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Cedar Point to name ride after LeBron James upon return to CLE?

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I am so sick and tired of hearing about Lebron James in Cleveland. He betrayed Cleveland because the Cavs couldn't win so he went to Miami. I don't want him back in Cleveland nor having a ride a Cedar Point Being named after a jerk like him.

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^^ while im sick of hearing about it too, i wouldnt say he betrayed Cleveland. The man wanted to WIN so he did what he thought was best for him and it paid off. He got two rings and was in the finals 4 years in a row. My opinion on Cedar Points offer is that it kinda makes my skin crawl. I like LeBron, but naming a ride after him just to get him to return to a city that the ride/park is not even located in is far beyond ridiculous.

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Oh come on. He did not betray anyone. He went to where he thought he would have a better chance at winning. These athletes are employees of a business. They do not owe anyone anything. They are paid to do a job. No one ever gets mad at a manager who goes to another job because they have better benefits. By winning, LeBron has made more money through endorsements that he would have never gotten here (without winning).

Not to mention all of the money, time, and other intangibles he brings back to the city of Akron and the Cleveland area, its laughable that people can even attempt to paint him as a bad guy. I was upset that he left, I admit that. Not because of any other reason than that meant the Cavs were going to go back to losing. Which they did.

On the ride, its a marketing move. Maybe it will be something like "LeBron's Raptor" or "The King's Mean Streak"....

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Yes, LaBackstabber betrayed Cleveland.

The team DID make the NBA finals. You have to win to do that. If he lets other players know he is staying in C-Town, they sign with the Cavs.

Since the other players knew he was not committed to the team, they had no reason to sign either.

Jr. Gemini? Nope. Jr. Jordan is more appropriate.

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Agreed the team (Cavs) made some great runs with LBJ. But the Big 3 came together and only mustered 2 rings. But they are two rings.

If he comes back to the Cavs, some people will stay angry at what he did, but once he gets the Cavs back to the playoffs, those people will either be quieted or no one will listen to them. Winning cures all.

Look at Ken Griffey Jr. Had he been on a winning team when he had the injuries, people would have been more forgiving. But because the team lost a bunch of those games those years, people say Grif was a scrub. I still get sad and embarrassed to be a Reds fan when I recall people booing Griffey when he dove for a ball in CF and damaged his shoulder.

What if Gemini is renamed 23/6..... or maybe 23/32 http://factoryofsadness.co/2014/07/07/report-lebron-james-wear-32-cleveland-return/

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  On 7/9/2014 at 11:49 PM, The Interpreter said:


(Blue Streak. Not overrated. At all.)

and Maverick.

I specified "major coaster". Considering that most of my casual coaster riding friends don't even realize that Blue Streak is there, I can't call it a major coaster, though I do love the ride. And I personally do find Maverick overrated. I'd rather be on Sky Rocket, because that means I'm at the world's finest theme park.

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  On 7/9/2014 at 11:51 PM, thedevariouseffect said:

You sir forget Twister, Corkscrew, Blue Streak, Maverick, and Gemini

I usually share your thoughts..but wow..that's a bit drastic my friend.

I will give you Gemini and Corkscrew for sure. I've never known many non-enthusiasts to care about Blue Streak. So while it is definitely underrated, I still wouldn't call it one of their major coasters. That is the same reason for the exclusion of Mine Ride. I will say that Maverick, while good, didn't wow me like everyone said it would. As for Twister, it's fun, but definitely not something I'd stand in line more than about a half hour for.

And I've always kinda used the terms "amusement park" and "theme park" relatively interchangeably. I'm sure there's a difference, but at the end of the day, I have just as much fun at either, so I've never felt a need to differentiate.

Also, don't get me wrong. Cedar Point is a great park with a lot of good coasters. I just don't think it's nearly AS great as everyone claims. Give me Kennywood, KI, or Carowinds any day.

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