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Basketball Booth

Guest kwindshawne

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Guest kwindshawne

Well, I have a problem with this booth again. On Memorial Day, my daughter was riding The Beast alone, since I was at work. One of the guests managed to sneak one of the basketballs from the booth by IJST onto the ride. As they were dropping on the second hill, the jack ass threw the ball behind him, just narrowly missing hitting her in the head. She doesn't see well anyway, and I am sure she had her glasses off to avoid losing them. I have complained about the booth before on this forum, since I got stuck next to a jack ass on Vortex with one, but I am throwing my opinion in again. That booth is a bad idea-it was an annoyance avoiding kids playing around in the walkways, but now it is becoming a safety issue. Those basketballs become weapons if used in that manner. I asked her if she reported to ride ops or anyone, but she had not, since she felt intimidated by the group as it was. I am surprised she was able to get her hand up in time to deflect it. Is someone going to have to get hurt before common sense prevails? I didn't find out about this until just recently, and let me tell you I am FURIOUS!!!! Close it down!!!!

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Well given that the game is rather addicting to those who like to spend money resulting in the park making money hand over fist, it will not be closed down.

I would think that the ride operators need to pay more attention to what is being brought on the rides.

Of coarse finding the hooligan and ejecting him/ her from the park is effective as well.

Perhaps the operator of the game could mention and a sign installed of what could happen to guests that do not follow the rules of bringing the BBs on a ride before taking the contestant's money.

Sometimes a simple reminder helps for those who are intellectually challenged.

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Is someone going to have to get hurt before common sense prevails?

Unfortunately, the answer to that is probably yes. Sad part is, they're so paranoid about coasters having fender benders that they shut them down in the rain, yet they'll give out full inflated basketballs which are just asking to be lost into a ride area and really hurt someone.

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This has been one of my big issues for the last couple years...I get so aggravated listening to these punks bouncing these darn things all day. You want to talk about KI making money...they make money hand over fist from me...every weekend I drop a couple hundred in that place. Someone needs to take a ball away from one of these little punks and smack them in the face with it. In general ...most of the youth that attend the park now days are rude and disrespectful.

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  bonafidefreak said:
This has been one of my big issues for the last couple years...I get so aggravated listening to these punks bouncing these darn things all day. You want to talk about KI making money...they make money hand over fist from me...every weekend I drop a couple hundred in that place. Someone needs to take a ball away from one of these little punks and smack them in the face with it. In general ...most of the youth that attend the park now days are rude and disrespectful.

Get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?

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Many years ago the same type of prizes were given away under inflated.

If the park is now giving away the prizes properly inflated- that only tells me one thing; the revenue went down due to the under-inflated balls.

But this topic started out with a guest throwing a basketball from a moving ride. Under-inflated or properly inflated, if it hits another guest there is a serious potential for an injury.

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I was on FOF once a couple years ago and someone a few rows back chucked a basketball from the midcourse brake. Now since FOF is a tight tangle of steel, said ball went bouncing and ricocheting all over the place and ended up landing in the middle of the support cluster at the foundation.

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  WooferBearATL said:
How is it that you miss someone carrying a basketball onto any of the rides?

Ive seen people take BBs stuffed animals and other numerous items on rides, and ride ops instead of taking it and putting it to the side just tell them to "hang on to it".

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People need to be more carefull with what they win. Just leave it off to the side that is all that is needed. If you don't like people bouncing the basketballs then just ingore them. I am sure some people don't like your attidude towards the park. It is everyones right to enjoy the park as the wish. Remeber they paid to get in just like you.

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People need to be more carefull with what they win. Just leave it off to the side that is all that is needed. If you don't like people bouncing the basketballs then just ingore them. I am sure some people don't like your attidude towards the park. It is everyones right to enjoy the park as the wish. Remeber they paid to get in just like you.

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  WhoDeyForever said:
  flightoffear1996 said:
Remeber they paid to get in just like you.

Or at least most people... :P


Actually there are almost groups every day that don't pay to get in. They are usually the trouble makers. I used to work at an amusment park and we'd have days with groups from certain schools and in our park operations meetings for the day the GM would ALWAYS say make sure you have your employees guarding those basketballs with their life otherwise we'll lose them all. So if that's worth anything to this topic there ya go, it tends to be the most commonly stolen prize.

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  flightoffear1996 said:
People need to be more carefull with what they win. Just leave it off to the side that is all that is needed. If you don't like people bouncing the basketballs then just ingore them. I am sure some people don't like your attidude towards the park. It is everyones right to enjoy the park as the wish. Remeber they paid to get in just like you.

Just because someone paid money to get into the park does not give them the right to do as they please. Most of these punks didn't pay anything to get in. BUT..since I paid my way into the park ...same as you...you won't mind if I spit my Copenhagen on your table while you eat....I did pay my way in

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Guest kwindshawne
  bonafidefreak said:
  flightoffear1996 said:
People need to be more carefull with what they win. Just leave it off to the side that is all that is needed. If you don't like people bouncing the basketballs then just ingore them. I am sure some people don't like your attidude towards the park. It is everyones right to enjoy the park as the wish. Remeber they paid to get in just like you.

Just because someone paid money to get into the park does not give them the right to do as they please. Most of these punks didn't pay anything to get in. BUT..since I paid my way into the park ...same as you...you won't mind if I spit my Copenhagen on your table while you eat....I did pay my way in

Good one!!! :))

All kidding aside, I think a check room outside and not allowing the balls back in is the answer-hell, that's what they did with Firehawk shirts...worked well, as I observed. That way, they get their prize, and the rest of us don't have to worry about brain damage from a basketball hitting us in the head at 65 + mph.

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