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Off topic cedar point trip

Chris Pki Fan

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I went to Cedar Point this week on Mondey through Wensday. I had a great trip except for the fact that Top Thrill Dragster wasn't open and hasn't been for a week. But after I looked past that fact I had a great time. The rides at Cedar Point are better than those at PKI that was a given but the PKI has a better surrounding and Cedar Point is more of a sell out they have almmost no theming what so ever and in the main area of the park there are more rides than trees. But then they do have the rides. Since Top Thrill was closed The lines were long and tiresome but the wait was worth it. My Day normaly started with Raptor (The Parks veritical rollercoaster) I would always ride in the Front row if given the chance, Becouse if the line for the front row was to long they would block it so you coould't get in line mad.gif . The it would be about 10:30 and I would stand in Line to get a freeway stamp for Millinium Force wich are handed out at 11:00 then walk over to get a Freeway for Mantis( a sweet standup coaster) Next I would Ride the Train To Frontier Land and ride Mean Streak smile.gif , Gemini, Magnum Xl 200, Corcsrew,Powertower, Then head to my 1:00 freeway on Force skiping about an hour of line get in the average 40min wait for the front row and the sit on the Best steal coaster on the planet Zip up the 300Ft Cable lift Hill Out 25mph. Plumit down the 80 degree drop at 92 Mph vind blowing in my face heading into the first overbanked turn then the next over the 100ft+ bunny hill flying out of my seat going through more overbanked turns over another large bunny hill. Through the second tunnel over a small bunny hill next to the station into the last overbanked turn and break. What a ride you have to ride in the front. Then headed over to Mantis and enjoyed the rest off the rides till 10:00 then went to the hotel.

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I don't get why MF is so great.... yea it was fun at first but all it does is go fast and the first hill is tall. I would much rather get on The Beast before any coaster like that!

I agree i dont get why is MF so great...i would rather ride The Beast

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Me to I think that Face-off is MUCH better. MF is just a couple hills that uyou go down fast whopdie do

You've probably never even ridden Millennium Force have you? You must also not get out to many other parks. Face\Off can be found at other parks around the country. You can't find Millennium Force anywhere else in the world.

Tanner's Reasons Why Millennium Force Is Better Than Face\Off

1) Millennium Force is unique, not a clone.

2) Millennium Force is full circuit, Face\Off is not

3) Millennium Force has a better capacity.

4) They spent time on Millennium Force, Face\Off was already pre- designed.

By the way just for fun, your second word in your post is to, it should be too with two o's. Face\Off has a \ Not a -. Whoopdie is not spelled whopdie. Also you is spelled you, not uyou. Oh yeah in your phrase "whopdie do," do should have two o's also.

Edited by Tanner
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Whoa! Okay for face/Off to even be compared to Millennium Force is obscure. Are we a little jealous here? Millennium Force is the best roller coaster in the world because:

1. 300 foot drop at an 80 degree angle.

2. Can you say bye bye to your little tummy.

3. Two GREAT floater airtime hills.

4. One great ejector air hill.

5. Smooth as glass.

6. 3 great overbanks.

7. So much positive g's people black out frequenlty.

8. Doesn't loose speed.

9. No Trims (Beast cough cough)

10. Because almost every enthusiast, GP member, and the golden tickets SAY SO!!!! Not to mention almost every other poll.

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Me to I think that Face-off is MUCH better. MF is just a couple hills that uyou go down fast whopdie do

You've probably never even ridden Millennium Force have you? You must also not get out to many other parks. Face\Off can be found at other parks around the country. You can't find Millennium Force anywhere else in the world.

Tanner's Reasons Why Millennium Force Is Better Than Face\Off

1) Millennium Force is unique, not a clone.

2) Millennium Force is full circuit, Face\Off is not

3) Millennium Force has a better capacity.

4) They spent time on Millennium Force, Face\Off was already pre- designed.

By the way just for fun, your second word in your post is to, it should be too with two o's. Face\Off has a \ Not a -. Whoopdie is not spelled whopdie. Also you is spelled you, not uyou. Oh yeah in your phrase "whopdie do," do should have two o's also.

You have WAY to much time on your hands to correct someone on how they spell. Who CARES????

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I haven't been on SD200, but I could only guess to say that Millennium Force is better. I mean come on I would much rather be on a smooth Intamin that is basically the same height (1 foot not 8, but 1 its only 311 feet when officially measured) and same speed (2MPH), with an 80 degree drop angle, then a Morgan wit a simliar layout to magnum (just replace the pretzel with the two inclines).

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I have been to Cedar Point before, and it has a lot of really awesome rides. But i like Kings Island A LOT MORE. The whole atmosphere is different, and i think that the ride ops at Kings Island are a lot more friendly and helpful. At Cedar Point, most ride ops just shrugged their shoulders. And i did see their childerns area and walked through it, and i have to say that Kings Islands Childrens area is so much more advanced and better. There were some coasters that really impressed me, but NONE of Cedar Points flat rides gave me a thrill like Kings Islands. People can disagree with me on this, but it is my opinion and i am sticking with it.

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