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23 is pretty average price for a full rack... Didn't know it was that cheap

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For a full rack? Yes, it is. But I'm not paying for a full when I can only eat a half (and even then just barely).

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Yeah, well, I haven't had the chance to do that yet. :)

I've only eaten there twice, once on the second day of public operation last year by myself, and once last July with my mother. I have yet to eat there with a KIC group.

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I want to love Tom+Chee, but I just think it's way overrated. I've been a few times and tried a couple different sandwiches that were ok to me but nothing to rave about, and I didn't like the tomato soup much at all. The prices are definitely fair though, I'll give them that. It's a place I'll eat at maybe once a year but that's about it.

HOWEVER, I'm all for a place like that moving into the park. The food itself would be a good fit for the park I think, plus I would love to see a smaller local establishment like that get even more exposure. And even with the prices marked up, it could still be an affordable option. So even though I'm not a huge fan, I would support a place like that moving into the park.

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There are ADA issues to be worked out if the IS restaurant is ever to reopen on a full time basis again. Given the cost to retrofit the area, I'm guessing the park will invest in standalone locations throughout the park and keep the IS Restaurant for special use only.

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Ok, I didn't see a 'vote' that matched but... I would *love* to see a Boardwalk Fries stand, and a Johnsonville stand in the park. I like fast, inexpensive, and made-to-order. I hate waiting in huge lines for rides, and then in huge lines for food. Boardwalk fries are made to order and I'll wait a little for that - they're never just sitting under a heatlamp (fries only last about 5 minutes that way) - and the ones at KD have all sorts of seasonings to put on them - Cajun, Old Bay, Garlic salt, etc. The Johnsonville Brat stands at CP are excellent, fast, and tasty and they offer Platinum Perks (BOGO) on them! :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

The Johnsonville Brat stands at CP are excellent, fast, and tasty and they offer Platinum Perks (BOGO) on them! :D

Not anymore, most of the platinum pass meal deals disappeared this season, replaced with a simple 10% off.

I'd say that's fair considering that you can get all you can eat or season long dining plans now. Which neither are a hateful price!

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I would like to see the International Street Restaurant get a refurbishment and become a full operation take place instead of what is going on now. (wishful thinking of course)

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