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Can You Guess the Year?


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These photos are from a single day trip I made to KI years ago. I was going to post the year, but I'd love some of the experts on here figure it out. I am amazed at the knowledge some of the people on here have.

Anyway, I found these, and wanted to share them. I know there are lots of others on here (like me) that eat the historical stuff up. Enjoy. Also Merry Christmas to everyone.

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It is either 1991 or 1992. Flight Commander is there, so it is at least 1990. And Top Gun isn`t there yet, so it is not 1993. Also, the entrance to Adventure Express can be seen in the lower right hand corner of one of the pictures. Based on the line for it, I would say that the pictures might be from 1991, since the Express opened in 1991. I can`t rule out 1992 though, because there are no pictures of HBL, where the Scooby Zoom was added in 1992 (now Little Bill`s Giggle coaster).

But those are some EXCELLENT historical pictures! Thanks for sharing them!

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See my post above. Can`t be 1990 because Adventure Express`s entrance is in the lower right hand corner of the picture with King Cobra in it.

Notice how blue the fountain seemed from the Eiffel Tower back then!

I believe that the International Showplace opened in 1973. I know it wasn`t original to the park. But I do know that it was there as early as the mid 80`s.

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I was going to say late 80's early 90's. But, it seems i was beat. And the only backup for my date, the clothing. I really didn't start truely following KI until joining this site, and there is still a lot for me to learn.

So, what is everything behind Racer/recaR there? And, when were the monorails removed? Were they doing anything at the time of these pictures?

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OK, this pic will really give it away:

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You guys are good! Long line for AE. Would have never picked up on that one.

It was Friday, July 24 1992. That was only my 2nd trip to the park, the first being in '75 (gotta look those pics up, too). I've always kicked myself about that '92 trip because I didn't realize the monorail was there, and didn't ride it. I have pics of the Wild Animal Habitat from the '75 trip (I was 3!).

Thanks for the comments, too. I believe I took those pics with just a small auto-focus 35mm camera.

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  CoastersNSich said:

Here's my honest yet controversial statement: This was probably around the time when Kings Island looked its best, IMHO.

No arguments here! International Street used to be so beautiful, hell the entire Park was. Its amazing to look at the old Wild Animal Habitat area compared to the concrete jungle we see as Action Zone today! At least PKD's I-Street still looks phenominal! Hopefully PKI will start to flourish again and start getting back to the wonderful place it used to be.

- Todd

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Great pictures and I too miss the way Kings Island use to look. I love some of the new attractions and additions, but I still dont understand why landscaping, cleanliness, and atmosphere has been sacraficed over the years. Oh wait, because of who ran the park and the fact it costs money to upkeep those things.

I also hope that KI will return to its glory under Cedar Fair.

Awesome Pictures Thanks

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Not all of that canopy was removed. Some of it still resides next to the Chick-Fil-A. It is now used as a shaded eating area for the many food stands that are in that area. But it does not connect with Rivertown anymore. The area where it used to join with RT is now storage space for the food stand.

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Since that trip, no more than a couple seasons have went by in between trips for me. But, it is kind of stunning to see how much has changed since then. You don't notice so much year to year, but to see it then, its unbelievable. The park needs to stay competitive, but WOW, has it changed (and lost a lot of grass !). I agree that the Adventure Village/Action Zone is the most pronounced. That part looks really nice/tranquil...unfortunately, I don't think I made it anywhere near it on that trip.

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Actually, here I must disagree. To me, the most contemptible and inexcusable changes to the park were made when Italian Job was installed and the Eagles and Tiques were removed. What was a nice, relaxing area of the park became an eyesore--even junkier looking than the average Batman The Ride installation at your typical Six Flags park (at least THAT is supposed to look junky).

I have always thought that Paramount had Six Flags envy, and every time I see Italian Job at Kings Island, I think so even more. At least the one at Kings Dominion is more appropriately sited, and doesn't appear nearly as junky.

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I agree that IJST would fit in great in the Action Zone. I think they should've put it right where Days of Thunder is.

And those pictures are really nice. I think International Street needs to return to that looks and the whole park needs a good cleaning and refurbishing. I think Cedar Fair will bring a cleaner park like it was at the end of the year.

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I agree that KI looks pretty good, but I'd like to see some more from the early to mid eighties. That is when I thought the park looked its' best.

I think that IJ:ST would be better located at AZ and Son of Beast should have been built in another area. Not sure if there was room anywhere else, but it's a thought.

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What? I think you are saying that most of the park`s thrill rides are in Action Zone. Well, Congo Falls is in Action Zone, and it is not really a high thrill ride. Also, what about The Beast, Flight of Fear and Vortex which are in other areas of the park. Those are also "high thrill" rides. I think that of all the places they could have put IJST, the best would have been AZ. But their location was a very pathetic choice. Expecially since it cost the park its center 'peacefullness' not to mention one of the older rides in the park (the Eagles).

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I also think it was sad that we lots 2 classic rides for IJ. Yes they could have been a better place for it. For whatever reason's it wasn't chosen. Why not beside FoF for an example? Or why didn't they just relocate Flying Eagles somewhere else in the park? Or why even need to do that. IJ didn't even use any of the land that Flying Eagles stood on.

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