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King Cobra, the Return?

Legend Rider

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Okay i have never ridden KING COBRA,

but i have been on a standup Coaster before, it was excellent,

were the trains bad? the track looked okay,


Could it be refurbished and installed near FoF? or behind Action theater?


If this is done, would it be good to have the same trains? or would it be better with B&M style ones, i have heard that the japanese make shorter statured trains, and a friend of mine was hurt on it every time!


I would love to just go back in time, and ride KC, it looked like fun!

and i heard it was the first successful stand up in the world! or the US or something...


Feedback? Questions?

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Heres the story on Cobra:

TOGO, the manufacturer of KC, went out of business. The parts for the coaster were extremely difficult to find, and expensive. Add to that long waits and metal rot on the track (where the metal is just kinda eaten away) finally got PKI to remove it.

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  PKIBeast said:
Actually, it was removed because of the high maintenance costs. So, yes, it could be re-installed, but no, it won't be for the obvious reason.

No it was removed because of the steel. The steel PKI got for the King Cobra was bad when they first built it and it was endanger of collapsing in the next year or two is which is why they took out. After togo built KI King Cobra they switched places where they got thier steel from and which is why the other togo coaster @ PKD is still standing.

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  flightoffear1996 said:
  PKIBeast said:
Actually, it was removed because of the high maintenance costs.  So, yes, it could be re-installed, but no, it won't be for the obvious reason.

No it was removed because of the steel. The steel PKI got for the King Cobra was bad when they first built it and it was endanger of collapsing in the next year or two is which is why they took out. After togo built KI King Cobra they switched places where they got thier steel from and which is why the other togo coaster @ PKD is still standing.

I'll give you half credit.

It is true that KC was built with Japanese steel, which isn't exactly the most stable metal in the world, but saying that it was in danger of collapse... that's a little far.

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If you know me from EPKI, I LOVE KING COBRA! On a trip in 2000 I must of ridden it 6 times in a row at 5. It was the BEST! I was young then but tall enough to ride (I'm 14 now and am 6'1") It wasnt Perticularly comfortable on the "trick track" section but the helix was awsome becuase you were laying on your side, but the thing was, you were only held up by the OSTR's. And...THE OSTR's DIDNT HURT!!! I Swear!!! The drop was nice too. I remember the M&M's machine on the way in...and the stairs leading to the platform...and the weird overhead station control room.

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  jjmisskick said:
I heard a guy say that one of the reasons it got taken down was caus a guy rode it and he was to tall but the workers didenr realize it and then when they wer going through a tunnel or something he had his arms up and they got chopped off....just what I heard haha!

You guys are all missing the best part! It happened when they "wer going through a tunnel or something." I dont know about you all, but I thought the tunnel on King Cobra RULED! I, by the way, LOVED that ride!


PS: For those that dont know, there was NO tunnel on King Cobra.

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I rode the Cobra in it's last year of operation. It was the only time on that ride that I ever feared a little for my life. The trains seemed so rickety and shaky. I thought a wheel was going to fall off or something. I was sad to see it go, but at the same time if they weren't going to let it go like that, than why keep it. Some little park somewhere would like to have it, that is if they could easily get parts for it.

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That thing was horribly uncomfortable to ride, and get in and out of. First off, nobody's shoulder bend at 90 degree angles, so why do the restraints go out to the sides like that? And talk about a hickory-nut crunch, there was no part of that ride that was comfortable. And the line by far, the worst. It moved as slow as some of the kiddie rides in Nick Central.

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