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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/09/2012 in all areas

  1. Happy belated New Year to all! So, I was going to post these on New Years Day, but as fate would have it, Photobucket wouldn't cooperate. My gift to each of you fellow Ki fans is something you may find interesting. 12 years ago, I began photo documenting the construction of Son of Beast. I have pics from the very first footers, to the announcement, to final construction, to the first test runs, and finally opening day. There's lots of pics, all taken by me. I hope you enjoy. Please don't post these to other sites without asking me for consent. After all, I did all the dirty work ;-) First, here's a look at construction from start to finish: http://s1095.photobucket.com/albums/i475/jhnktr/Son%20of%20Beast%20Construction%20-%20PKI/ Here's pics from the announcement: (look closely and you'll see Jeff Siebert (This was prior to his being hired by PKI, which happened just weeks after this event!) as well as Don Helbig (Long prior to his joinging KI Marketing.) http://s1095.photobucket.com/albums/i475/jhnktr/Son%20of%20Beast%20Announcement%20PKI/ Here's the infamous SOB crate: http://s1095.photobucket.com/albums/i475/jhnktr/Son%20of%20Beast%20Crate%20-%20PKI/ Here's ultra rare pics of the first ever riders on SOB. This happened on Easter Sunday 2000. The first riders included Tim Fisher, then GM of the park, along with engineers and other Paramount Park Execs. http://s1095.photobucket.com/albums/i475/jhnktr/Son%20of%20Beast%201st%20test%20run%20with%20riders%20-%20PKI/ Finally, heres pics from SOB's opening day. These were taken Friday evening following the media event. After the media event in the morning, the track was ripped out and replaced in the ascent following the large drop. The coaster openened for a few hours on Friday evening, then was closed for sometime as the entire track in that area was considered "too violent." http://s1095.photobucket.com/albums/i475/jhnktr/Son%20of%20Beast%20Opening%20Day%20-%20PKI/ I hope you enjoy them. This was a fun time in my coaster life. Lots of friends and memories were made during this time. Let me know what you think ;-) Shaggy aka John
    4 points
  2. Photo #8 - Wild Animal Habitat
    3 points
  3. You mean their "standing around, pretending like spooky things are happening and tricky editing to make it seem like something actually happened?"
    2 points
  4. Why? If larger is always better, the best coaster in the USA is Kingda Ka and, at least when it operated, the best wooden coaster in the world was Son of Beast.
    2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. Does anyone find it intresting that a movie call Face Off Is following the show?
    1 point
  7. On my way back from the Newport Aquarium on Monday we saw this on the highway. Anyone know who's getting these? (And I know the answer is "yes"). They look to be of the B&M persuasion.
    1 point
  8. Let's argue over footers over footings again too. This isn't just a local message board, you came off sounding like a jerk as usual. Batavia is in GREATER Cincinnati. "as usual" seems to indicate you have a predefined opinion of CoastersRZ posts. Others may have just thought that he is supplying additional info that can help people expand their knowledge. And he started by saying, "technically" which indicates he knows he is being detailed.
    1 point
  9. ^ I once had a simliar arguement with my fiance before I moved here. She is from West Chester.. and I am from Southern Indiana. I used to say she is from Cincinnati.. and she would say.. no I'm not. She soon came to find.. that no one outside of cincinnati knows where West Chester is, and has sense started saying she is from Cincinnati. Kings Island is not in Cincinnati.. but ask someone from Georgia (who does not go by Interpreter) where Kings Island is (if they know what it is) they will say Cincinnati.. Would you go "You have no idea what your talking about, its in Mason, almost 20 miles from cincinnati".. or agree.. that Kings Island is in the general location of Cincinnati? And on the same note.. maybe someone should tell the outlet mall they need to change their name to "Monroe Premium Outlets"
    1 point
  10. Paul, just so you know...I haven't had a specific (worthwhile) comment to make about your latest 2 photos...but I AM enjoying them.
    1 point
  11. Let's argue over footers over footings again too. This isn't just a local message board, you came off sounding like a jerk as usual. Batavia is in GREATER Cincinnati.
    1 point
  12. April 28, 2012. http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=24865&pid=448640&st=30entry448640.
    1 point
  13. Yes. I'm sure someone does know. Been waiting quite sometime to do that.
    1 point
  14. Standbyme, thank you for this topic. This is really amazing to see how the park has truly changed over the years. Cannot wait to see what else you are going to post, keep em coming!
    1 point
  15. Boy, am I slow...The photo of the front cover of the booklet, is on KIC home page. Sorry. LOL
    1 point
  16. I had a park map/booklet that had a lot of drawings(instead of photos) and a description of the themed areas. It also mentioned the "well-trained" staff, ready to help you in any way that they can (what happened to this feature?) LOL I am guessing that the photo renderings were because the park was not complete to take real pictures? If I recall, the front cover had two cartoon characters riding Enchanted Voyage, which was a real picture not an artist's drawings. Wish I could locate it. Would this have been from the first year of operation?
    1 point
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