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Okay, as a guest of PKI who drives six hours from Detroit to go down there, I personally think it's quite rude for employees to say that guests are annoying. We pay your salary!!! I understand you need to vent and honestly this post is just in good humor.

But let's not forget that park employees are not always cream of the crop. To wit:

1. Employees gabbing with other employees even when I'm trying to ask a question (I understand work-related stuff but "what are you doing tonight" is break room stuff).

2. Making such a big deal about line jumping but every time I've pointed out a line jumper they just let it slide.

3. Not knowing how to properly count money and give back change (this has happened so often at PKI it's not funny!)

4. There was this really creepy little guy (young guy) who ran the elevator at the Eiffel Tower. He was in charge of taking guests up and down. I never once saw him smile and when I tried to crack a joke he just had a stick up his butt. Customer service means you LIKE your guests!! (We don't have to like you--that's part of the deal).

5. The employees who are going to read this list and not have a sense of humor about it because they take this job as the greatest job in the world, protect secrets like national security and tow the company line without seeing the corporate BS that Viacom spins.

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Homer Jay, not all guests are annoying! Just the guests who are rude and inconsiderate to other guests and employees. You say we protect secrets like notional secuirity, why do we do this? Because we want to keep our darn jobs. When your hired by PKI they warn you that anything you know as an eployee but wouldnt know as a guest is not allowed to be shared, they even check sites like this to make sure we arent saying anything that guests will misinterpret. Why do we treat it like its the greatest job in the world? Because honestly, we like our jobs (or atleast the people on this site do), My job is a lot of fun and the people I work with our great. Yeah theres a lot of of employees who can be rude but theres A LOT of good ones too! No one said all guests we're annoying, just the ones who are rude. Just because your a guest doesnt mean you get treated like royalty no matter how you act, you get good guest service if your polite and considerate to the employees. Besides, the annoying habits of guests post wasnt just all employees complaining but guests like you as well!!!! I'm sorry you had a bad experience but stop by Beast sometime right before we close when we have power hour and you will have a good employee experience.

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  HomerJay said:
The post was done in half-jest. . . it was a half-joke. Sorry if you were offended.

And I do have to say that The Beast crew an hour before closing has always been full of energy.

No offense taken at all, I know what its like to be treated like crap by an employee too.

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This will sound like a kiss-up reply...but it is the truth. When the "Annoying Guests" thread was started, I thought about starting an "Annoying Employees..." thread myself. I sat here and tried to think of annoying things that employees did, but I couldn't. The MOST I could come up with was some of them looked bored...but that's not really annoying. (In that catagory though...is the height checker near the pop machines at The Beast EVER happy to be there?!)

After years of going to PKI I can not think of a bad experience with an employee.

Note: I DO notice when an employee looks like they are having a great time being there...which makes a ride better. Speaking of that, overall The Beast crew usually seems to stand-out in this catagory.

Okay...my kissing-up is over!

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  HomerJay said:
2. Making such a big deal about line jumping but every time I've pointed out a line jumper they just let it slide.

This is exactly what I speakikng of in relation to people smoking and/or farting in non-designated areas of the park. Employees may be too timid or uninterested to care and do anything about it.

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  Robert_Waring said:
  HomerJay said:
2. Making such a big deal about line jumping but every time I've pointed out a line jumper they just let it slide.

This is exactly what I speakikng of in relation to people smoking and/or farting in non-designated areas of the park. Employees may be too timid or uninterested to care and do anything about it.

I didn't know PKI had a Designated Farting Area?????? huh.gif

Man what a smelly place that must be!

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  Captain Picard said:
I wonder why some think working PKI is greatest job in the world. I can see that a full time job would be. I think it would be a good place for a kid to start but after 5 years as a ride op as some here have been I would think they would want to move on.

Most people enjoy it and its a lot of fun. I know the only reason why I left KI was because school forces me to CO-OP. If I didnt have to, then I would still be there today which would be a total of SIX years! rolleyes.gif I even tried to CO-OP at PKI, but they only took CO-OPs for the advertising department. Anywoo, its just a lot of fun and I enjoyed the environment of the employess, the park, and especially the guest (the ones that werent being rude). I must say, just seeing the smile on the kids faces as the go around on zephyr or on Tiques or on Dodgems, and even in HB, that made my day! And that is why I stayed and miss it so much! It was my best job yet and I would never trade that experience for anything. I just wish I could go back. Maybe after school?

Anyway, that is why some people think its the best job. I say some because not all employees wants to be there, but just for a paycheck and those are the ones you mostly have a problem with.

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Here's my reply to the whole issue:

1. Farts happen, and they happen everywhere. There is nothing we can do about that.

2. No offense to The Beast crew members who are reading this, but they are getting more credit than other crews who do the same thing... Perhaps guests should take a look at the Faceoff or Vortex crews, or the happy people over in Hanna Barbara land... We all are enthusiastic about our jobs, just as much as The Beast crew. Just because we don't work on a "legendary" ride, doesn't mean that we aren't good employees. People tend to overlook that.

3. I really can't excuse any kind of bad behavior from the employees... we are trained to keep private information private, and to treat all guests equally, no matter how bad our day or their day can get. We do have our slip-ups, as does everyone else.

All in all, most pki employees are happy to be where they are and what they do. I know I take great pride in what I do, as do the other employees who read these boards.

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  DeliriumDreamer said:
Here's my reply to the whole issue:

1. Farts happen, and they happen everywhere. There is nothing we can do about that.

2. No offense to The Beast crew members who are reading this, but they are getting more credit than other crews who do the same thing... Perhaps guests should take a look at the Faceoff or Vortex crews, or the happy people over in Hanna Barbara land... We all are enthusiastic about our jobs, just as much as The Beast crew. Just because we don't work on a "legendary" ride, doesn't mean that we aren't good employees. People tend to overlook that.

3. I really can't excuse any kind of bad behavior from the employees... we are trained to keep private information private, and to treat all guests equally, no matter how bad our day or their day can get. We do have our slip-ups, as does everyone else.

All in all, most pki employees are happy to be where they are and what they do. I know I take great pride in what I do, as do the other employees who read these boards.

I agree everyone will have slip ups. It's hard sometimes to keep smiling thru out the entire day, esp if your there for an AD. (All Day) What I have always hated and not just PKI, but people who work directly with the public, and they act like they don't care what your there for. What i'm reffering too, is people who will hold conversation with other employees while they are suspose to be helping you etc...

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  standbyme said:
(In that catagory though...is the height checker near the pop machines at The Beast EVER happy to be there?!)

I dont mind being at that position, I usually try to tell everyone who comes by to have fun but sometimes it gets little boring sitting there in the heat wishing you had something to do.

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I am a former employee - i guess like 8, 9 and 10 years ago. (made it to ast. mgr first year - manager after that)

I was never told in training not to share information that guests wouldn't otherwise know, but like I said, I worked there 10 years ago.


The anoyances I have with current employees are those the ones that physically get in your way when you are walking somewhere. This happened to me twice 2 weekends ago.

1) keyhole photo when entering the park (They used to be outside contractors - don't know if they still are - I assume yes)

2) 2 different games workers physically got in front of me to try to get me to play their games.

I'm not talking in jest here - and I'm not saying the EVERY eomployee does this - but 3 different people did this to me in a 4 hour park visit. - and I was anoyed, if not slowed down.

For the most part (95%) the emplyees do a great job.

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Hmmm... a "designated farting area"... interesting idea... tongue.gif

The people from the games in Coney Mall and the photo people in the front of the park can be annoying at times, but that's just something you have to live with.

I haven't really noticed any rude employees, although I haven't visited PKI more than about 6 times in a season in several years. I do agree that employees shouldn't be discussing non-work-related things except on break, though. This is my first season working at PKI and I absolutely love it. Even when guests are being rude and/or obnoxious to me, I try hard to be polite and smile.

I started the "annoying guests" thread because I thought it would be fun to discuss annoying things some guests do. I was not trying to imply that all guests are annoying. The majority of guests are not. There are just a few who stand out and seem to be going out of their way to annoy us, and those are the ones we're talking about.

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When im out sweaping, I do my best to keep my area clean and keeping the guest happy with clean paths. It's hard to sweap up stuff that's been wet then dry's, that stuff just sticks to the ground. We sweaps get paid 8 dollor's an hour. I love what I do, its fun. biggrin.gif

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  DeliriumDreamer said:

2. No offense to The Beast crew members who are reading this, but they are getting more credit than other crews who do the same thing... Perhaps guests should take a look at the Faceoff or Vortex crews, or the happy people over in Hanna Barbara land... We all are enthusiastic about our jobs, just as much as The Beast crew. Just because we don't work on a "legendary" ride, doesn't mean that we aren't good employees. People tend to overlook that.

I have never seen any crew in the park do what The Beast crew does the last hour every night. So, yea I think they do deserve a lot of credit.

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This year is my first year in OHio and my first year coming to PKI. I Have been there 4 times so far this year and the only thing I found to be a "stupid" habit is the height restrictions. What I mean by that is a little girl on Runaway Reptar was WAY below the height restriction.. about 3 feet tall at the HIGHEST. The people on that ride allowed to her go on there. I thought that was irresponsible on their part because that is how someone can slip out. Other than that I think the employees enjoy their job and are just trying to keep the park clean and safe.

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  pki_rulz said:
  DeliriumDreamer said:

2. No offense to The Beast crew members who are reading this, but they are getting more credit than other crews who do the same thing... Perhaps guests should take a look at the Faceoff or Vortex crews, or the happy people over in Hanna Barbara land... We all are enthusiastic about our jobs, just as much as The Beast crew. Just because we don't work on a "legendary" ride, doesn't mean that we aren't good employees.  People tend to overlook that.

I have never seen any crew in the park do what The Beast crew does the last hour every night. So, yea I think they do deserve a lot of credit.

Then you haven't seen the Delirium crew at night. We may not do backflips in the station, but we do get the entire gondola pumped up.

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what exactly is The Beast last hour "power hour"? i dont think i've ever ridden at that time to notice a difference. BUT, i do know that The Beast has some of the hottest ride ops, and that pushes them ahead in some aspects too...

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  DeliriumDreamer said:
  pki_rulz said:
  DeliriumDreamer said:

2. No offense to The Beast crew members who are reading this, but they are getting more credit than other crews who do the same thing... Perhaps guests should take a look at the Faceoff or Vortex crews, or the happy people over in Hanna Barbara land... We all are enthusiastic about our jobs, just as much as The Beast crew. Just because we don't work on a "legendary" ride, doesn't mean that we aren't good employees.  People tend to overlook that.

I have never seen any crew in the park do what The Beast crew does the last hour every night. So, yea I think they do deserve a lot of credit.

Then you haven't seen the Delirium crew at night. We may not do backflips in the station, but we do get the entire gondola pumped up.

No one at Beast has ever said that no one else does as good a job as us. We know other peopl do power hour and we dont think we're better than anyone. I've met some very cool people in HB who are graet with the kids and all the other crews do a fantastic job, we dont stick our noses up cause we work on a legendary ride, we just make the most fun out of it that we can.

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No one at Beast has ever said that no one else does as good a job as us. We know other peopl do power hour and we dont think we're better than anyone. I've met some very cool people in HB who are graet with the kids and all the other crews do a fantastic job, we dont stick our noses up cause we work on a legendary ride, we just make the most fun out of it that we can.

OT but...When you get a job at PKI, do you get to select your crew if you work on a ride?

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As I said in a previous TR, the power hour for May 27th STUNK! It was like the whole crew didnt wanna be there! I did however get the pleasure of seeing Brad fall flat on his butt as he was picking up garbage under The Beast! I do, however, give him props for a quick recovery!

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