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Love the spin story in Cincinnati Enquirer...CSO and MEMI put it back on the Walker Family.


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To be fair, Brenda Walker had handed over most control of the park to her son, Ron Walker Junior, who I believe resided in Florida and had little emotional attachment or interest in the park.  He was simply looking to cash out.  He sold the sister company (Leisure Systems, Inc. (the licensor of the Jellystone Campgrounds) to Sun Outdoors in December of 2021.  https://moderncampground.com/usa/breaking-news-sun-outdoors-acquires-leisure-systems-incorporated/)  His father had originally purchased the park to keep it open and a going concern.  

I do like how they are trying to distance themselves from shutting down the park and make it look like they are not the ones to close Coney that it was previous ownership.  The writing was on the wall when they decided to remove the rides at the end of the 2019 season.  Lack of investment and silly business decisions doomed their success.  

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On 3/20/2024 at 3:36 PM, CoastersRZ said:


I do like how they are trying to distance themselves from shutting down the park and make it look like they are not the ones to close Coney that it was previous ownership.  The writing was on the wall when they decided to remove the rides at the end of the 2019 season.  Lack of investment and silly business decisions doomed their success.  


So the first sentence you are alluding/stating that the CSO is the cause of the closure and trying to put blame on prior ownership and then the next two sentences you are alluding/stating it was the previous owners that doomed its success?.... 

As I said in the other thread, it was a stupid PR move to wham, bam in one press release state that Coney was closing and Riverbend on steroids was taking its place.  Certainly they had to expect this outcry even if the rides had been gone several years.  Sure many of us saw the writing on the wall and many of us are not at all surprised at what has transpired.  But there are some that thought it would operate as a pool in perpetuity.

Not that it would have mattered to the most die-hard fans, but had they not did the single press release and instead said they were closing and put a for sale sign up and let some time transpire, it might have been a little easier for people to accept its fate.  Of course some would still be opposed, but a public announcement that the property was for sale and give those die-hards an actual opportunity to secure funds to purchase the property maybe the negative sentiment wouldn't have been so great.

But, as life, it moves on and once they get it up and running they will be selling out the venues...


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