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Employment, Backstage Tours


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Got a couple of questions and wasn't sure where else to look...

I've been to the park website under employment but found no listing for jobs other than the seasonal positions. I'm sure I could apply online and specify my interests, but I was wondering what to put for the off-season maintenance crew? Do they just hire contractors to come in and do the cleanup and repainting, or do they hire their own crews as well?

Also, I see a lot of mentioning and pictures of backstage and off-season tours. How do you go about getting in one of these? Do you guys post about upcoming events, or do you have to have season passes and all that before you can get in on them?

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Most fulltime jobs are hard to get. And as for the backstage(entertainment?) is done by the entertainment department. AT the end of the season alot of the techs stay behind to break down the show and props. Then in febuary they come back to set up for the upcomming season's shows.... PKI does hire some outside contractors for certain things. But they are hard contracts to get. Now that CF has taken ownership who knows.......

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Well, if you are referring to the off-season construction tours, those are conducted by the Marketing Department at Kings Island, we generally will have an announcement on this site about when and where they will occur. Usually, they are free (although last year, it was part of the ACE winter event at the park and a pizza dinner was included after the tour so there was a nominal charge.

As far as full time employment, those positions are probably filled from within as openings arise. Eventually seasonal employees who work there way up the employment ladder might fill a full time position.

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If your interested, you should give the park a call and talk to them. It really depends on your experience. If you have minimal experience, you will get hired on as seasonal maintenance. Once positions open up or they feel you are doing an outstanding job, then you might get a fulltime position. Just call and ask.

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How Tech Services handles stuff:

What happens is that the park will start hiring seasonal work starting Jan. 31. Thats when a lot of the off-season maintenance occurs, especially since my department comes in at the end of construction. We then keep a schedule to have about a week to spare to "touch up" things around the park. Then the park opens, and we keep things running until after the park closes. Then we take in a lot of the speakers to be rebuilt and to make sure they work. The seasonals are let go for the year around mid-Nov.

For Nov-Jan, we have a small full time staff that takes care of a lot of the off-season things. Typically, this is about the time that full timers celebrate the holidays (from what I hear, its interesting to celebrate the Fourth of July with snow on the ground.)

It really depends on what department as for when the seasonal staff is hired and let go.

To get a full time slot, you pretty much have to get it by attrition. Wait for someone do get fired/quit to have a slot open, and then its extremely competitive.

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Its still up for debate. I was just referring to the previous seasons.

Thumb through some of the other posts about the IJ trains. Im tired of reposting the same response to the same nonsense. I will just repeat on thing I said on the other posts:

If you can do it faster and better, then why arent you working at the park in our animation department?

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Its still up for debate. I was just referring to the previous seasons.

Thumb through some of the other posts about the IJ trains. Im tired of reposting the same response to the same nonsense. I will just repeat on thing I said on the other posts:

If you can do it faster and better, then why arent you working at the park in our animation department?

So lets assume its taking awhile, they were out half the season last year, havent worked at all this year, instead of asking me if i can do it better than the animation shop, which im not claiming I can do better, I jsut want to knwo what the deal is. I'm not tyring to be a sarcastic ass here, but if other parks have their on baord audio on rides working, why cant IJ, what makes it so complicated, honestly I just want to know, I'm not criticizing you.

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