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Umatic tape of the Beast


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After some digging around at work, I found an old umatic VCR and watched the video taken on The Beast while construction was going on. This is the same tape that was on Ebay. The video is great and surprisingly really good quality.

It shows some of the queue line being built, water under the turn-around to the first hill, the old style train (4 cars w/ 4 seats = 32 ppl/ride), different color train (red in front to yellow in back- something that I never believed). Uncompleted 2nd tunnel- the beginning and end were cemented in but the middle part of the tunnel was open. And of course the 540 degree helix, which at that time was also not tunneled in. It also shows some video clips of the train running from the ground. It was really neat to see. There were workers all over the place leaning against the walkway beams (OSHA would have a hissy-fit over that), and the trees were REALLY tiny w/o leaves.

I should be able to make some copies if anyone is interested. I just hope the copied quality is as good as the original. After I make a copy and view it, I can let everyone know. I can almost guarantee this, this video is VERY unique. I want to write the company to see if they have a umatic tape of The Bat!

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I would like to have a copy as well. However, I would make one suggestion. I am guessing that you will get a lot of requests for this tape. So, you might want to have people send you money orders to cover the cost of shipping. I know your probably not interested in making money off of this, but you don't want to lose money either. I would be willing to send a money order to help cover the shipping costs. Good luck in finding a umatic tape of The Bat. Please keep us up to date in your search for that one. I would like a copy of it as well, providing you can find it. Thanks in advance.

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I can help get it transfered to DVD as well if that is something your interested in doing...


Ya, I think the DVD would be a great idea. I could send you the original umatic tape, and you could do your thing. Or would you want the VHS copy?

I e-mailed the company that I won the auction from. They have yet to get back to me, but just the possibility of seeing The Bat in action is worth the trouble.

I am planning to make copies tonight while I am at work. After this week I will not be able to make copies from the original umatic (my plant is on shutdown). I am not looking to make $$ but the cost of shipping and the tape is necessary. I assume the cost would be around $10 for everything.

Since I cannot make a copy for everyone, I suggest that friends share the copy I send. I will post when the copies are done to let everyone know how many I taped.

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I would be more than happy to make copies for everyone onto a DVD but I will need a COPY of the umatic tape. since I have no umatic VCR, I need a copy of the tape onto a reg VHS VCR tape. I figured the cost for each blank DVD to record the tape onto would be $1. I have a BUNCH of blank brand name DVDs just waiting to record this show onto!

Can email me direct if you want:


Here to help,


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OK all, hear is the deal-

I was able to make 4 copies. Either the jurassic JVC umatic VCR player "play" feature died or the tape is shot. My guess that it is the player. Anyhow, I am keeping one of the copies, and I am sending ZosoBeast a copy so he can make DVD's out of them. I am really quite surprised on how good the quality is. After watching the copy a few times, the hill going down to the 540 helix does not look banked like it is today, or I can't tell because of the copy.

Dane- I will send you a copy. That will leave me with one copy to send to someone that may not have a DVD player.

Bill- I'll pay for the shipping and materials for the copy if you will do the same with a return DVD for me. I think that is fair.


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ZosoBeast, If you are a responsable adult, and if my parents will let me, I'll email you

Ummmm.....I dont get it.

Anyway...after I get the tape and have the DVD finished, I will post on here and let you all know! We have to thank Browntggrr for allowing us to see it! Looking forward to it!!


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