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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/11/2012 in all areas

  1. Just stop posting and quit logging in?
    4 points
  2. As you may have heard, we're developing a new website. We are looking for new wallpaper images for the downloads section. Would you like to help us with that? If you're interested in helping, click on the link below for sizing and e-mail your images to me at Don.Helbig@visitkingsisland.com. If we use your image(s) we'll give you a behind the scenes tour of The Beast during one of your visits. http://www.visitkingsisland.com/public/fun/downloads/index.cfm We are in need of the images as soon as possible. Thanks!
    3 points
  3. I love photography. It is my 2nd favorite hobby (after being an amusement park enthusiast) But I also know that my work isn't going to produce any sort of revenue. I don't put enough time into it to develop it that far, nor plan on it. But it is nice to have an opportunity to have a chance to have my works in the public eye, and who knows.. maybe on someone's desktop. Could KI have hired a photographer to take these photos? Sure they could have. But are they any less of a company because they want to get people they know love the park, AND can take great pics involved, if they so choose? I don't believe so. Some people like to do stuff for the hobby of it, not for monetary gain.
    3 points
  4. People still do this, many people actually. I'm one of them. There most definitely is still a photography industry. It's ever-changing and certain companies utilize it a lot better than others, but I wouldn't say it's dying or that something like this would kill it. Here's my two cents: This is a neat opportunity for anyone who has some good shots and would like to contribute. i whole heartedly agree that some form of credit or a link to the photographer's website should be given. However, there's no revenue they're going to generate by offering free wallpapers for site visitors to see or download. It'd be one thing if they're using these photographs as marketing material, but according to the original post they're just asking if anyone would like to contribute some wallpapers. I know when I was 15, first reading this site and first getting into photography I would've jumped on something like this. Why not? If it's good enough and they use it as a wallpaper, it adds some credibility to your work. It may not be a big thing on a resume, but it's still cool. Now, if these photographs showed up in something the photographer didn't originally agree to (advertisements, promotional material etc.), then there'd be a problem. No offer was made for a photo credit so how are they going to get noticed. So a budding photographer wanting to market their work won't get that "lucky break". BTW as you proved in the fantastic thread of your photos, great shots are a result of experience and very hard work. If someone wants to reproduce any of the shots, you should get paid for the very hard work you put into those. If not pay, then at least a credit. Not a single shot on the link provided had a single photo credit which means KI paid someone to shoot them, or for the rights to use them uncredited. I sincerely doubt that KI paid someone to specifically come in and shoot photos that could be used on their site as wallpapers. The ones they already have were probably grabbed from marketing/event shoots they hired a photographer for. However, if people are just contributing wallpaper images then I don't see a problem especially if they're getting a tour in exchange. It's something fun. I'm sure Don could walk around the park a few days in the summer and get some good shots and I know he has in the past, but why not let some KICers contribute something cool? And in exchange you get a backstage tour for you and some friends. I think that's reasonable compensation for some background wallpapers. There's a fine line between a few good shots that people contribute from here as wallpapers and professional work. No offense to anyone here, but if the park wants/needs something professionally done they'll probably hire someone for that job and I doubt they'd hire someone specifically wallpaper images. They could just not have any on their site and the world would go on just fine. Like I said, they said it's just for wallpaper images. If it was for something bigger or an ad campaign, that'd be different, but if it's just for wallpapers - no big deal.
    3 points
  5. ^Even if you have, that land isn't across Kings Island Dr. beneath the foundation of a now closed movie theatre. Thanks for playing.
    3 points
  6. They're investigating the reports of a ghost behind Thunder Alley. You see if you stand near the entrance and look up, there's a huge ghostly structure in the woods. But if you look at the park map.....There's Nothing!!! It's a GHOST!! Quotes from every past Ghost Hunter episode: "What was that?....Did you hear that?.....I hope we got that on camera!...That was definitely something!!!"
    3 points
  7. 2 points
  8. I think it's a cool thing. KI is using what they have available to them and... They contacted our members directly. If we help them with some images they want, don't you think they'll be more kind to us in the future. Wouldn't it be even cooler if they designated which wallpapers were provided by fans... not hired professionals. I'm not so sure when "if you scratch my back I'll scratch yours" became a bad thing. They're compensating you with a beast tour if you win. If we can make PR's job easier, maybe they'll spend some free time organizing another RWCW (dream)...
    2 points
  9. No offer was made for a photo credit so how are they going to get noticed. So a budding photographer wanting to market their work won't get that "lucky break". BTW as you proved in the fantastic thread of your photos, great shots are a result of experience and very hard work. If someone wants to reproduce any of the shots, you should get paid for the very hard work you put into those. If not pay, then at least a credit. Not a single shot on the link provided had a single photo credit which means KI paid someone to shoot them, or for the rights to use them uncredited. Why doesn't KI fire the Graphic Designer, Content Managers, Programmers, Sales people, and anyone else responsible for this new site and just get submissions for free? Why not just have a huge gathering of the freelance creative community to trade their work for a free tour? I'm with you that it's great KI is participating on this site, and an enemy of KI I won't be, but it seems kinda cheesy to hit a fan site up for something they should be paying for, or giving credit to.
    2 points
  10. Some photos from KIC will be featured on the show. They asked me to fax them a release form, which I gladly did. The photos were credited to Dane, so I sent Dane an email about them. Of course, Dane didn't read the email and sent me a text about it when they emailed him. I told him to refer to the email that I had sent him weeks before. He replied, "Thanks for your quick response. I was about 5 seconds away from making my Facebook status: 'Why the [explicit] is Ghost Hunters emailing me??'" I guess that might have spoiled the surprise. hahaha
    2 points
  11. I wish they had investigated tower johnny or the ghost that throws rocks at the wwc tower. This was cool to see boo blasters empty with night vision. And who knows maybe the S.O.B. shots were a hint... (was anyone else waiting for Don to stand up and say Son of Beast is going to reopen in 2013)
    1 point
  12. My father would have said "for little boys and girls to ask questions about." A wise one, he was. Indeed.
    1 point
  13. I am so glad I'm not the only one who noticed. I can't believe they actually did a close up of the cars with the logo. So much for no publicity for old Sonny...
    1 point
  14. I think its great KI is asking us, plus a backstage tour of The Beast. That really cool they offered us the chance to help out with something to do with the park. Not cheesy at all. The more people complain the less likely they are to ever ask us to do stuff like this anymore.
    1 point
  15. I believe that is the almost the definition of an artist...just switch the word hobby with love. I wish I had a photo worthy to contribute...I would find it an honor to have it being used by the park's fans.
    1 point
  16. Tis' the season. The offseason.
    1 point
  17. I know that this has been discussed before, but I thought I'd start a fresh topic since it's been quite a while. Nate Byrum, formerly of CET Cincinnati, passioniately created this documentary about the history of Kings Island back in 2009. I know many of you are new to the boards (since 2009) so this is certainly a "must" for those with any interest or passion for KI. KICentral is thanked in the ending credits. Enjoy!!! http://www.cetconnect.org/kingsisland/
    1 point
  18. And injuries are a moot point, because you said the cost of fixing it. Paying for injuries do not fix a roller coaster. If it did, Son of Beast would be well on its way to being fixed.
    1 point
  19. I believe it was 1972^ Photo #10 - Tomb Raider The Ride
    1 point
  20. Wait, there's going to be a new website?
    1 point
  21. Cool idea, do you plan on giving credit for the images?
    1 point
  22. Honestly, I'd kill for a redux of Enchanted Voyage. A relaxing indoor boat ride with a family-friendly theme would be a welcome addition for those who enjoy slower-paced attractions.
    1 point
  23. Beast woods can be terrifying at 2:30 am
    1 point
  24. Thank you Shaggy!! While there are very mixed opinions about the ride experience of SOB.. it is a ride I hold dear in my heart, because it was one of the coasters that really got me into loving roller coasters to the point of considering myself an enthusiast. I have ridden better coasters since riding it, but I can't help but think if I hadn't have had the great experiences I had early on on SOB, that I would have never experienced those better roller coasters because I never would have never went any further than Kings Island. Once again, thank you for the pictures, bad ride experience, good ride experience.. you can't deny it is a beauty and beast of a ride to behold to the eye.
    1 point
  25. Wow, thanks for posting these...1999 was one of only a couple years I've missed in the last 20, so I didn't get to see construction. However, I did ride it in May of 2000! It looks so different to see King Cobra in the pics! Does anyone else think the footers resemble a cemetary?
    1 point
  26. Photo #8 - Wild Animal Habitat
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. Thanks once again standbyme ( and I'm sure I will be saying it again!) As for things in the park that are still original, there are some areas of wood on The Racer that still look original, haha. Namely, standing in line for WindSeeker, above the old Action Theater Entrance, one of the flex points has two pieces of wood that just slap together as the coaster goes over that part of the track.
    1 point
  29. Actually, I don't think the clock was present in 1972... it wasn't installed until the mid-1970s.
    1 point
  30. ^ That display for Adventure Express is awesome! I also wouldn't mind seeing something like this in the park. Maybe, if we cross our fingers, the new entrance to Soak City will have something of this stature.
    1 point
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