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Everything posted by Orion-XL200

  1. I 100% agree with you. I just wish that the loading/unloading of the trains were quicker...especially if they are 2 train and ops are 2 train operations....which means you've got a train sitting waiting for the train in the station to dispatch and riders laying down "on their stomachs" facing down to the ground without much support.
  2. When I rode this on Sunday, it made my head feel funny...but I loved it. Still prefer Good Gravy, but yes.
  3. It wasn't as close to the queue...but closer to the outer wall.
  4. Hooked is essentially going to be Shipwrecked, but bloodier.
  5. This past Sunday, it was open, but @IndyGuy4KI and @malem enjoyed a non-moving line.
  6. Still don't think KI could actually pull it off based on the implementation of Wine and Food Festival.
  7. Guess I’ll need to be the drunk uncle.
  8. Any GP folks I know or even the casual enthusiasts, still want to go to CP despite the TT2 status because they enjoy the park and what rides that are offered. My point with that it doesn’t matter the operational status of TT2 at the end of the day because there are far bigger things that matter in the grand scheme of things.
  9. hu? I 100% get that. I hope that SFOT keeps Shockwave as long as possible!
  10. Hey now, KI has a great lounge next to the toilets and dumpster! At least they are higher on the chart than that lounge in a newly renovated 2 story building.
  11. It's only been open once on my visits this year, though not many, but yeah, I'd rather be able to go into it, but if they're going the way of KD....I see no issue getting the lights up earlier.
  12. True, but has the majority been mechanical or budget?
  13. I loved this show! I also wish they did similar type of shows in the theater more than not.
  14. How often has ET been open this season? Would it be a loss or would it par the course?
  15. Replace Triple Loop at Indiana Beach with Scorpion!
  16. It sucks yes. I think a lot of enthusiasts are being incredibly unrealistic/unfair with the criticism on the handling of the situation. No one but the park officials and Zamperla know what conversations have happened behind "closed doors." I don't know what the conversations all included, but I can imagine that more issues had continued to be discovered/fixes not working and Zamperla was hopeful until it became evidently clear that they couldn't get it up and running for the remainder of this season. While there hadn't been a ton of testing throughout the season since the closure, it's not like there hasn't been any type of work happening. Work and conversations have happened. I'm sure there was a NDA for both parties until some sort of final decision could be made about the status of the ride. Either party wasn't required to give daily or even semi-often updates, but they gave updates when it made the best sense in regards to business, because at the end of the day, both parties are businesses. I could be 100% completely wrong and I'd own up to it if I am. I just don't think the whole thoosie attitude about the situation has been fair. It's definitely disappointing but in the grand scheme of things, I don't think it really matters at the end of the day if TT2 was operational more this season than it wasn't.
  17. The mazes were discontinued....creative teams changed, budget, staffing, new use, etc. Blackout ended in 2019.. Covid....? Wolfpack last operated in 2019 as well. Carn-Evil last operated in 2017 and Peanuts Showplace opened in it's place.
  18. I would rather if they do it, they actually do it right than just throwing it together. Wine & Food Festival was essentially botched as was Grand Carnival. Take more time to plan and do it right instead of last minute.
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