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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/02/2012 in all areas

  1. There are restrooms on Flight Deck? That explains why the seat is always wet when I sit down.
    3 points
  2. They must have deleted the Arrow video, because it definitely was on my favorites list on YouTube. EDIT: Found it!
    2 points
  3. And they said nothing about ridership, but capacity was an issue. Even an obsverable short line on Wildat meant at least a 20-minute wait, and sometimes longer due to frequent down-time. Not to mention two fairly serious mishaps on the ride the past two seasons, one of which was a car actually rolling back the lift hill. That's no "bump", that's a crash that would lead to explosions on RCT!
    2 points
  4. I think that was a joke. Either way, I love their response...Uhhh..no.
    2 points
  5. I liked the days where every area had their own special music: Rivertown had country;HB had cartoon music;Coney had rag time;International Street had French accordion music;Octotoberfest had German music.
    1 point
  6. What happens to the people who had those jobs now? I hope they get reassigned and not terminated.
    1 point
  7. The Beast became an ERT ride last year when WindSeeker wasn't ready to open in time for the start of the season. I wouldn't expect the ERT lineup to change this year because if one of the rides becomes unavailable, the rest can compensate for it. Things may be added, but I'd be happy with the expanded offerings and extended time slot! Under the new CEO, the Cedar Fair parks are transitioning from "teenage thrill parks" to "family parks." We're leaving behind the awful "Bred to Shred" and the flatlining "Ride Warrior Nation." Now, "Thrills Connect!" for the whole family! New slogan: "Sometimes the best way to find common ground is twenty stories above it!" "Best day of the year experience" is the new target. This is no longer a park where teens rule. Now, the whole FAMILY should get gold passes, because Planet Snoopy opens early for Gold Pass holders! Compare that to recent years when one family member would get a gold pass for parking and the rest would get regular passes. What difference did it make? A family with two young kids doesn't care much to get in early and marathon Diamondback. But now, they can and will spend the extra money to get the whole family in early. That's extra snacks, extra souvenirs, extra park-time, and extra memories. Interviews make it abundantly clear to me: Ouimet is a genuinely good human being. He is passionate but realistic; confident but grounded. He's personable and approachable. He knows what he wants the parks to be and what they need to be. The new ERT is a magnificent reflection of that if you ask me.
    1 point
  8. Sigh. Just sigh. Those were the days, my friend We thought they'd never end....
    1 point
  9. That is Nemesis, a B&M Inverted coaster. I've never been but make sure u get a ride on Thirteen. That coaster is very different than any other. http://www.rcdb.com/776.htm
    1 point
  10. Best start parting with Disaster Transport and Cedar Downs then, at this rate...
    1 point
  11. I'm not happy about this. I'm quickly going through the 5 stages of grief. When I first got the email from Pointbuzz, I was angry. I'm just about to acceptance now. WildCat was one of my must-rides when I went to CP. It, along with Disaster Transport, Cedar Downs, and in the past Chaos & Demon Drop, are what I call "non-obvious" must-rides. Sure, I love the big coasters, but these are rides that are among my favorites that a "typical" enthusiast might not necessarily hold in the same regard that I do. I'm sad to see it go, but I knew the day would come eventually. Steel only lasts so long, and as others on here have said the past incidents probably didn't bode well. I'm among those that suspect something happened in the pre-season testing that made CP's decision to remove it a little earlier and easier for them.
    1 point
  12. Wildcat was testing as late as 2 days ago. It was scheduled to open for what probably would have been its final season.
    1 point
  13. Well let speculation fly with WildCat gone. Colonel finds it ironic that UK Widcats win the national title the same year WildCat in Ohio gets demolished.
    1 point
  14. I wonder if Cedar Point tested Wildcat this year as I'm sure other rides are being tested at this time for Cedar Point opening day. I feel there's more to the story.
    1 point
  15. I think the former CF chief is far more concerned with such titles than the current...
    1 point
  16. In all of my life's experiences, none compares to the exhileration of being ON Vortex during one of southwest Ohio's trademark summer deluges. It's something not to be missed, and should be among any ride enthusiast's bucket list items at least twice.
    1 point
  17. Generally mega coaster refers to any steel coaster that mimics a wooden coaster, tall lift, and lots of air time hills following that. A hyper coaster refers to a ride that has a lift height of at least 200 feet. Sometimes hyper coasters can be referred to as mega coasters (B&M calls their hyper coasters mega coasters, for instance.) A giga coaster is a roller coaster that breaks the 300 coaster.
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. Well that blows out the fishing trip at KI this summer....
    1 point
  20. Forty years from now, will enthusiasts have 2012 maps framed? Will there BE 2052 maps? Will there be print anything? Many here will live to see. Others of us won't. And if there ARE maps, will an Eiffel Tower be on them? Beast? Racer? WindSeeker? Will a decision have been made about Son of Beast? What, if anything, will park in the parking lot? What will that cost? Will there be an Internet? A KIC?
    1 point
  21. Thats sounds really healthy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZ9Yy3NgABY
    1 point
  22. Me... and me! jcgoble3, who occasionally prefers being clueless
    1 point
  23. It has been said the Carolina GM, son of the former CEO, is high maintenance and has high operating costs.
    1 point
  24. I have ridden ir hundreds of times. The first was the most memorable, it was September '79 I was 18 and was with my girlfriend now wife, her sister and their niece. We got in line just before dark and rode after the parks closing time. The cars had the common lap bars no seat dividers or seat belts. We topped the first hill and all we could see was the tracks disappearing into a hole with a light next to it. This was the ultimate night ride as you had no idea what to expect since Kings Island stayed tight lipped and all you knew was what you saw from the park.
    1 point
  25. Thank you again for doing this whole project, J.D. I couldn't possibly express how grateful I am for the time, research, etc. you put into this thread. It's been interesting to look at every day and to share facts and opinions on all the pictures. It definitely ranks up as one of my favorite KIC threads in the six years I've been a member Now, about four more months of off-season... how are we going to entertain and occupy ourselves now? -Tyler
    1 point
  26. I'm wondering why I'm just now posting in this thread ha ha. Anyways, it's amazing to see how much the park has changed and how much it hasn't. I didn't start going to the park until the mid-90's so I'm giving you a big thanks for the pictures!
    1 point
  27. That sounds like a "feat" in of itself.
    1 point
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