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Decoding Episode II: Rivertown 2017 and the Falling Trees


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I don't see how this would require removing the log flume. It's still pretty popular. I feel like a major coaster that close to Planet Snoopy would look out of place. I feel that way about Diamondback as well.

Thank you! I've been wondering since Diamondback opened why on earth the tallest coaster in the park is just outside of Planet Snoopy. It's just strange placement in my opinion.

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When I said I was thinking Antique Cars, I was referring to the current construction/destruction in Rivertown not readily relatable to WWC.

Do I think that KI would start teasing at the beginning of the season for a return of the 'tiques? Not really. But then again I wouldn't have expected them to make as much of a to-do about parking tolls as they did (although I do like the new tolls). I also would have expected heavy teasing at an event like Coasterstock if the prep work for a new coaster was currently happening in the park.

My only "evidence" for my feeling is that is what the current cleared paths and markers for further work looks like to me, the strong movement toward nostalgia (including the return of the floral tunnel! Yay!), and antique cars are one of the things I often hear people wishing would return to the park. The only thing I hear more often (from non-enthusiasts) is about recaR.

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Families of course, but the addition of something like a family coaster isn't going to generate an increase in attendance the way a large thrill ride would. It's not even close.

Depends on how you sell it.... WDW and for the most Part Universal sells and caters to the family coaster/ride market.

If you sell a family ride as boring not fun then yes you are right. But if you talk about the balance of rides, the perfect interactive queue etc it would increase attendance.

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So Really don't see them putting a high thrill ride in Planet Snoopy or taking out the log flume. Because there is room to grow around the log flume. I think that maybe construction around the log flume might cause the log flume to close and I can see them putting more family rides in that area. Ones that kids of all ages can enjoy not just thrill seekers or enthusiasts. For that reason I'm out (always wanted to do that) on there being a Giga coming into that area.

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I'm currently at Holiday World and I must say that a wooden coaster would be a great addition to the park. The Voyage is simply amazing and I'd love to see KI get a gravity group woody. Also, the Legends lateral G's are simply phenomenal! KI really needs a woody like these. The Beast and Racer are great, but in their own regards. A high banking woody with crazy airtime is needed.

Side note: I'm still on team giga though

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Not sure if anyone else has picked up on this yet, but I visited the park yesterday and noticed that the new line queue for WWC was built with a covered portion like other areas that might have coaster track flying above. Anyone else notice and think that may be a hint that it could be coaster coming in there?

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^^I never understood why they didn't do timberliners, but the normal trains are pretty good!

Another problem is capacity. The line should be 30 minutes max for the voyage, but with a mixture of one train running and slow loading, unloading, and dispatching, the line is about an hour long.

Also, Legend is very smooth. I've never been here before, but I'd say that the retracting work they've done played a huge part. Plus, the double down hill catches me off guard every time and it gives a good bit of ejector airtime.

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But WDW and Universal have IP attached to the rides that sell the tickets. WDW could attach a couch to the back of a tractor and call it "Frozen: The Ride" and people would flock to it. Not exactly a great comparison.

Fair point but you said family ride and I was just making an observation. What about Dark Kastle? If KI were to put in a heavily themed family ride or a whole new area of family rides you still don't think that would have a bump in attendance?

Thrill rides are great but what is Grandma and Grandpa to do? Bake in the hot sun on a concrete pad while the the rest of the family rides a tall roller coaster?

I remember a certain person in charge saying they would market to the family but what's that saying Terp says. Listen to what they say not what they do?

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The green and orange thing was started by someone claiming this year's cup colors were a clue. You know, rather than tropical orange and green being chosen for some... other... plunging reason.

Personally I still feel the colors of the cups mean nothing. The entire chain is using the same colors.
For the cups, the cup has (at least for the past few years) coincided with the major coaster that year. 2014 was purple for Banshee, 2015 teal/blue for Fury, 2016 is Orange for Valravn. The Green may have been picked at random just to have a different color to differentiate between the cups, since this is the first time they're offering 2 cups as an option. But who knows? Maybe the green is a sign of what's to come for next year.

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I was there yesterday and the park was DEAD. The biggest issue with Holiday World is that it's in the middle of nowhere and the crowds don't really pick up until summer. But on really busy days in the summer, even 2 trains isn't enough on The Voyage. It really should run 3. At least the track was actually greased today. It wasn't on opening day and the thing was screeching like crazy, as was the Raven. The Legend was screeching yesterday, the tunnels aren't finished, and it's been closed periodically because the ride is still being worked on. My few visits there this year have been pretty disappointing. Hopefully things are running smoothly by summer. Not to mention the Scrambler is sitting in pieces.. They really should have delayed opening day and gotten themselves together.

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Not sure if anyone else has picked up on this yet, but I visited the park yesterday and noticed that the new line queue for WWC was built with a covered portion like other areas that might have coaster track flying above. Anyone else notice and think that may be a hint that it could be coaster coming in there?

It's been noticed, and good catch. However, it is covered in the areas where it is already very close to a coaster: Diamondback.

Not saying it's impossible a different coaster may be going through there soon, but it's no proof either.

And welcome to KIC!

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I thought HW was great today. Only problem I had was that one train voyage thing. However, after the second train was added, I walked on a couple more times. In fact, I got on the very last ride of the night on the voyage, in the front right seat, having the whole front car to myself . It felt like I was alone and was insane! Could GCI possibly make a coaster like The Voyage/if the can, would they?

Also, Thunderbird is great as well. I hope B&M does more launched coasters as I thought the launch was great as it was sort of drawn out, pretty intense, and incredibly quiet. Thunderbird is much better than Gatekeeper in my opinion.

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I thought HW was great today. Only problem I had was that one train voyage thing. However, after the second train was added, I walked on a couple more times. In fact, I got on the very last ride of the night on the voyage, in the front right seat, having the whole front car to myself . It felt like I was alone and was insane! Could GCI possibly make a coaster like The Voyage/if the can, would they?

Also, Thunderbird is great as well. I hope B&M does more launched coasters as I thought the launch was great as it was sort of drawn out, pretty intense, and incredibly quiet. Thunderbird is much better than Gatekeeper in my opinion.

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I don't think GCI would ever build something as massive as the Voyage. That's just not their style. But for the right money, who knows. They might. GCI tends to play it safe and do what they do best. GG will really push the boundaries and do insane things with their woodies. I mean look at Switchback and Hades...

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^Sometimes experimenting is good. Look at B&M for example

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This is true, but the most experimental thing GCI has ever done was use a steel support structure...

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