

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The sad thing is that the park has a million signs saying no line jumping, and they tell you that bags and such can't be on the rides. But hardly anyone reads them. I will only line jump if I am asked to by a worker if they are looking for a single rider on a ride.

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  On 5/4/2014 at 10:50 PM, CookeGMP said:
  On 5/4/2014 at 8:32 PM, Miythandria said:

I really get upset by line jumpers. Usually, they are a bunch of teens who want to ride with their friends and just push their way through. I know, I know. I should just relax.

At any rate, yesterday a group of several youth cut about 50 places in front of me. Due to his clothing, one of them really stood out. When I complained to the staff, I was told that this was a shame, BUT more than one group of people had to complain for them to even talk to the kid and his gang.

You wouldn't have happened to have made your complaint and pointed them out in The Racer line to security did you?

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No, it was The Beast line. And the line was so long. At first, I used my cell phone to make a PM complaint. Then, I wondered how often they read their PMs. I then called the main desk. I was told to let the staff know when we got to the front of the line. When I did so, I was told their policy. I honestly didn't want the young people removed from the park. I just wanted them to be warned about their behavior.

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It's funny, I never really looked at people catching up with their family or friends as line jumping, probably since I've seen it done a thousand times at parks all over my entire life. It really bothers many of you pretty bad, glad we as a family always wait and walk in together! I'm still not going to let it ruin my day when I see it done, and I refuse to tattle tale over something so silly, at least silly to me, I'm just glad to be alive and enjoying being in an amusement park to worry about something so small.

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  On 5/10/2014 at 6:05 AM, BansheeFanShe said:

I will have to say that the line jumping was pretty bad today. In the Firehawk line it happened right in front of the worker and he didn't say a word. I usually ignore it but after the 5th time it was pretty old.

I noticed that too but it seemed to be little kids trying to remain with their school group after being told they had to store their bags in a locker. Technically this line jumping but I don't think most people, including employees, see it as such since we are talking about little kids who don't know better. They should wait to the side of the entrance while some of their group uses the lockers then walk in together but again they are kids and the lines weren't terribly long so I was like ehh whatever and didn't bother to mention it to the employees. Teenagers on the other hand... get to the back of the line you should know better...

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  • 2 weeks later...

A few years ago my friend and I were waiting for DB. A girl cut in front with us and my friend confronted her about it. You will not believe this but she said that she worked at KI. ( Thus being allowed to cut in line.) We kept our eye on her ( she joined a group not too far from us) and at the station we spoke with a ride supervisor and advised that this girl who stated that she was an employee at KI cut in line. We found out indeed that she was an employee. I don't know if she was disciplined in any way but she was not allowed on the ride. Hopefully this was brought to the attention of her supervisor.

This is an example of where I do draw the line of letting line cutting pass. In this situation I felt in a way " violated" that an employee had the gall to treat me, a good customer , in such a way.

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