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I agree with APE on that one. I figure all the "enthusiasts" will be up in arms over these installations.

On a side note, these mega loop installations got me to thinking. This would be a good installation at Camden Park. I'll go ahead and call it a coaster because it has a coaster train even though it's not full circuit. (See Superman SFMM). I would also note that the Demon at KI really wasn't much more than this ride save for the two towers.

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One of the articles linked in here or linked from a linked article talked about the construction. Basically they are loosing 3000 feet of track with the rebuild. They are taking out one of the spurs that goes to the left side of the tracks. Soooo The coaster would start on the right lift hill, go through its stuff then when it would come back into the station (if it was the original set up) it actually bypasses the station completely and goes up the left lift hill. Then it goes through its stuff then returns to the station.

Imagine if they put The Beast's second lift hill at the exact same location as the first lift hill (sort of). Thats the idea here.

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I haven't seen a rendering showing the full layout of Twisted Colossus....?

Maybe I'm looking in the wrong places?.....Or maybe the park just didn't release a rendering of this sort....?

I'm very curious and hoping that I can find one, if any of you happened to have run across one, maybe you can point me in that direction. :)

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I haven't seen a rendering either, but this video cleared up a lot for me. Actually, neither "side" is exceptionally long. It's an out-and-back track, not even a figure-8 or anything. So it literally goes out, then comes back. Haha.

Basically halfway through, the train on the green track dives off and exits. Immediately thereafter, the train on the blue track suddenly turns green and meets a new blue track train that's emerging from the station. I'm assuming they'll have the two sync up (otherwise, what's the point? But I ask that of Kings Island, too).

As far as the Super Loop thing, if you like them then that's totally cool. But don't act like it's so weird and elitist that enthusiasts are questioning it. It's comparable to flashy, carnival-sized HUSS Top Spins suddenly popping up in parks. At first, that was probably very striking to fans. Why would a very obvious carnival ride belong here? Obviously, the concept grew and they became better themed and less gaudy and were re-defined by fans as something that COULD fit in a theme park given just a few little tweaks.

But that comes with time and with growth. Super Loops haven't had that time. It's still very striking to consider them in a theme park. Maybe 10 years from now, it'll be the norm and they'll have evolved "into" the parks like Top Spins have, but for now it's not outrageous or unbelievable that fans are questioning the move.

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You'd say that, even with Six Flags Great America? Great Adventure?

I can agree with you in a sense, given that Twisted Colossus is getting its own new themed area: Back Alley.

Not kidding.

They're bothering to create a new, original land for the ride. Called Back Alley.



Twisted Colossus will be the focal point of the newly themed area, Back Alley, where guests can expect the unexpected through whimsical experiences in entertainment, food and retail.

You can expect the unexpected in a Back Alley. Wowzers.

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Twisted Colossus looks like it'll have a rather unique pre-lift section.




Pictures courtesy of thecoasterguy.com.

I'm hoping there's a good drop out of the station to give the trains enough speed to really get the right affect with all those little banked humps before the lift. Might turn out awkward otherwise.

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  On 1/25/2015 at 10:55 PM, Dieseltech20 said:

So, what exactly is so bad about SFA?

Funny how most of the "don't go there alone" reports that I see involve Six Flags parks.

Amusement parks typically spring up around large metropolitan areas (the more potential customers to draw from, the better). After they open, they're pretty much tied to that community. The way the city goes, so goes the amusement park. It happens that the cities SFA draws from provide the park with some (frankly) undesirable, low income visitors. From there comes the reputation as families and middle-upper income folks flee and voila... a park given over to the rogues.

There but by the grace of God go we, though. In 1972, no one could've known what the Columbus / Cincinnati / Lexington / Indianapolis areas that Kings Island draws from have evolved over the past 40 years into decent cities. That said, it's a park's responsibility to combat that to some degree. SFA hasn't helped its cause much with rock bottom admission, etc. etc.

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  On 1/25/2015 at 10:55 PM, Dieseltech20 said:

So, what exactly is so bad about SFA?

Funny how most of the "don't go there alone" reports that I see involve Six Flags parks.

Given the type of incidents at SFA, not being alone is of little help...

I have NEVER seen anyone offer THAT advice as to that park. EVER.

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Some of it is right here on KIC. Parking lot melees. Car break-ins. Muggings. Large fights.

I've lived in DC more than two years now. I now read the local media.

I used to go to SFA nearly every year. Sometimes several times.

I've been exactly once since I lived here. On a Sunday. And I was out of the place by 2 PM.

I'm not apt to go back anytime soon.

My Six Flags Gold Pass is from SFNE.

I frequently go to NJFTP.

Read between the lines.

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As far as I'm concerned:

1. Rough clientele. I wouldn't want to be there alone. As you've read, Dieseltech, I'm not the only one who feels this way. Ain't no way you could get me in that place for Fright Fest. I and the friend I went to SFA with honestly weren't surprised when we heard fights broke out there last year.

2. Mediocre rides. Wild One didn't even do much for me. For me, if you've been to two or more parks within a two-state radius of SFA, chances are you've already ridden a better version of what they offer there.

3. Poor upkeep of rides. The only time I've visited SFA, all coasters--including the steel ones--had a rattle of some sort. It ranged from poorly maintained GCI-with-PTC's-type jackhammering (Roar) to jostle-y Vekoma SLC train hunting (Mind Eraser) to "Is there a flat spot on the wheel?"-type vibration on Superman: Ride of Steel. And, re:unruly clientele, there was an unsettlingly large dent in the body of one of S:RoS's cars. Hmm... yikes.

4. Across-the-board lack of attention to... well, ANY detail, really. From apathetic ride ops and food service to Western-themed show stages with gladiator shows in them to a frankly miserable layout, the place feels like an afterthought's afterthought. I don't know if previous management had big plans that never came to fruition, but once you (find and) pass under Wild One and the subsequent handful of shops, the place becomes one long path with a constant pattern of ride, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, ride, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing. And then it dead-ends into Batwing. And then you get to walk the whole way back.

The place just reeks of bad decisions. I've discussed this elsewhere here before, but it seems to me that the folks around the park have caught on to what a "Six Flags day" feels like at the park: my visit on a Saturday in June had almost no lines whatsoever. The only one that did was Joker's Jinx, and that's only because of the incredibly slow operations. I'd say "if I'm in the area, I might stop by," but I really wouldn't.

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I had the unfortunate opportunity to visit SFA this past year. NoChickens was on the same trip as me; him and wife decided to skip SFA and head straight towards Kings Dominion where we met up with them later on in the day. Wild One, Roar, and Apocalypse were the only coasters there that I enjoyed, Mind Eraser has the distinction of being the worst coaster I've ever been on. Being at SFA made me miss being at NJFTP the day before.

How I wish I would have been in tow with NoChickens that day...

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