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Best Crew


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I'd watch out for the TRTR crew next season. With a whole new set of rules (for various reasons) we're going to not only be the most behaved crew in the park, we're also going to provide the best overall experience (whether or not people think the ride's too short). I myself am already working on different things to make the guests happy, and give them a "memorable experience." Vortex ain't got nothin', bro.

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Ok so being bias im saying Vortex... but like every crew we were unique afterall we got a long and we did our job. I think a lot of crews worked hard this summer, Racer was one of them, AT was another, there were a lot of awesome crews though... and i think Vortex will be the best crew next year also because we are having a lot of returners there and we all will know what we are doing somewhat and if all else fails the people who are returning there are awesome and willing to help those who don't understand...

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Ok so being bias im saying Vortex... but like every crew we were unique afterall we got a long and we did our job. I think a lot of crews worked hard this summer, Racer was one of them, AT was another, there were a lot of awesome crews though... and i think Vortex will be the best crew next year also because we are having a lot of returners there and we all will know what we are doing somewhat and if all else fails the people who are returning there are awesome and willing to help those who don't understand...

Well said...

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Just wait when Vortex beats TR next year in audits! laugh.gif Many returners are going there so at least we'll be experienced and know what we're doing.

Just remember: TRTR's crew was all over the place this year, very unorganized, but we still got 5th on the audits, and 2nd on the Redemption. Once again, Vortex ain't got nothin' and won't have nothin' next year. Booyeah!

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Ok you know how they say don't mess with Texas, don't mess with Vortex... I really mean this one. I am a firm believer in that crew. A lot of our potential was not shown both weeks of Audits because we were not at our best game and were having a lot of supervisor changes... If you can remember or if you ever paid attention. Oh well. Just don't mess with Vortex.

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I'd watch out for the TRTR crew next season. With a whole new set of rules (for various reasons) we're going to not only be the most behaved crew in the park,

It'd be nice if the rules were known, instead of getting contridicting rules from those above.

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Ok so being bias im saying Vortex... but like every crew we were unique afterall we got a long and we did our job. I think a lot of crews worked hard this summer, Racer was one of them, AT was another, there were a lot of awesome crews though... and i think Vortex will be the best crew next year also because we are having a lot of returners there and we all will know what we are doing somewhat and if all else fails the people who are returning there are awesome and willing to help those who don't understand...

Vortex always does a good job, but AT is constantly understaffed.

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Ok so being bias im saying Vortex... but like every crew we were unique afterall we got a long and we did our job.  I think a lot of crews worked hard this summer, Racer was one of them, AT was another, there were a lot of awesome crews though... and i think Vortex will be the best crew next year also because we are having a lot of returners there and we all will know what we are doing somewhat and if all else fails the people who are returning there are awesome and willing to help those who don't understand...

Vortex always does a good job, but AT is constantly understaffed.

AT is usually overstaffed like crazy. They are always sending to other rides. Barely few get sent over the the Action Theater.

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That is the truth, I think we had 2 sends the whole month of October. The only thing we were understaffed on was glasses, and not to brag, but we got first in audits with only 200 pairs of glasses the first Doc John, so that is something to be proud of, not to mention we only had a sup in one day.

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Haha in a way AT was with Vortex, afterall i think everybody got sent to our ride form there and Jessica and Jeremy were always coming over to be our sup ti'll David and I turned 18... I know a lot of people from AT because of this sending thing, and i think we should of just stolen one of them for the last month.

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That's totally true. During the summer they were afraid that they were going to have to shut down Spongebob due to the fact they only had down to 150 glasses. That number is low because people like you want to take them. Do you notice the bright red cans with the bright yellow liner for the glasses, and do you listen to the spiel while exiting? "Ladies and Gentlemen thanks for riding Spongebob 3-D please place ALL of the 3-D glasses in the Red cans at the end of each row, and exit toward your right, thanks and have a great day here at Paramount's King's Island." That's not a good thing to post.

I say the AT crew kicked ass this year. Even though they had the drought of glasses and the horrible Dracula this year. Good job.

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Ok being a send a few times during the time when action theatre had to watch glasses every show... i must say i do not like you because it sucks! If you had any consideration for the park and if you really cared about PKI you wouldn't steal something from them. Lame Brain... don't brag about stealing, it's not cute, funny, a prank, to be honest it's stealing and it's wrong. Sorry... thats just how i feel. Because of people like you Sponge Bob almost shut down this summer... dry.gif

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You coney people are killing me. Try to work in AZ for an extended period of time, common, just give it a shot. I think it may be the hardest place to work in the park no matter what ride you work at. I know Rtown is pretty busy to, but it is a very relaxing place to work. And Coney is just so big that you really don't have people on top of you all the time. AZ is so condensed and heavily populated throughout the whole day that it does get frustrating at times. So all the AZ crews get my shout out.

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Heres my 2 cents. You guys are saying yea its wromg to take the glasses, and its people like you who almost caused AT to shut down this summer blahblahblah. Yet i remember when everyone was talking about it, at wardrobe, every night after work, when all this happened, alot of people were hoping and cheering, yes hoping and cheering and happy, that AT almost fell under. Notice however i said most people, so can we just keep this AT thing canned and just let it pass, it already started enough crap at work during the season

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You coney people are killing me. Try to work in AZ for an extended period of time, common, just give it a shot. I think it may be the hardest place to work in the park no matter what ride you work at. I know Rtown is pretty busy to, but it is a very relaxing place to work. And Coney is just so big that you really don't have people on top of you all the time. AZ is so condensed and heavily populated throughout the whole day that it does get frustrating at times. So all the AZ crews get my shout out.

I have to second what he said. I think working in Action Zone definitely takes a ton of patience dealing with the large amounts of people crammed into the area. With that said, here goes.

Beast Crew -- Without a doubt, the BEST. Of all the days I spent in the Park this season, and trust me it is A LOT, I don't think I encountered a better crew. I saw more guest relating, efficient dispatcing, and overall more enthusiasm out of this years Beast/Scooters crew than any place in the Park.

Tomb Raider -- I think the Tomb Raider crew was FAR FAR improved over years past, so awesome job there. You guys really seemed to be hustling to check the restraints and get the ride going quickly! Too bad the ride is the way that it is though...

Vortex -- Our biggest peeve this season was the dispatching. I'm sorry, we encountered our most frustrating wait this season at the ride. We had already climbed up the stairs, crossed the track, and were almost down into the station itself. Three trains running, no queues open, 25 minutes. Sorry, but thats a little absurd.....especially considering the Express crew were RARELY stacking ANY of their trains when they had all three running in July.

Racer -- Some nice people working here, for sure....but again dispatching left lots to be desired.

For the most part, I still think all the crews did a good job and were all very friendly. You honestly don't come across that at too many other parks these days.

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