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2016 JOBS at Kings Island

Italian Job 2005

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I have a Interview next Saturday. While I am excited, I am equally as nervous. I have been wanting a job at Kings Island since I was a kid, and I tend to talk fast or sloppily when I am nervous. This interview is literally all I have been thinking about since I got the E-mail.

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Working at Kings Island has been my favorite job that I've ever had, and that is saying something.  The two seasons I spent at The Beast (2009, 2011) contain experiences that I treasure and think of often.  There isn't a day that I go to the park that I don't miss it, and living 50 minutes away instead of the hour and a half that I was makes it a bit more tempting.  There is a big thing that stops me - I never want short hair again!


Here's my favorite picture of me from those days.


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  On 2/20/2016 at 3:57 PM, Magenta Lizard said:

According to the @kigamesdept twitter account, they are allowing beards this season. What's next, long hair on guys or visible tattoos? (I approve of both)

Check out @kigamesdept's Tweet: https://twitter.com/kigamesdept/status/700820914590633984?s=09

However, I can't really imagine wanting to wear a beard during the summer.


You can have long hair as a male at Kings Island already... as long as you're employed during Halloween Haunt :P


I also approve of both. Tattoos, are going to need be a case-by-case allowance though as every so often you will probably get a person with a tattoo that.. ultimately, is just unacceptable for Cedar Fair.



I would greatly recommend no beard if you're in food though. 

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I'm just throwing out there that it seems rather sexist to allow women to wear hairstyles that are long, short, middle - no required length, but males only have one option.  Longer hair can be just as well maintained and looks just as professional as short.  It's also become accepted by society since the 1950s when the dress code seems to have been written...thank you Disney...


To go on, why is it that I have had quite a number of teaching jobs, where professionalism is a high standard, and I've also worked at Dollywood, run by a conservative Christian company, and none of them have ever questioned a pony tail, while Cedar Fair, which runs extremely cutting edge, modern amusement parks, has a dress code that won't allow me to work rides with one?  It makes zero sense...so until it changes, no working Beast for me.  :(

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  On 2/22/2016 at 3:50 AM, CoasterOhio said:

All of the events for associates this year are amazing, a lot more stuff going on than that of last year.

I for one, also got a job today at Kings Island :D (Not in the same department though.)

I don't seem to remember much going on in either of my two seasons, but I still thoroughly enjoyed both of them!

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Finally got a reply, and I don't have to do another audition.  The ones this month are just another session they're having.  I'm guessing they didn't get their quota from the initial set in November.  


Still crossing my fingers. 


EDIT: I guess I can tack on a few weeks to expect the phone call since they're having auditions on the 27th. 

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