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PKI Report


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Wasn't this ride shut down early this year, though? Before the rest of the park had closed for the season? if it was indeed true....can someone explain this?

The many complaints surrounding The Son of Beast Roller Coaster. An intense wooden roller coaster with a loop, but clearly an extremely rough, jerky, uncomfortable roller coaster. Mr. Herrera did stress the many complaints surrounding this roller coaster to the state of Ohio during a meeting he had with Chief Mr. Jim Truex. ASO also learned that this ride was later shut down for maintenance, even though the park was still open to the public and had yet shut down for the year..

that is interesting. what do you guys know about this?

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SOB closed about 2 weeks earlier than the rest off the rides, however that DOESNT mean it is unsafe, it couldve been closed for a number of reasons........special maintenance work to try to improve ride experience may require extra time, coaster rehab was started early to secure more winterfest rehab time, a maintenace problem occured that maybe wouldve been easier to fix in the offseason. Maintenace problems happen, coasters are machines, just because a ride is closed doesnt mean its unsafe.

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I don't ride it and I am losing interest in going to PKI. I was going around 20 times a year and have dropped to 4 last year. It was hard to decide to buy a 06 pass and don't see getting one for 07 if they don't make some changes.

I don't want to go to a park that half the rides are not ridable and the other half is not running.

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I do not believe that the ride is unsafe in any way. There are certain inspections that are done by trained & qualified people and I have faith in their inspections and I also have faith in PKI.

Unsafe IMO is: their is a known condition that could possibly cause harm to those riding it. I do not believe that these conditions exist on SoB. I just believe that SoB is more exteme than most other rides, and to a first time guest they cannot gauge how the experiance is until they ride it since there are like warning signs and recordings on other thill rides as well.

Now if PKI was to put out a larger warning sign or a louder, more direct recording, or say that this is the most extreme ride in the park, they actually open themselves to a potential lawsuit, since they admit that there is a more extreme condition on SoB.

And saying that SoB was closed early in 2005 because of a safety issue is just stirring the pot.

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But, tggr, I read this from another web site and maybe it doesn't say so now, but they did try to make it seem like they were some kind of official safety organization and had done some research outside of asking people's opinions. That is where the problem lies.

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I also read on a CP website that Magnum was sinking.

The site in question has the area clearly marked for public opinions. And I can't see anything wrong with a public opinion, especially when there are other parks in the mix with the same type of information.

I mean, really, was there anything on that site that we have not already discussed here?

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ASO - Safety reporting a Big, rough, and not very fun roller coaster. Huge painful helixes broken up by a loop, which oddly enough is a sigh of relief from the rest of this violent horrid attraction. Cramped with little to no leg room within the Son of Beast trains - taller riders complaining of back and leg pain after riding this attraction was not uncommon. Headache and neck & back pain were also not uncommon complaints. Oddly enough there are minimal lines for this attraction, makes sense now, though. The public knows this attraction is violent and they are steering clear of it. What this venue does in the future with this attraction is yet to be seen, we know this venue is aware of this attractions violent nature. We can only assume this venue will do the best for this attraction and the guest in the future.

Looks like they updated. They're calling the park out. I dunno, does any of this make sense?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Some interesting posts. Some even more interesting and entertaining e-mails that the Kings Island faithful have sent us.

One of the more intresting posts was this one:

Homer Jay writes:

People should stop whining about SOB. Yes, it's rough. Did anyone expect it to be smooth?! It's the biggest wooden coaster in the world (or was at the time; is it still?) Of course it's rough. If it hurts, don't ride it!

The website seems odd. It looks "professional" enough and I wouldn't doubt that it's legitimate...but honestly, a few things bother me.

1.) It DOES sound like a trip report.

2.) Much--in fact, MOST--of it is based on hearsay. Someone reports that they had an issue. Was the issue looked into? What's the specific issue? This is just a complaint.

3.) Why in the world would a SAFETY organization be concerned about theming and effects? Those have nothing do with safety.

4.) If PR isn't answering their questions...something tells me that PR knows something's up. Any organization that legitimately has the authority to make requests or changes probably gets all their questions asked. If Seibert didn't answer questions, he probably knows that this is not really on the up-and-up.

1) It is a summary of trip reports from the general public, so yes, you're correct.

2) I personally visited this venue to look into the complaints coming in...as do our contributors who assist Amusement Safety Organization.

3) Our safety division is not worried about theming, however, our traveler division is. And quite frankly, they get A LOT of feedback.

4) They did know something was up. In fact, they know we were at the park and subsequently had a meeting regarding complaints at the park. In fact, we provided the Chief Amusement Safety Inspector a brief list of injury complaints at Kings Island, Cedar Point, and Geauga Lake.

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Scooby-Doo and the Haunted Castle Fixed Ride

ASO - Traveler reporting an attraction that the whole family can enjoy. The attraction seemed to generate much praise with families with 2 or more children.

ASO - Safety reporting complaints coming from the public regarding tripping while being exited off the attraction onto a moving platform. We advise you to be careful and to assist your children out.

LMAO laugh.gifbiggrin.giftongue.gif ---Yeah tripping also happened a lot when Phantom Theater was in that same building.

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"ASO - Safety has reported patrons complaints regarding chlorine and being sensitive to it and its odor. If you are sensitive to chlorine, you may want to pass this attraction up."

WTF? The saturator has no odor. I worked on the Goldrusher, which is right next door, there is no odor from the Saturator. You will only smell chlorine if you stay wet, and even then it isn't strong.

"Hurler Wooden Coaster

ASO - Traveler reporting an attraction that is not really well liked by the public. Roughness and fun factor were areas noted as problems.

ASO - Safety has received complaints regarding headache, neck and back pain, and nausea after riding this attraction. Use judgment before riding."

I am sorry but that is pure bull****. I worked on the Hurler in the 2005 season. No one complained of anything. The Hurler is well liked by the public, I saw a child problably around the age of 7 ride the Hurler 3 times in one day. mad.gif

ASO is nothing more than a trip report if even that, I find it odd that some coasters are missing including Thunder Road, Reptar, Goldrusher, and Ricochet. It seems to me that you are merely gathering what we say on different fan sites.

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