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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/01/2012 in all areas

  1. Post whatever you like and don't Let people get to you. You have as much a right here as anyone else.
    3 points
  2. Some parks choose Coe, others more haunting experiences. Midget wrestling, anyone?
    2 points
  3. I sure wouldn't want the job of cleaning up after that!
    2 points
  4. Pay little attention to what they say. Watch what they do. And it's just a wee bit early for that last part.
    2 points
  5. This is why 12 year olds aren't permitted to post on KICentral boards..... o wait what mods? Does this happen often?.... sigh
    2 points
  6. Location. Location. Location. I don't see how the park board can change three of the biggest negatives for this land. From height restrictions to demographics, this site has very little to commend it to prospective park operators.
    2 points
  7. I've noticed a lot of threads on this forum always turn negative. So I decided to make this thread so that we can all share happy, positive things that happen to us at/around/regarding Kings Island. I'll go first. I like the night staff on The Beast. They work very efficiently, and always seem very happy, even though you know they want nothing more than to go home. I also like the Flight Deck staff. It seems like they are always super-enthusiastic and I always have more fun because of it. In short, I like when ride-ops are upbeat and fun.
    1 point
  8. Lots of people I know what Cedar Fair to bring back some of the old Ki from 1972. Personally, I want some of the old railroad scenery to be put back somewhere along the train tracks. Others want to ride in the old antique cars or soar in the flying Eagles. What is your take?
    1 point
  9. He is new here, so let him make new threads. If you dont like a thread, dont comment in it. Be nice to everyone and everyone will be nice to you. The guy had a question about a coaster... where would he have put it?
    1 point
  10. Just a tip: Don't ever trust all of the photos on the park websites....
    1 point
  11. Personally, I'd like to see a low to the ground ravine runner coaster as opposed to something similar to DB.
    1 point
  12. It depends on how much water each attraction uses. You can trust that HW has made the wisest decision under the circumstances.
    1 point
  13. It will be used for a haunt attraction this year and possibly upcoming years. But I know me and some others on here wish they would bring the wrecking ball to it and that other thing in AZ. Todos los hilos conducen a Hiljo de la Bestia!
    1 point
  14. And then there's the matter the land is leased, not park owned. Few leased parks make it, most fail, for one reason or another. Bells is an example of the uncertainty that comes with a leased facility, as was Astroland on Coney Island of Brooklyn. But see California's Great America. So far.
    1 point
  15. I still have fun going even if I don't ride anything. But if your friends hate riding rides and watching shows and watching people ride rides....then maybe they won't have fun.
    1 point
  16. Depends on the people. I can have a grand day at Kings Island without riding a thing, and did in 2009 more than once, as I was medically restricted from riding due to then recent eye surgery. Others might be bored to abstraction. It also depend with whom one is with, the purpose of the visit, what shows are playing or dark and a host of other factors. I still think most depends on the person. Some could enjoy watching an anthill all day. Others would be bored in Times Square on New Year's Eve.
    1 point
  17. Was the business logo on the man's shirt by any chance " Dippin Dots"? Just kidding. At any rate, welcome to KI Central.
    1 point
  18. But see ohiocolts, who is even younger. He is a good addition to this board.
    1 point
  19. The kind, wise gentleman will be responding shortly.
    1 point
  20. LongLiveTheSmurfRide has a great "About Me" section on his profile page.
    1 point
  21. Jonathan, contact Jesse/Avatar...he loves talking Disney and he knows everything!
    1 point
  22. Then they made the park more "family friendly." http://www.crainscle...02030/1071/2020# Like they are doing to KI,.... http://www.daytondai...ed-1367344.html I may be misreading your post but its not fair to compare GL to KI. GL was a park situated very close to the flagship park of the franchise. GL was a park that had coasters shipped out to make it "family friendly." Currently, CF is going throug ha "family friendly" process of improving food services and keeping families in the park. Not sure you can honestly say that a companies decision from years ago is the same as the new decisions the park company is making...
    1 point
  23. Try telling that to the folks at Amusement Today! Best food? No. Cleanest? No. Friendliest staff? No. Best shows? No. Best kid's area? No. Best roller coaster? No. Best park. ... Yes?
    1 point
  24. I like everyone here, even when we disagree. Two people passionate about the same thing can butt heads. 6,000 people passionate about the same thing can start a full-scale war. For the most part, we play well off each other and I'm glad to have the chance to talk with you people every day! I've learned much more than I've taught, and I'm glad to have learned from such great people. Cheers!
    1 point
  25. Just remember, 20 years from now many will look back on 2012 as the good old days.
    1 point
  26. Thanks GYK, I do, however want to share what I learned after a conversation I had with a suit (specifically Greg S.) during my last visit to the park. It began when I saw Greg and two others slide up the exit for a ride on Beast at 9:30pm. I was waiting for my boys - so I nodded my head and said hi, he nodded back I think. Then, after the fireworks, we watched the 10 pm Hot Summer Nights show and sure enough, the same 3 suits were there watching next to us. During the show, several other suits showed up. Things I overheard included: - "He's a good singer" - Something about "selling cotton candy" at which point someone went and talked to the cotton candy salesperson - "Good crowd" After the show, I stopped Greg and we had a quick conversation. He asked me and my boys how our day was, I thanked him for what he and his team is doing saying I thought the park was doing well this year, he wished us well and thanked us for visiting, we shook hands, and we went on our way to the exit. I guess, this is what I expected as a guest interacting with the park GM What I learned, he is a nice guy.
    1 point
  27. I just wonder how they'll fit an Intamin strata-coaster, a giga-coaster by an unnamed manufacturer, and a B&M coaster in the area around Son of Beast (since of course, we also know thanks to inside sources that Son of Beast will be torn down / burned while simultaneously being re-done in Iron Horse track)... It'll be especially hard with Congo Falls being expanded into a full, Jungle-Cruise-esque ride (we heard that one, didn't we?) and Flight Deck getting extra track so it'll be longer. And the sources of information range from construction workers in hard-hats walking the track to men in suits; guys in black polos to food cart workers. Everyone knows it all, and we're getting one of everything! Huzzah! Thanks, Oprah! And thanks to all these informed people passing on information for us.
    1 point
  28. There is also the dry park season pass entrance, which has not been used much for years.
    1 point
  29. Money is only a means of exchange. If you want a privilege that is for sale, you either pays and gets it or you don't. Or you steal it somehow. Do you think you deserve a Big Mac you choose not to buy?
    1 point
  30. If you've ever experienced dehydration, or have seen someone during it, you wouldn't say that. It is a very serious medical crisis.
    1 point
  31. That's because it is. B&M Hyper Coaster named after a snake with a splash down is SO 3 years ago.
    1 point
  32. With lunch over it was back to The Racer! I was happy that I finally had the time to have a real conversation with Sam the Butcher. Fire-Beast-OF-FEAR & ohiocolts enjoy the front seat! It can’t be said enough how much the enthusiasm of The Racer crew helped make this event the great time that it was! Matt/m2raptor & Sean?, we spent most of the event checking and double-checking our ride numbers…Matt had his counter and I had my sharpie. Between the three of us I think we kept a pretty accurate count. I have no idea what these are or why one of The Racer crew members took a picture of them…not that I mind…anyone want to enlighten me? Brian?…he looked like he was having as much fun as we were. It was now 5 o’clock...actually a hair after…and the event was over… My goal before the event started was 100…I managed to get in 109 rides. I was on the first train out in the morning and never left it except for lunch! (Sean and I even snuck back from lunch a little early and got 2 extra rides in.) I am totally happy with my end count…and it made me appreciate Don’s 112? one day record even more…I don’t know how anyone could ever keep getting out and back in line and make it to 112! At 5:30 we were all invited to a behind-the-scenes tour of The Beast...something that I usually would like to do...but I had family waiting for me in the park so I decided to pass this time...so for me this event was officially over. I would like to thank Give Kids The World, the park & The Racer crew for a great time. It will always be one of my best memories doing these marathons.
    1 point
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