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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/18/2011 in all areas

  1. Are they messing with us, once again? Well, that sure is a Mysteria-ous tweet.
    2 points
  2. Its amazing, the Dip N Dots guy said the same thing!
    2 points
  3. Because being dishonest is totally okay, right?
    2 points
  4. Buyer beware is always good advice for everyone in everything they do. It is also good that some watch for these types of things and point out problems so that proper weight can be considered in the whole picture of an organization going forward. Keep in mind here that NAMI does not diagnose or prescribe medicines to consumers. That is done with the consumer and their choice of a licensed professional doctor. Sometimes organizations find themselves going in the wrong direction and sometimes it takes extreme measures of some to help the organization in correcting its present course. I believe that is in some ways a good thing it show that their are people in position who will do the right thing when they feel passionate about an issue right or wrong. The American Red Cross has had many issues in the past http://www.cbsnews.c...ain516700.shtml Cedar Fair has had board member, company executives and share holder issues too. Does that mean everything they do is bad and that the whole system is corrupt and to be avoided at all cost. Well that would be up to each individual to look at those organizations and companies as a whole and decide for themselves if they want to associate or patronize them. Yes I may not like some aspects of the business but I still would recommend friends of mine to go to a Cedar Fair park for a day of entrainment and fun. Additionally i would encourage a friend to seek help with the Red Cross if they are experiencing a disaster in their life and for the police and fire departments to drink the beverages and eat the snacks the Red Cross provides for them when they are in action helping citizens. It is always good to be on guard and to look for wrong doing or misguided board members pandering to one of its contributors and when exposed put pressure where needed to force change. NAMI does so much in helping educate and coming to the aids of consumers and their families in a myriad of ways. There are many local chapters in residing all across the country and yes they will have issues here and there but I know the good of the many in the organization speaks volume over they few who need to be corrected. I was not going to post this but knowing first hand some of the many services NAMI provides I would not want a person of need to over look an opportunity to get help, there is far to many issues for those who need help in the way now. Keep in mind consumer beware if it does not feel right find another resource, but do not give up.
    2 points
  5. They shouldn't be replacing an old cup with a new one... same with refilling a non-KI cup, the $2.12 is a discount for refilling a KI souvenir cup that you paid $10 for, not for refilling the water bottle you got at Dollar Tree. It's not the "people who take their jobs so darn serious" who don't do it, it's the people who don't think the guests should to be able to get away with whatever they want. (I personally can't believe they replace current year's ones... if I bought a water bottle at Walmart and then dropped and broke it, I certainly wouldn't expect them to give me a new one for free!) Oh, and maybe if you took your job seriously, you would still work there.
    2 points
  6. The like button is all set up and functioning properly now.
    2 points
  7. Then perhaps we could see a literal Freak Show at the Haunt alongside the Half-Pint Brawlers.
    1 point
  8. Knowing B&M they wouldn't have built a giga coaster either.
    1 point
  9. I guess I will be the first to say "Not at Holiday World". And not anywhere in Delaware either, which has no sales tax period.
    1 point
  10. Maybe its the name of the new B and M Giga coaster coming to Kings Island next year that is 307 feet tall! Just kidding. Could mean anything.
    1 point
  11. Anyone notice how long and tall the brake run is? It's huge.
    1 point
  12. That came up every once in a while when I worked there in Food years ago. "You shouldn't be charging me tax! I'm taking the food to go!" And it was invariably a man that would say that to me. I would have to explain to him that even though he may be taking it off our patio area, he is still IN the bigger property of Kings Island. This usually put an end to their argument.
    1 point
  13. I thought the same thing Teenageninja, but refrained from saying it, because I thought there would be backlash because the two you mention are from different manufacturers, where as CW's two coasters are both B&M's. IMO about the only thing i think compares between Lev. and Behemoth are that they are B&M's. One goes out over a few hills, loops around, comes back over a few hills, ends in a helix. The other goes down the first hill takes a hard right "barrel roll", hugs the ground, loops around goes through 2 high speed turns with a hill in the middle before returning to the station. The ride layouts are nothing a like.
    1 point
  14. Yes. Absolutely nothing can be left in the station on either one because both have separate loading and unloading stations. This year's cup clearly says on the top of the lid "HAND WASH ONLY".
    1 point
  15. that's good to know. the aparatus they sold this year does not fit in the dish washer....
    1 point
  16. I agree with CedarPointer. thats like me going to Kings Island with a Dollywood cup and asking them to refill it. YES, they will fill them up with ice cold water, but not with soda. I take my Camelback waterbottle with me every visit and they have no issues filling it up with water. Next time i am at the park i will personally drop my bottle and then take it to Dicks and ask for a new one. Lets see how far i get with that!
    1 point
  17. Park Mitzvah- The first visit where you can hit all the big rides.
    1 point
  18. Wow! That's 920 feet! I can't wait to ride it!
    1 point
  19. Ahh good times riding with grandma.
    1 point
  20. 'Tis an honor that I thought I had already earned in the past...anyway, I would like to thank the Academy, my mother and father...because without them none of this would have been possible...
    1 point
  21. Quick! Cue the Twilight Zone theme!
    1 point
  22. I thought this was amusing while in line for Beast the other day: Kid: Dad, why are they running an empty train? Dad: Well, that's in memorial of all those who have passed on while riding Beast. They do it every morning out of respect Kid:
    1 point
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