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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/04/2012 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. It worked so well for Gary Story's Six Flags. Too big an example? Bev and John Roberts whose overexpansion did in Funspot in Indiana and nearly took Camden Park down with it. Kentucky Kingdom would almost certainly be a major distraction for the Kochs and endanger Holiday World. Bigger is not always better.
    2 points
  3. doug was the nicest,awesomest, most caring person i ever met. i was happy to call him my head supervisor and i feel i have changed for the better because of him. no matter how bad his day was going, he always had a smile on his face and i never heard anything negative about him. he will be missed and the park will not be the same with out him.
    2 points
  4. It's so sad to hear. My deepest condolences... It is always sad to hear when people we care about are called home to the great big amusement park in the sky. Especially when it is way before their time. Doug will certainly be missed. I never knew him personally but saw him many times on my visits to Kings Island over the years. It's times like these when we realize how fragile and precious life truly is. We need to enjoy every little moment we have and treasure all of the memories we have.
    2 points
  5. I'm going to miss you a lot Doug. He left such a huge impact on so many lives. I'll never forget him leading The Beast walk at the end of the night, or Beast Cowboy nights! You were a great fellow associate, and a great supervisor. But most importantly, you were a great friend.
    2 points
  6. There are times when we ponder about our lives and if we will have made an impact on others or if anyone will notice our passing. Doug was a type of person who impacted everyone he met with his sincere friendliness and smile. Doug you impacted so many others including myself just knowing you and I am fortunate our paths crossed at times. I think I can speak for many that this world is a better place because of you. May you be blessed during your eternal journey.
    2 points
  7. It is my unfortunate responsibility to inform you that Doug Apple, head supervisor at the Italian Job Stunt Track in 2011, has passed away following a long history of medical battles. I had known Doug for a long time but didn’t really get to know him as a close friend until this past year. Doug was always up for a good laugh, and rarely let his medical condition stop him from getting together with ‘the guys’ on Thursday nights, as we traditionally did. He was always one to put his friends before himself and would go to great lengths to accommodate for everyone else. Ronny Salerno and I were fortunate enough to see Doug on his last night before slipping into a coma. We met with him at the Golden Corral near Kings Island. He had just gotten out of emergency surgery a few weeks beforehand, and could barely support himself while sitting at the table. This didn’t stop him from laughing and joking with us for several hours at the restaurant. I will remember Doug as someone who was always thrilled to see you. He was the kind of guy that was always there for you and could always brighten your day. He was very open about his medical problems, but always played them down if you asked about them because he didn’t want to dampen the mood. Rest in peace, Doug. There is no more suffering where you are now… With best regards Ryan Suhr
    1 point
  8. Mr. Cartoon and Beeper:
    1 point
  9. Here's one from the 80's as well. Me being an amateur puppeteer, I'd always try and catch one of the shows as a kid.
    1 point
  10. Photo - #33 Uploaded with ImageShack.us
    1 point
  11. I like to think of units of time in terms of wave pools. Person 1: "What year did The Beast open?" Person 2: "1977, I think," Person 3: "Nah, man, It was 1979." Person 2: "Whatever, it was like two wave pools ago."
    1 point
  12. Given Mr. Kinzel's Cedar Fair's penchant for generic names, it's a good thing it's a new Fun. I could just see it now: Wave Pool II: Not Just A Hole In The Ground (WPIINJAHITG for short).
    1 point
  13. Shooting off fireworks at Christmas time just doesn't seem to fit...the same as putting up a Christmas tree on the 4th Of July. I have always held that places like KI & Disney etc...have ruined the "thrill" of seeing fireworks on the 4th because of them shooting them off year 'round. (Kinda like how the family would all gather around the TV to see a holiday special...now they can watch it over and over and over on video/DVD or on demand.)
    1 point
  14. I've seen the land most people don't see. Oh. Really? You've been on a Beast tour? Just like the rest of them? Sheesh. Come back when we all care. No need to be nasty. Do you want someone to be nasty to you for no reason?
    1 point
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