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For this who don't want to be scared...


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I would never need a No Boo necklace, because it love Halloween Haunt, and I don't scare easily. Although I haven't gotten scared by walking throughout the park or going through the haunted houses, I left my guard down when my little brother and I rode Boo Blasters at night, and a monster came out of nowhere near the scene where the two skeletons are in bed together and nearly scared the living day lights of me and my little brothers after we realized what had happend, we soon both laughed it off shortly after.

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Is there a "No scream in my ear" stick? I would certainly buy that. Unfortunately some "scare staff" don't know the difference between scaring someone and screaming at close range in someone's ear. I was not too pleased leaving 2 weeks ago, to have some girl scream at the top of her lungs; 2 inches from the good ear I have left. I had ringing in my ear for an hour afterwards. I should have filed a complaint, but wanted to leave.

Sent from a signal coming out of the Vega system.

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^^ Wish I could like this twice

Had this happen to me the other week at Haunt. Some young girl got up as close as she could without sticking her tongue in my ear, and purposely screamed as loudly and shrilly as possible. It popped my ear and was a good half hour before the ringing stopped and my hearing returned to normal.



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I still applaud the girl who got me good in the Bayou area. I was looking at some dudes make up job and was laughing and having fun. As I turned to walk farther in she appeared out of no where and got me so so good

She said nothing just appeared and stood there haha

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I remember going to a haunt someplace (can't remember where) called (Silent Scream-I think) - I remember that the only noise was a beating heart repeating over and over. There were strobe lights facing away from the guests and everything was either black or dark colored. The scare actors would bolt towards you and the flashing of the strobes made it appear that they jumped from 15 or so feet away to in your face. Plus at some point you had to feel your way through nasty stuff. It felt like fur on the walls... disgusting and creepy.

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Went to Cedar Point last weekend, (which by the way is terrible in comparison to KI's HH) and a little kid was going through the maze with his grandparent in the same group as us. The performer at the door told him that if the "patients" were too scary, that all he had to do was to make bunny ears and act as a bunny, since the "patients" hated bunnies. Though we separated from him due to our skeleton key, I saw the kid on the other side and he looked like he enjoyed himself. I just thought this was a great idea for little ones who are going through the haunted houses.

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The "No Boo" makes a grest souviner, it's inexpensive and the kids can use it again for Halloween. Now they sell lights in the costume aisle to make it easier to see Trick or Treaters. It's the same price, if not sometimes cheaper, and easier to see than some of the small pendants they sell in the store, plus, it's a status symbol/ memory of a good day.

The Haunters in the mazes evidently go after people that hunker down or try to sneak by, too. I have solid evidence.

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  On 10/13/2014 at 7:28 PM, DiamondAceExpress said:

If worn as a necklace, scare actors will scare you from behind as they will not see it. Ideally, hanging an additional one to light up your back as well would be safest. I'm too cheap to buy a second one and my daughter held hers over her head in order to be seen from all angles.

I mentioned to someone at the park about it not being visible, and one of them suggested holding it up to the side. Your daughter looking like a unicorn was cute though.
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I prefer my approach to Halloween Haunt. Just have an extremely disgruntled look on your face and they typically don't bother you.

And usually I don't have to act. The scowl is completely natural due to the incredibly irritating fog.

No, I won't stop complaining about it. Not until it either gets brought down to a reasonable and safe level or November 3rd arrives.

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  On 10/13/2014 at 6:49 PM, Tanna said:

The Haunters in the mazes evidently go after people that hunker down or try to sneak by, too. I have solid evidence.

I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about... who would do such a thing? :ph34r:

  On 10/14/2014 at 3:21 AM, homestar92 said:

No, I won't stop complaining about it. Not until it either gets brought down to a reasonable and safe level or November 3rd arrives.

The fog should be all cleared out by November 2nd at 10:30 am, so you can stop complaining about it a day earlier than you posted. :lol:

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  On 10/14/2014 at 7:47 PM, XGatorHead 8904 said:
  On 10/13/2014 at 6:49 PM, Tanna said:

The Haunters in the mazes evidently go after people that hunker down or try to sneak by, too. I have solid evidence.

I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about... who would do such a thing? :ph34r:

Maybe they stole a pig?

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