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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/01/2012 in all areas

  1. I thought I would share a recent addition my wife purchased for me for my birthday. I've had this old KI map in storage for 8 years (it was a college graduation gift from a former Kings Island employee). My wife and I are moving to a new place and she suggested that we have some of my collectible items framed. Luckily, this is a stock frame that was the perfect size for this 1982 map. It measures 40x27. I realized, when attempting to locate a ready use sized frame, that the older maps (early 70's) have more of a cubed dimension (26x27) and would require a custom made frame. I've taken a few additional up close pics of now defuct rides and attractions. I hope you enjoy! ~Josh
    2 points
  2. I think that was a joke. Either way, I love their response...Uhhh..no.
    2 points
  3. Uhhh...no. Simple talk from simple people - new motto of KI employees.
    1 point
  4. Well that blows out the fishing trip at KI this summer....
    1 point
  5. It's the truth. Lol. Happens every year during Haunt time.
    1 point
  6. 3D movies don't usually do much for me, primarily because the 3D glasses rarely fit properly over my actual glasses. The ones used for this movie came pretty close, at least. There's a plastic overhang on the top of the 3D glasses that helps keep them from falling off other eyewear. Can't say I was blown away by the movie, but I appreciated the focus on dinosaurs that aren't as commonly discussed. Everyone knows T-Rex; who knew he had a cousin??
    1 point
  7. Love this, thanks for sharing jandyb! Good luck on your move.
    1 point
  8. The A Kid Again Family Fun 5k Walk is scheduled for September 30.
    1 point
  9. ^Oh I know that...and appreciate that...but I am a realist, there is a "ceiling*". *Unlike the limit of FL passes the park will sell in a day!
    1 point
  10. About as logical as thinking that the more money a business makes the more money is put back into said business...the shareholders don't see it that way.
    1 point
  11. Some might even come from Georgia. The American one.
    1 point
  12. What if they had One Direction...oh no....
    1 point
  13. It makes money - that's why they have expanded it to other parks. But the upside for you is that a more profitable Cedar Fair is one that can produce a better experience for you.
    1 point
  14. I certainly was forced to question the sanity of folks riding WWC and Congo Falls.
    1 point
  15. We were there less than two hours and met a fair number of goals. My youngert has been talking about getting her picture taken with Sally since last season. The first thing we saw when we entered Planet Snoopy on opening day was... Sally. Mission Accomplished. Last season, she wouldn't ride much of anything for me. So one of my goals is to get her riding rides before or Disney World trip in the fall. And another mission accomplished. Good day. Cold, but good.
    1 point
  16. Thanks folks! Hah, I'm not sure that I ever finished it. Good memory. I believe it turned out that the some of the Smurfs (Papa, Smurfette, Handy) were semi-evil and sacrificing the "no name" smurfs out in the woods to appease Gargamel so that he wouldn't attack the village anymore. Plus, he was getting huge and fat from eating all of the sacrificed Smurfs. Papa Smurf's plan was to get him so big that he could hardly move and then they would attack and finish him off. I got a bit busy and wasn't able to finish the rest though. Maybe one day, lol.
    1 point
  17. 1. Calculate roughly what percentage about 300 to 400 is of the image's width in pixels. 2. Load the image in Windows Paint (this can actually be done with any image editing program, but I'm using what's already on Windows PCs for simplicity) 3. Under the Image menu, choose "Resize/Skew..." 4. Set both the horizontal and vertical resize settings to roughly the percentage determined in step 1 (it doesn't have to be exact, but make sure you use the same number for both). Leave the skew settings alone and hit OK. 5. Save the image under a new filename and then upload it here. (edited a day later to clarify something I missed in step 4)
    1 point
  18. Whoa indeed! Question everything. Question everyone. Critical thinking. It's Socratic. And a great way to learn.
    1 point
  19. Major tip: If things are the same as last year, you can fill up any bottle (including a souvenir cup) with water for free. Much nicer than the 8oz plastic cups, in my opinion.
    1 point
  20. I would love to see a revamp of Action Zone, but if you look in the past couple of years you have had Flight Deck receive a new paint job and then this year Invertigo has received a fresh coat. I would love to see SoB open in 2013, that would be revamp enough for me.
    1 point
  21. Could restraints like that even work on a Wing Rider?
    1 point
  22. Vortex. Those arrow restraints are awful. I'd rather punch myself in the head.
    1 point
  23. I really hate to see this end...thank you so much for the hard work in putting this together.
    1 point
  24. But... but... but... it can't be over! We're not even half way through the off-season! I haven't even finished eating all of my Halloween candy! (sorry for the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving reference, I just had to... ) But seriously, thank you so much for doing this, and especially for going above and beyond and emailing the pictures to me almost every day so that I can keep current on them (darn those internet filters at work!). I looked forward to those emails then checking out the comments in this topic, and was shocked when I saw the subject line of today's email. But all good things... All the hard work is appreciated by a lot of us here. Now to go home tonight so I can see what you posted as a thank you in posts 449 & 450. (Yes, I was planning to be online tonight anyway... a rare occurrence, I know!)
    1 point
  25. ^ Did you look at her and say yes but we are in a drout right now so it's doesn't have water right now put it's still a good ride though.
    1 point
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