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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/06/2011 in all areas

  1. I feel like this forum has become a bit like high school. We all have different opinions about things and we all like different things. Some people just can't accept other peoples opinions and that's fine but you don't have to flame them for it. For Example. I personally like Son of Beast. And when I tell people this I usually get blank stares followed by, "You're crazy Son of Beast was the worst coaster in history. blah blah blah. My point is we all need to be a little more accepting of each others opinions.
    2 points
  2. It's really cold at KI in the offseason. Very unpleasant. Just sayin'.
    1 point
  3. Something I try to keep in mind while on the forum: Since we are a small group of individuals that are KI enthusiasts, I think we should go above and beyond to show each other more respect and be more forgiving with each other as we talk and learn about the park we enjoy. I understand that we hold each other a little higher for posting wrong info, but should be courteous and respectful when correcting someone. It just maintains credibility and keeps the conversation fun.
    1 point
  4. I have heard Wolf Pack was suppose to be called Son of Beast and have a loop. Now it is only open for just over a month
    1 point
  5. A Vekoma Flying Dutchman. Oh wait...
    1 point
  6. There is a way to politely educate someone without making them feel like an idiot or pointing it out to them on a forum. That's what I have issue with-and that is why I rarely post. Before responding to someone on here who may not know the facts, think about how you would take it if someone said it to you. It's simple courtesy. Some responses on here are abrasive, and there's no excuse for it. I would love to learn from someone in that position, but there is no way in hell I would ask them about it.
    1 point
  7. This is just a random side bar, but when someone says "I've worked at the park the past few seasons"... Am I the only person who immediately thinks to themselves, "you and 3,500 other people"? Im not sure where or who said it, but maybe I'll throw my two cents in the pot for what its worth. When you say something like "It is, or They are" - the sentence structure leaves no wiggle room for interpretation, what you are saying is indeed fact. Many moons ago you could come make a post, and say something as benign as ' McDonald's is extending breakfast until 10:31am M-F" and your post would be followed up with twenty posts that contained one word ... "Proof?". You have no idea how seeing someone demand evidence infuriated me and made my blood boil. Regardless, it was hard, for some, to accept what other users were saying because so many people were posting things as if they were fact, instead of hearsay they had either overheard or been privy to discussion regarding. 'Higher Up' is such a laughable phrase anyway. Do you have any idea how many 'higher ups' there are in a facility like Kings Island? Your supervisor, for that matter, is a 'higher up'. I have no idea if the full time rides managers know anything about the extent or process for rehabbing trains, my guess is their knowledge is fairly limited, but then again - its just my guess. My point is, the information that was presented, by those 'people who'd worked at the park for several seasons' and had 'heard it from "higher ups" ', you don't really know if what these people tell you is the truth. If it were me, while I might believe what they said, I would not be repeating it as gospel truth, which those individuals did more or less, until they were able to confirm with someone who works in maintenance on the trains themselves, like Aaron. As for the way his response went - was he a jerk? Compared to some of the other things I've seen him write to other users, no. The thing you always have to remember is, just because you read it and interpret how he would be articulating it to you if he was speaking, it might not be how he intended it when it was written. Things often become lost in translation simply because the reader cannot hear the author verbalize the written word. Sometimes I think what he says contains a certain arrogant crassness about it, but it doesn't negate the validity of what he is offering, he does know his job after all. Then again, if you get offended by a screen name on a website that discusses a subject that, in the grand scheme of life, doesn't matter one bit, then maybe you're wound a little too tightly and need to relax a tad :-) Somewhere along the lines I think a lot of people forgot the reason to congregate here was to, simply put it, have fun. When it no longer becomes fun, whats the point? P.S. - My other all time favorite demand for evidence, in a much more coy fashion that "no one saw through" would be the tool bag who would say "Oh gee golly... I sure do wish I could see a picture of that *cough cough* *wink wink* *nudge nudge*" again... just my two cents
    1 point
  8. Welp, guess we know now: KIC Offseason Brawl, '11-'12: "Is AZ Kinda Guy a holier-than-thou elitist, or just a misunderstood expert?" Just teasin', guys. Does it really matter at all what order they do maintenance in?
    1 point
  9. I see no evidence of AZ bing a jerk. If saying someone has posted incorrect information is being a jerk then I believe we are all guilty. You made the statement "Recently they have been doing it that way." When I read this I thought you knew what you were talking about, not an "educated guess" developed from talking to/overhearing "higher ups." As it turns out, you were wrong (intentional or not), they don't do it that way. AZ pointed this out and went on to explain what the protocal actually is.
    1 point
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