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  1. ^that would suck. It would be an absolutely awful replacement for TR:TR.
  2. If anyone here has any photos of TR:TR, drop them here!
  3. Here it is. Check it out on steam if you have PlanetCoaster on Steam!! Lubs recreation is amazing!!
  4. Thank you TRFTW! And thanks to LUBS on steam for giving me the chance to experience the one credit I never got to get. Close?
  5. I don't know if its me, or does this look like Cedar Fairs style queue sign for TR:TR? Maybe this was taken in 2007 as its last year as TR? Am I correct? trtrplaza1.jfif
  6. They have one for Tomb Raider? I have the crypt one. (50th anniversary pin) I havent seen one for TR:TR. Where did you get one?
  7. I want some more KI pins for my collection. I want one for TR:TR but I don't know if they exist.
  8. Is there anything else on those pedastals? Or is it just the chain and the two small statues? I see something that looks like a bowl or something but I can't make out what it is.
  9. Hello, does anyone here know the music used in the outdoor queue part of TR:TR? The music that was played under the awnings. Anyone here have a download link to it?
  10. Thank you for this. I do have a wack hunch that chopping off the 3rd row on the ride did play a factor in the GTS's demise. But who knows. I'd give anything to be able to experience the ride in its original form. I unluckily did get to ride it in 2008. And 2010. That 2008 cycle, that was scary. And I don't mean that in a good way.
  11. I agree here. How the heck can a Hindu Goddess be copyrighted? Cedar Fair took the cheapest way out and DESTROYED it. Maybe with a simple re-theme it could've lived.
  12. If you see Crypt merch, let me know. I'd love to get some.
  13. Yes I have. They're not that great at all IMO. I just want something personally similar to the original ride. Nothing I've ever rode has had my jaw on the floor as much as TR:TR did when I first rode it. Just don't give us the 08' version.
  14. Yes. Lol. A madhouse sounds boring as heck.
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