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A Clue?


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Yeah, if you would call an area with two coasters a "new theme area." I don't see the park adding another large attraction to the FoF pavilion after this installation. Does anyone remember what happened when PKI decided to build a few rides and put them in a cement wasteland and only have one connecting pathway? It's called Action Zone, and if you're nuts enough to go to BAFF day, it's a bottleneck for traffic. I like the idea of giving it a theme, but I wouldn't go so far as to make it a big park subdivision like Coney Mall or Rivertown.

I support giving it a theme and giving it a name like Area 51 or something along those lines, but two rides is more than enough with that slim walkway under Racer.

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I wouldnt mind one of the Chaos rides that Cedar Fair is selling come to KI and possibly back with FoF and XF. They are an older flat, but quite fun and are a great visual for guests to sit and watch. $125K for Chaos or $125K for Superman the Escape. Anyone wana pool some money and see what we can do???
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You know its bad when the Chaos report is almost 3 times the size of the Son of Beast report. Still are failing fastners and bolts really that big of a deal? Still its a fun ride and the possible death or bodily injury makes it even more thrilling...

Long Day at Work, Can Everyone Notice???

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  Rumor Smasher said:

well i just didnt mean to 2 rides, they could add a jump2 over there near Flight of Fear, actully i think a jump2 would do perfect over there with Flight of Fear and X-flight

I respectfully disagree. With the amount of land that will be available once X-Flight is finished and the size of the pavilion and walkway beneath Racer, I just don't see how adding to the number of attractions back there would be feasible unless more is changed. If the park was willing to move those red buildings elsewhere, and a path looped back around to another point in Coney, it'd be possible. However, there's a big white metal tank that most likely won't want to go anywhere. If that building closest to Racer's lift were to be moved, I could see a Jump2 fitting in there. There's always that space between AE, Racer and FoF that is nice, green, and unused.

Could it happen? Sure, but I doubt it ever will, unless sometime down the road, the park decides to add a new area that branches out beside Coney. That'd be quite an expensive investment.

IPB Image

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Well, those buildings are some of the maintenance offices. The one closest to the midway under The Racer is used every year for FearFest as The Asylum (formerly Maze of Madness) and that particular building is part of wood coaster maintenance I believe. There are some ways they could snake another path out to the FoF midway. But the one maintenance building is kind of in the way. They could poke a path through at the apex of the second hill and connect it to the Coney midway right next to the games building, by the former food stand that is rarely open anymore. Even if from there they route the path straight to the existing midway, it could provide a much needed second access point back to that area.

Well, I just checked Geauga Guide. Deconstruction of X-Flight is well under way. Track is coming down at a rather good rate and currently sitting in GL`s parking lot. See the pictures over on Geauga Guide.

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Yep. I mean why would they announce it then. There is too much going on for a lot of people, and the announcement would get muddled in all the commotion of the holidays. That being said, I doubt we will have to wait too much after the new year begins to finally receive that announcement.

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  The Interpreter said:

There have been other such incidents since. It is for this reason that few parks in North America want to chance running a Chaos...

Note too that only the September issue of the Ohio report has made the web...

Not true.


Late October final report.

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There is one interesting thing I noticed on the 12th page. "The original design of the supporting structure for the track was inadequate." Then it goes on to say "The modifications up to now undertaken by Kings Island appear to address a portion of these problems and have greatly improved the performance of the structure."

I also think this is a very good sign for the future. "The SOB is not a structure that is running on the "ragged edge," but rather is an amusement ride that is most of the way to overcoming some original design shortcomings."

The report leaves me wondering just how bad was the original design and what would have happened if Paramount had not done the large number of modifications.

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