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New KI Commercial


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I just saw a new commercial on the TV for KI with what appeared to be an operating Firehawk. It was a flying coaster with the correct red track color. Could it actually have been Firehawk or some good computer skills?

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Actually I think that it was stock video of X-Flight. If you look carefully I think you can see a spike of Steel Veneom(Superman) in the background.

Also fun fact....Hypersonic is used in the commercial as well.

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Kings Island commercials never come on TV here, and i dont even live too far away from Kings Island.

but they do have stuff about Kings Island on the radio.

can someone give me the video, and please dont have it on youtube, my computer hates youtube.

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It's X-Flight... and was EASILY changed. Since the ride was GREEN, any video editor could change the color of the ride using the same chroma technology as your local news uses with the weather! Simple stuff really, but it IS X-Flight with a color change. -Hauntguy

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Plus, at the very end of the commercial for Firehawk you can get a good look at the X-Flight logo on the front of the train as it runs through its helix. Even though it races past kind of quickly, it's pretty easy to see. At least, for me, it is. :)

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A good example of this is here:


I did this in photoshop (basic stuff, I'm not good at it at all!). -Hauntguy

That looks pretty good. I'm sure some people would believe that it was real. The logo that you put on the front does look a little shady but overall it gets the job done.

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I'm not sure, I have only seen the ones they were playing before the park opened, letting people know the park opened on April 21st. I'm sure other ones have been playing I don't really watch a lot of TV though. I have heard several radio commercials though.

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I just saw it again, after Wheel of Fortune on ABC. I finally paid attention and, yes, you can see what appears to be Steel Venom (Superman Ultimate Escape) in the background which means it's just an altered video of X-Flight.

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yay,,, i saw it, but Firehawk wasnt in it. at the end it said "Kings Island, where else???"


Where else? How about Geauga Lake (X-Flight) and King's Dominion (HyperSonic XLC is also shown in the commercial).

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I love the flipping viking ships. I loved seeing them in KD and at Carowinds. CW has a version of the flipping ship but it's a plane instead of a ship, but still fun. Frenzoid at Carowinds was the ride that really made me enjoy flipping upside down on Flight Commander. Before I rode Frenzoid in 1994 I hated to flip myself upside on Flight Commander. I also go to ride KD's version of FC theres was called Sky Pilot. Sadly KD's has been removed now too, I believe 1998 was it's last season, and that's when I rode it.

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