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Haunt 2015


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  On 8/2/2015 at 2:44 AM, jsus said:

^^^^ Is the rest of Planet Snoopy typically open at the same time? I can't recall.


Usually, the only attraction open (& rideable) in Planet Snoopy was Boo Boo's Blasters (the Kiddie Carousel ran constantly as a prop for Freak Street). Everything else was closed and most of the paths were roped off, leaving the path from Boo's to Great Pumpkin and the path from Great Pumpkin all the way up to the former Peanuts Playhouse (with both entrances to Rivertown as well). Of course, now there's no maze in the Playhouse, so the path now (supposedly) ends at Snoopy Boutique and the restrooms.



  On 8/2/2015 at 3:03 AM, Bradenwhite said:

I thought that too, maybe like a mirror maze? Wait did anyone ever go through mysteria? I heard it was really bad, but did they have mirrors in there?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Mysteria was....an interesting attraction. It was a slight redesign from Death Row/The Asylum, which was chain-link fencing, mirrors, and a god-awful siren and strobe system, all set up in a pseudo-maze layout with dead ends and u-turns. Mysteria removed the siren and strobes, covered up almost all of the mirrors with white tarps, and dressed the actors up in full-body Morphsuits. Oh, and they cranked up the fog a TON inside.


It wasn't as bad as the year prior when Death Row was an all-female cast made up of former Club Blood dancers thrown into an environment they had no experience in and told to act like deranged inmates, but it only lasted two years before they transformed it into the current Board 2 Death.


But Blackout is either exactly what it sounds like - a literal black-out maze where everything (save for emergency exit signs) is pitch black and it's more of a sensory overload with the absence of sight - or a more abstract concept, maybe a Trapped or Alone-style attraction with elements of interactivity. 

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  On 8/2/2015 at 3:23 AM, RingMaster said:


  On 8/2/2015 at 2:44 AM, jsus said:

^^^^ Is the rest of Planet Snoopy typically open at the same time? I can't recall.


Usually, the only attraction open (& rideable) in Planet Snoopy was Boo Boo's Blasters (the Kiddie Carousel ran constantly as a prop for Freak Street). Everything else was closed and most of the paths were roped off, leaving the path from Boo's to Great Pumpkin and the path from Great Pumpkin all the way up to the former Peanuts Playhouse (with both entrances to Rivertown as well). Of course, now there's no maze in the Playhouse, so the path now (supposedly) ends at Snoopy Boutique and the restrooms.



  On 8/2/2015 at 3:03 AM, Bradenwhite said:

I thought that too, maybe like a mirror maze? Wait did anyone ever go through mysteria? I heard it was really bad, but did they have mirrors in there?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Mysteria was....an interesting attraction. It was a slight redesign from Death Row/The Asylum, which was chain-link fencing, mirrors, and a god-awful siren and strobe system, all set up in a pseudo-maze layout with dead ends and u-turns. Mysteria removed the siren and strobes, covered up almost all of the mirrors with white tarps, and dressed the actors up in full-body Morphsuits. Oh, and they cranked up the fog a TON inside.


It wasn't as bad as the year prior when Death Row was an all-female cast made up of former Club Blood dancers thrown into an environment they had no experience in and told to act like deranged inmates, but it only lasted two years before they transformed it into the current Board 2 Death.


But Blackout is either exactly what it sounds like - a literal black-out maze where everything (save for emergency exit signs) is pitch black and it's more of a sensory overload with the absence of sight - or a more abstract concept, maybe a Trapped or Alone-style attraction with elements of interactivity. 


I witnessed the Female Detention Center for Sullen Youths firsthand. I think I'd prefer the pitch black, featureless, albeit for Exit lights, Haunt. Of course, my first thought is, "Well. At least a dark room painted black saves on props and decor."

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Hopefully they do something good if it is a pitch black maze. have been through a couple of them and they can be pretty dull. Suppose if you are claustrophobic or afraid of the dark it could be scary, but the ones I was in just felt more tedious trying to reach the end and never enough scare actors to jump out at you.

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That's one of the scarecrow stands for CornStalkers, I believe. They wouldn't dare try to set up a maze themed to a church, given how conservative Cincinnati is.


Of course, this coming from a park who insisted patrons wanted to see midgets bleed and skeletons of recently deceased celebrities displayed as a part of a Purgatory-based game show.

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  On 8/2/2015 at 10:51 PM, marth555 said:

I still find it hard to believe that KI had bleeding midgets for Haunt


For what it's worth, even the show the troupe did for Kings Island was a toned-down version of what they do on a regular basis. Mainly because: 

  1. Most of their racier stuff wouldn't fly with the conservative atmosphere (again, coming from a park that booked these people in the first place), and,
  2. They did multiple shows in a single night, often times within an hour apart from each other (so the "brawlers" weren't as fluid with their movements as one would expect).

For comparison's sake, I went to a match at Bogart's, and at times, they rivaled that of a Rey Mysterio WWE match the way they were flying around the ring. Of course, they were also shouting obscenities and swears at the audience - to which the audience would rebound right back at them - but they definitely had much more energy because it was a one-night only deal, as opposed to four to five shows a night for multiple weekends.


That said, Kings Island was the only park in the chain that received midget wrestlers. Not even Cedar Point nor Knott's nor even Carowinds wanted them (the Point instead opted for Midnight Syndicate, and Knott's is famous for having a show dedicated to making fun of pop culture and repeated jabs at Disneyland operations).

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  On 8/2/2015 at 10:53 PM, The Interpreter said:

It was a delight. I rode Apollo's Chariot. I dressed in black, head to toe. No one bothered me.

Good times.

Terp--don't incite the monsters and they won't incite you.

I will remember that this year, when I make an honest attempt at going to KI Haunt this year.  I really LOVE the effort the park and actors put in when it comes to the set up and theatrics of the Haunts, so I am going to try to set aside my instincts and go through them to enjoy that aspect of them.  Plus, Ive got plenty of black tactical pants and shirts, so the whole "black from head to toe" aspect wont be difficult at all.

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Oh no, I agree with you. The whole vulgarity and violence for shock factor is not entertaining. I don't understand its purpose or enjoy it.

I was thinking of how people spoke about Martha Stewart's roast speech (written by a comedian) - the shock and apparent humor in someone they visioned one way saying things out of context. But certainly not a smart fit for an event that is supposed to scare you.

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I agree that a midget show doesn't seem like the best idea.  I didn't actually attend Haunt that year to see it, so I can't comment more than that.


However, I do understand that the crowds for Haunt are much younger in average age.  I wonder what the average age actually is?  19-21?  It's not the easiest thing to come up with shows that appeal to that demographic.

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  On 8/1/2015 at 11:49 AM, Bradenwhite said:

Cedar Point is getting a new slaughterhouse which we got last year


Seedr poynts gittin a slawtrhows?  I gota git up thair n meat em!  I wundr wut kind ov meat theyl b wurkin with.  Im not piky I lyk all kinds.  Thair far enuf away that we shuldnt b runin in 2 any problms with r meat suplyrs.  I kant wayt 2 go up thair n c thair oprashun! -Sam


EDIT: Now see what you've gone and done? You've got Sam all riled up.  It got even worse when I told him that nothing's been confirmed 100% about Cedar Point getting a Slaughterhouse.  I had a terrible time trying to calm him down after that. 


(For those of you new to the site since last year, Sam the Butcher is an alter-ego that emerges every fall, the Hyde to my Jekyll.  All this talk about a Slaughterhouse North brought him out a little earlier than normal, but he's been safely locked away again.)


  On 8/3/2015 at 12:31 AM, RingMaster said:

the Point instead opted for Midnight Syndicate


Excellent show!  I'm so glad I got to see it last year (and bought the t-shirt).

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  On 8/2/2015 at 3:03 AM, Bradenwhite said:

I thought that too, maybe like a mirror maze? Wait did anyone ever go through mysteria? I heard it was really bad, but did they have mirrors in there?


Calling Mysteria "bad" is being nice. That attraction was a giant embarrassment to the park... what's worse is that it stuck around for more than a season.


  On 8/2/2015 at 10:20 PM, RingMaster said:

That's one of the scarecrow stands for CornStalkers, I believe. They wouldn't dare try to set up a maze themed to a church, given how conservative Cincinnati is.

ties displayed as a part of a Purgatory-based game show.

Actually I think that's the sign holder for either the skull or spider neon lights (used to mark an attraction or Fright Lane entrance).

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