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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/05/2011 in all areas

  1. Another photo set, another week! Back when I posted the shot from Congo Falls of Stunt Crew Grill I mentioned that it was 1 of 2 photos in this series that I couldn't duplicate exactly because it would be illegal to stand where the original photo was taken...today's photo is the second photo. I could not stand exactly where the original photographer did. I am guessing that the 1974 photo was taken from the old exit of The Racer, so to have taken the exact photo I would of had to stand in the grass area next to The Racer's queue house.(Is that what's it's called?) I do think I came pretty close...but the angle is not quite right. 1974 2011 Where I would rather be standing today is no contest. I love in the 1974 photo how the viewers/watchers could stand so close to the train as it was getting ready to head up the hill. (That would have been a great photo/video op!) Plus since The Racer has the cool red, white & blue paintjob, 1974 wins by a mile! Once again...since I haven't annoyed anyone by saying it for a few days...thanks to everyone for the comments and "Likes"...it keeps my enthusiasm going. Also, thanks again to Hendrick for continuing to make the fades!
    13 points
  2. Be careful what you wish for. As those who have ridden Bizarro at SFGAd can attest, loud volume can be deafening, annoying and even painful. Not to mention the splendid effort KI put forth to keep such a system working on Italian Job: Stunt Track.
    2 points
  3. This may just be me going on a fantasy, why is Stinger already owned?
    1 point
  4. The force is strong with this one... Yes, you do.
    1 point
  5. We needed a place to get rid of our gum.
    1 point
  6. ^Maybe it wasn't known as a tunnel back then, therefore wouldn't need to be "tunnel'ish"
    1 point
  7. couple of notes: #1- the trains aren't racing... #2- the tunnel leading back to the station is open (not very tunnel'ish) #3- no 20' tall fence warning the masses of the obvious. Why do people have to be such dolts to necessitate fences everywhere, to among other things, block views.
    1 point
  8. The park atmosphere. I could go to the park and walk around all day and not ride anything. Just the sounds or the park, the food, watching rides, and walking around the shops is good enough for me. (don't get me wrong I wouldn't go to the park all summer and not ride anything. lol) My husband makes fun of me because I love Kings Island so much, and talk about it so much. But everyone has something they love. Just as someone might love cooking, sports, scuba diving, rock climbing. whatever it may be. Well I love KI and Just the atmosphere of being there at my favorite place, makes me happy. Its my second home.
    1 point
  9. I feel differently about being in a park while it's closed. I'v been to KI more times than I care to share during my 8 years running this site. I used to get excited about seeing the park in rehab and stuff, but now I'd rather not detract from the magic.
    1 point
  10. I've got to admit, I'm impressed. Then again, how are we supposed to know that the photo of you with the shirt is current ? Perhaps you with the shirt along with today's newspaper would add to the credibility of the comment. :-)
    1 point
  11. EXCELLENT reference! (But aren't you being a little anti-Kings Island digging up old thrown away Nick characters to reference?! ) A more proper comment might have been "I bet most people here only get rocks"....wah wah wah WAH wah WAH.
    1 point
  12. Well, as promised, today’s photo set is a little more interesting to look at than yesterdays. (You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have the facts of life… ) 1974 The Dad in this photo doesn’t look too thrilled to be riding in the car…but I bet in the long run it was a good memory. 2011 As you can see by the cornstalks this photo wasn’t taken at the same time as the others…I didn’t quite get the shot I needed in the summer so I had to retake this one…out of 31 shots this was the only one that I had to do this with. Not bad odds eh?! So, where would I rather be standing today 1974 or 2011…this is one of the few shots where I could go either way. I think the cars would be about as much fun as Surf Dog…if I HAD to choose I would go with 2011 because I know that one of my nephew’s favorite rides (Peanuts Off-Road Rally) is back behind Surf Dog. I hope everyone has a great weekend!
    1 point
  13. I would play Dubsteps to every ride. Except WindSeeker...
    1 point
  14. I think first off Kings Island needs to work on making better water slides, then I would LOVE a Top-Thrill Dragster kind of rollercoaster.
    1 point
  15. ...and not one that's enclosed! (or should I say 'encrypted')
    1 point
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