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Tomb Raider The Ride question


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TRTR was at a fascinating point in time in 2002. Digital cameras were just becoming mainstream, most phones didn’t have cameras at the time. So early documentation of the rides first few operating years are scarce. Anyone here may have to look in the attic at printed photos or old tapes. I’m sure something exists somewhere!

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I have placed the "start show" panel (the control panel in Planet Coaster that starts the preshow and doors) right where that panel is. As close as I could get. it. (Even though thats the defogger, not the real show panel, I placed it there because it looks close to the real thing and I can access it to start the preshow) 



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/26/2024 at 8:24 AM, MysticTimberwolf said:

Incredible work, especially in an 8 year old game. Do you have any Planet Coaster 2 project plans?

Please note that LUBS is the original creator of the base park that I used. 

I made an ENORMOUS amount of modification, with Captain Nemo and TombRaiderFTW's help, to get it as physically spot on as Planet Coaster can get. LUBS and I consider it a collaboration. He's working on the video at the moment and when it drops I'll show it here! 


When PlanCo2 drops, I'm going for TR:TR. Again. Except this time I HOPE the top spin is fully controllable so I can get it as accurate as possible.

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  • 2 months later...

Oh @Captain Nemo .........


I am taking the recreation and adding in the missing technical bits.  (As many as I can within PlanCo's limitations) And I'm going to need your help. (Again. Lol)


If I'm correct, aren't there fire alarms in these locations? Where at?  I'm pretty sure there is one by the Triangle Of Light door, but the rest I'm unsure. I'm fixing to take this to the next level. 


I want it as close as physically possible because this is the only way I can ever visit TR:TR.





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Isnt it beautiful? 

I can't thank you enough @Captain Nemo for helping me out.  

Im in the midst of adding in the technical details ATM using tons of photos and the hundreds (ok, maybe a thousand , it was so beautiful) photos I took of the buildings interior when I went back in October. Im cranking it up to 11. Also  redoing the lighting sequence on the ride to be accurate to the real thing. 


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