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Everything posted by Shaggy
"The things listed above were freak accidents and had nothing to do with the topic of enthusiast groups being known as rule breakers." You totally missed my point. The original poster stated that "Many of the accidents this year have been caused by enthusiasts." My pointing out those few occurances... whether accidents, or freak incidents, or whatever you wish to call them... did not happen at the hands of an enthusiast. Only ONE that I can think of happened because of the poor judgement of a person who was affiliated with an enthusiast group. "The point really is that if someone is going to do something stupid, you can't entrirely be sympathetic towards the individual. " Again, re-read my post. I am not "entirely sympathetic" to the victim. As a matter of fact, I think her actions were idiotic. However, I also am the type of person that does not wish ill on people . Again, I know how harmful this has been to all of those around her and those involved. Do you really feel that if you were given the ability to reverse this tragedy, you would still choose this horrible outcome just because you feel she "deserves it?" I wouldn't. Shaggy
I am only chiming in here, because I feel this thread needs some clarifications. Although I post as Shaggy, my actual name is John Keeter and I am the ACE Regional Rep for Indiana, KY and West Virginia. That covers parks including Holiday World. I was present on the evening of Stark Raven Mad at Holiday World, where Tamar Fellner was killed while riding Raven. I have not (or will not) discuss details the specific incident out of respect for the park and those involved in the horrible tragedy. But I do want to want to clarify a few things.... First... Miss Fellner had only been an ACE member for a very short period of time, and SRM was her first formal coaster riding event. When the tragedy occurred, it was not during the actual ERT, or Stark Raven Mad ride time... it was at the close of the normal operating day, on a train full of regular park guests and occurred before the exclusive enthusiast evening ride sessions began. This is important only because it emphasizes that her actions were not indicative of any actions being taken by enthusiasts around her, or on the ride with her. They were independant actions she undertook herself. Second... The original poster said that "Many of the accidents occuring this year have been from so-called enthusiasts." Completely untrue. I only know of one accident - the Holiday World incident - where an enthusiast was involved. Unfortunately there have been several incidents/accidents at parks this year... but these were not at all enthusiast related. A few examples: A female non-enthuiast died on PKI's Top Gun from a heart attack A female non-enthusiast choked to death on a piece of gum on Raging Bull at SFGAM A female non-enthusiast suffered a heart attack on Hulk at IOA A a male non-enthusiast died when the front car on Disneyland's Big Thunder Mountain Railroad became seperated and derailed the train... etc. etc. etc. There have also been many instances this season where guests... not just enthusiasts.... have been caught unbuckling seat belts or taking pictures while riding. This is not a new problem. Parks have been dealing with this for many years. But an increase in such actions, as well as the death at HW, has sensitized many parks into watching for any possible troublemakers who may do so. The policing is a good thing and is a much needed precaution. But the point needs to be made that, although a few of those caught breaking rules have been "enthusiasts," many more of them were not. "Enthusiasts" are a target group that parks can threaten or reprimand for the actions of a miniscule amount of their members. By comparison, normal guests who are not familiar with the safety rules and regulations of parks and coasters IMO need to be policed just as much. If not then they need to be policed even more so. Again, it is important to point out that these actions are not indicative of many enthusiasts. Most everyone I have talked to that belongs to ACE is angered and shocked by those that are members and have been caught breaking rules. As a result of the growing concern over enthusiast groups, Holiday World and Cedar Fair have addressed the industry saying that events and ride sessions are in jepordy if attendees do not obey all rules and regulations. IMO that kind of statement goes without saying. However, the parks also need to recognize that this same principle should apply to all groups... not just enthusiasts. If I go to a picnic at HW with a church group or such, my group should be held just as accountable as an enthusiast group... and watched just as closely. Third, I do not agree with the mentality that "If a person is stupid enough to break the rules and get injured and killed, then they deserve it." That kind of a statement not only de-sensitizes the pain that those involved, or in/around the victim feel, but it also thwarts any proactive solution. The fact of the matter is, the poor decision the individual makes hurts others just as much as it does themselves. I don't think Tamar Fellner deserved to die.... but I do feel that she made a very ignorant split second decision that has shocked, harmed, hurt and saddened many. Her friends, her fiance, her family, the Holiday World staff and fellow ACE members/"enthusiasts" have all been negatively impacted by this. She, unfortunately, paid the ultimate price. But I know that if we were all miraculously given the chance to reverse it, then every decent person I know would still want her around to enjoy coasters/parks and more importantly be with her family and friends. Fourth, It is up to clubs and organizations to educate and warn their members about the necessity of obeying rules. But it is also up to parks to educate their guests, but more importantly their staff that ultimately oversees and enforces these policies. I worked at PKI for 2 seasons, and then worked at SFKK for one. The mentality I had to have as a ride op is that I had to "think" for the guests. Guests, not just enthusiasts, try all sorts of things. And to be quite honest, whether or not they had a membership to a coaster club I always had their overall safety in mind and enforced all policies and procedures. A ride is a nothing more than a big piece of machinery... and should be treated just as cautiously and respectfully. Fifth, These stern warnings should not be viewed as warnings exclusive to "enthusiasts" or ACE members only. They hold true for anyone. And anyone caught breaking rules will be dealt with accordingly and on an individual basis. So whether or not you consider/promote yourself as an "enthusiast" or ACE member, you must heed these warnings as a guest. Parks are coming down hard on those that ignore the warnings. Not only are they enforcing park banishments and season pass revokes, but also threatening and pursuing potential jail-time and lawsuits. By addressing enthusiasts and the industry, HW and CF hoped to garner attention to the growing problem. They sure got everyone's attention, that is for sure. But I feel that the bigger picture was missed. The important message to take was that the industry (notably organizations such as ACE) must begin to emphasize the severity of such actions when undertaken by ANY guest, especially those that belong to an enthusiast club that has established codes of conduct. My hope for all of this is that a very important lesson can be learned and that parks and enthusiasts can form a strong bond. A bond that will enable us all to ensure this will not, and cannot happen again. It is not the potential loss of ride sessions, ERT's or special events that I am concerned about... it is the overall misconception that rides are terribly dangerous and that parks have to start screeneing their guests prior to entering the park. Amusement parks are meant to be happy, fun, safe places... so it is up to each of us to help ensure that. Finally, Do not think that these warning only come on the heels of incidents such as loosening of restraints or inappropriate riding actions. Parks, and clubs such as ACE are also fed up with enthusiasts who present themselves or act in dispositional manners that are basically ridiculous and embarassing. There are those who threaten to disrupt events or park operations because of personal conflicts they have with other individuals that have nothing to do with the club or the parks. One such person who often acts in such an absud manner has even responded to this post. Again, these actions are not indicative of the club they may be affiliated with, but ultimately reflect very poorly on the numerous members who refrain from such childish, immature and nutso actions and threats. Remember, that the example each of us (whether a guest or an enthusiast) set while not riding or at a park is just as important as the one we set when riding or at a park. There are lots of eyes on coaster and park message boards, and simple online statements can be seen as threatening and cause reprimands and bannings as well. Bottom line, I challenge each and eveyone... including myself... to put the fun back in going back to any amusement park. The best way to do that is to ensure a positive and safe mentaility when we attend, and present ourselves in a proper manner. As far as Paramount's Kings Island is concerned. PKI has had a rich, and wonderful relationship with enthusiasts over the years. I do not see that diminishing at all. So I think things like the walk-back will definitely continue. However, I do see a continued emphasis on park safety among all of it's guests. Those that act in poor manners will be dealt with appropriately and individually. Shaggy
Actually it wasn't a reference to the Simpsons. I just knew that water drains in the opposite direction below the equator. But none-the-less, it was a joke... and yes, the humor was killed ;-) Shaggy
The wave pool will reamain, just re-themed. The only older attractions leaving the waterpark are the speed slides. There will be new surfaces, but I would not think PKI would use sand. Shaggy
The speed slides will be the only waterlides removed from the former Waterowrks area when it becomes Boomerang Bay. They will be replaced with the new racing slides. Shaggy
First, no one pointed out that the name of the Waterpark was posted improperly in this thread title... it's Boomerang Bay not Beach. ;-) As far as Australian accuracy... it is my understanding that PKI is going to great lengths to make this theming as accurate as possible. For example: -Millions are being spent on a sophisticated water drainage system to make sure that when the water drains it swirls in a counter-clockwise motion. After all, the real Australia is below the equator. - The waterpark will be open during the months of December through February since that is summertime in Australia. It will be closed during the months of June through August since that is winter in Australia. - Olivia Newton John will be on hand to sing "Have you never been mellow" repeatedly all day, everyday. - Authenic Koala poops will be sprinkled along the pavement daily so guest can unexpectedly step on them and experience the earthiness of the continent. - Mel Gibson will re-enact Bravehart on the grassy knoll between the entrance and the wave pool. - All bathing suits must not have snaps, buttons or rivets but they will require a front pouch. - When ordering menu items, guests will be required to order in a true Australian accent. "I'd like some cheese fries please" will not be accepted rather only "CHAYZ FRIZ PLAYS" will be recognized. -The bottom of the wave pool will be filled with razor sharp coral to authenticate the great and deadly coral reefs. - Each lifeguard will be equipped with a didgeridoo instead of a whistle. Extensive music training by aborigines has already begun. Shaggy Who is being completely tougue in cheek here.
"Ecaxtly, The centrifical force of the train coming aorund would make the wood on in thr stucture crack and eventual fall over if the cbles weren't there. It would be even worse if they didn't have them on the helix's!!" No biggie but... That is not centrifical force. That is lateral force. Centrifical force is the movement that counteracts gravity. Shaggy
Actually PKI stopped counting Racer as two coasters in 2000. It's current marketing team promotes the park as (currently) having 12 coasters: Beast Beastie Rugrats Runaway Reptar Son of Beast Top Gun Taxi Jam Scooby's Ghoster Coaster Face/Off Racer Vortex FOF Adventure Express Operationally, the park divides The Racer as North and South however that is only used internally. Incidentally... the coaster is called Racer, and not Racers. I personally only count it as one, but that is a personal judgement call. If counting it as two up's your count.... go for it. Shaggy
But a significant point that needs to be raised is that typical guests are not educated prior to riding. A successful coaster should not rely on it's riders to learn to ride defensively. SOB is not a smooth coaster by any stretch of the imagination. It is liked by some, hated by others. I think I am in the minority because my opinion is somewhere in the middle. It is hardly the best I have ridden, hardly the worst. I am nearing my 300th coaster and have had much worse rides on woodies than SOB. So IMO it is all in how you look at it. Part of the reason I have had bad rides on much worse coasters is because in order to get a good ride, you must ride defensively. If the coaster is unfamiliar to you, or new to you, then you have no idea prior to boarding just how to prepare yourself throughout the ride. SOB suffers that fate with those than have not "learned" the ride. The argument here is, you should not have to "learn" to ride a coaster. A novice should be able to hop in and enjoy. Shaggy
PKI is expanding and improving an idea in 2004. I think to place boundries on the project like "They are improving and expanding the waterpark" is to not really grasping the scope of what they coudl be doing. I know for a fact that PKI is transforming the former Waterworks into something brand new, unique and exciting. I think those that liked Waterworks will be happy with the change, and those that perhaps didn't like Waterworks will now be drawn to the area. PKI is once again upping the ante. I expect we will begin to see formal information and press releases within the next two or three weeks. They will want to capitalize off of the final days of "Waterworks." I would like to point out that a key word has been dropped in PKI advertising. Astute observers will notice that the word "Exotic" has been used. I think that is a huge clue. Shaggy
Someone wants attention ATTENTION BAAAAAAD. I've seen this posted on at least 3 different boards. ;-) Anyway, a wooden coaster's construction is never complete. Wooden coasters deliver unique and varying rides each time you take a spin. So the ride can improve/worsen depending upon how "tight" the structure may be. Anyways, I learned a long time ago that I hate peas. Since I don't like them, I avoid eating them. I think the same holds true here. If you don't like it, dont' ride it. There are several coasters I avoid because I do not like them. So until I hear that a major change has been made to improve them, I prefer to spend time on other rides that deliver what I am looking for. Shaggy
"No there just anamatronic robot's from Sally Darkride Company." Actually, the animatronic figures used in Phantom Theatre were not made by Sally. Sally Rides did produce the animatronic figures for Scooby Doo and the Haunted Castle, but they had nothing to do with Phantom Theatre. The Phantom Theatre animatronic figures were produced by a company called AVG, Inc. who specializes in such things. They still exist. Here is a link to their site: http://www.a-v-g.com/english/ The overall themeing... storyline, effects etc were produced by a company called R & R Animation. R&R was contracted to do two consecutive rides for KI. They first themed Adventure Express for the park in 1991 and then turned their attention to Phantom Theatre in 1992. Shaggy
The "Big Attraction" for 2001 was actually Nickelodeon Central which includes the overhauled KMLF and the new Rugrats Runaway Reptar Rollercoaster. I believe that year also was the year that Action Theatre began showing Stan Lee's 7th Portal. Shaggy
Paramount Parks, as with most chains, does not release attendance figures. You won't get it out of them... so please do not bother Jeff Siebert with questions like that... the poor guy has plenty to do without answering a million enthusiast emails. Each year Amusement Business Magazine compiles what they believe are fairly accurate attendance numbers for the various parks. If I recall they list the top 50 or 100. PKI consistantly competes with CP for the #2 seasonal park spot. Typically SFGADV in NJ gets the #1 spot, with CP and PKI close on it's heels. Of course these parks are blown away by the likes of Disney, Universal etc etc etc that operate year-round. By the way... although CP and PKI rival each other in attendance, bear in mind that CP has a shorter season, thus they pack more people into the park in a shorter period of time. Both parks average (depending on the season) anywhere from 3.3 to 3.5 Million annually. It is widely known that PKI had a banner attendance year in 1998. AB estimated it at like 3.6 or so. For those keeping track that was the year they renovated HB Land. Say's a lot about new attractions, doesn't it? Shaggy
"It never opened that day so Jeffery Seifert and crew moved out ERT to The Beast. " It's Siebert, not Seifert. Jeffrey Siefert is the ACE Secretary and has no affiliation with PKI. Shaggy
No, Witches Wheel at CP is a standard sized Enterprise. Giant Enterprises, such as the one at CW, have cars that seat 4 passengers. Seen here: http://www.pcwjunkies.com/pcw/flatrides/orbiter.htm CP's only seats 2...seen here: http://www.thepointol.com/witcheswheel.html Shaggy
Originally tunnel #3 on Adventure Express, the "Volcano Tunnel" was to be more heavily themed, however it opened with a simple flame effect and fire sound (I believe). The flame effect is gone as is the sound and all that remains is minor red lighting that can only be noticed at night. At the end of the ride, a mere trickle of water poured from the "cauldron" held by the aztec statue. He pronounced "Now you will pay" (as he still does) and as riders passed under they got a minor dousing with H20. The water was not colored, was not lit and did not pour heavily upon guests. Teenage Ninja - Skylab was actually one of three Huss Giant Enterprises installed in the world. One of the others is at Canada's Wonderland. Long before Giant Top Spins, and Giant Frisbees etc Huss offered this. Thus PKI can claim to have been home to three Huss Giant rides. The biggest problem with these rides is that the weight of the gondolas would often force the hydraulic arm to fail. That resulted with the "thud" you aplty described. I actually was present the final time that Skylab ran at PKI and heard it's final "thud." The hydraulic arm had been replaced 3 times at PKI, and that resulted in a "3 strikes you're out" reaction from the park. They had sunk countless $ into reapiring the attraction over the years. So it finally met it's maker when cost and repair far outweighed it's interest among guests. The ride sat idle for 1 1/2 seasons until the park removed it. The version at Wonderland (Originally called Sol Loco, but now re-named) is the only Giant Enterprise left operating in the world. It too has had it's share of downtime over the years, and sat idle for sometime at that park as well. It now operates as "The Orbiter" in their Action Zone area of the park. Shaggy
Thanks for clarifying. I didn't know if it was now or not. It's been years since I have seen a concert at Timberwolf. Actually, the park "dried up" for several years (including Timberwolf) after the Paramount buy-out. I believe it wasn't until the late 1990's that alcohol was re-introduced into the park at all. However don't quote me on alchohol stats.... I am not a big fan. I HATE the taste of beer and don't drink. ;-) Shaggy
"Does this restaurant still exist and if so what is it's name? " Well, it does and it doesn't. What you recall from 1993 (When Top Gun was new) was probably the Columbia Palace. Columbia Palace was a dine-in eatery that was widely known for it's fried chicken. Actually, people used to attend KI just to eat there... no kidding! Well, soon after Paramount took over, Columbia Palace was re-themed to "Wings".... a 1920's Clara Bow movie-themed restaurant. It currently serves Montgomery Inn Ribs and Chicken, as well as fried chicken... however it is not the same good 'ol chicken from yesteryear. Those that know Montgomery Inn food know that PKI's pales in comparison to the real thing. The food at Wings is mediocre and IMO, overpriced. However PKI is making great strides in offering better food/dining experiences this season. It is still set up cafeteria style, where you grab a tray and go down the line. Actually each of the "indoor" dining experiences at PKI all serve cafeteria style.... Festhaus, Mandarin Chinese and the new Bubba Gump's. Others, such as Preston Tuckers, La Rosas, Skyline, Busy Town Grill etc. all serve walk-up/fast-food style. I recommend Bubba Gumps actually. The food there is really good, reasonably priced and novel. I love the fried shrimp, and the key-lime pie is terrific. "Thank you Shaggy for your information about Adventure Express. " Flattery will get you everywhere ;-) Seriously I appreciate it. I enjoy talking about PKI. And I have this odd way of remembering miniscule details about it. It's a great park that has meant a great deal to me over the years. Shaggy
Hi! Here are some answers: 1. By rolling stock, I assume you mean the two-seater, bench PTC junior trains. Yes, it does. These still operate with single buzz bars, but have had an additional seat-belt added. The coaster no longer operates with skid brakes, rather uses fins and is trimmed quite heavily (and unnecessarily) on some of it's turns. It has retained two-train operation, but has had a bunny hop removed from the area just prior to the final brake run. Finally, the most notable difference you will notice is that the coaster is now a bright shade of purple, as opposed to the former bright green color you may recall. 2. The Puppet Tree. Unfortunately, the puppet tree was removed sometime back when HB was remodeled. It's former location is now occupied by the likes of Scooby's Ghoster Coaster and a basketball toss game. 3. The themeing on Adventure Express is actually better than it has been in years. The soundtrack is in place, and the animatronics in the finnal tunnel are all operational. However many original effects have long since bit the dust.... Those include: The shroud of mist effect prior to tunnel #1 is no longer in use. The 50 foot snake no longer hisses in tunnel #1. The spears no longer jet from the walls of tunnel #2. The volcano effect in tunnel #3 (The volcano tunnel) is now reduced to simple red lighting. The "lava" (water) no longer pours or drips from the Aztec statue at the end of tunnel #4, at the top of the final lift. Most of the "quick" effects bit the dust and were not replaced simply because guests hardly noticed them. Occasionally a spear will still jut out of the wall in tunnel #2, but that is a rarity. The mist curtain lasted until about 3 or 4 years ago. However the rusting of the track in that area required that it be replaced (Adventure Express Track was replaced/repaired in 1999. I visited the park in the off season prior and the new track was stored in the parking lot.) and the effect never again returned as preventive maintenance. None-the-less, AE, is still a GREAT ride and is just as fun. However now, it runs remarkably close to the first drop of SOB and fairly close to the drum of FOF. The days of it being shrouded by dense trees and forest are gone. And of course the Safari Monerail (that ran through the middle of the AE layout) is long removed too. Enjoy your trip there.... PKI has changed A LOT in 10 years. You'll hardly recognize the area that used to be "Wild Animal Habitat" or "Adventure Village" as well as HB Land and what is now Nick Central. Shaggy
Something needs to be clarified here. PKI is not a concert promoter. The groups/acts that play Timberwolf are contracted through an entirely separate concert promoting company called "Jam Productions." PKI cannot, or does not simply bring in any act they want. The industry does not work that way. "Jam" promotes small venue acts across the country, mainly in outdoor amphitheatres. Timberwolf/PKI is simply the venue they use. PKI does take a profit from the ticket sales, but these concerts do not generate much revenue for the park from concert ticket sales themselves. The basic benefit to PKI for holding concerts at Timberwolf is the park admission they receive, and the revenue they generate from having that many more people in the park who are going to buy souvenirs, food etc. One of the biggest hurdles that promoters face now is all artists require a monetary guarantee. Timberwolf IS considered a very small venue. Why, if you want to compare venue size, simply look at Riverbend. Riverbend is the premier outdoor venue in Cincinnati. Popular acts are more than likely going to play there simply because it allows for more potential ticket sales. When a guarantee is placed on a venue, then they are required to dish out the dough no matter how crappy ticket sales are. Also, PKI does not draw a large amount of "typical" concert goers. The bulk of today's concert goers range in age from 18-30 and go not only for the music, but for the social aspect and beer sales. The types of crowd a PKI concert draws is mainly a very young, teenage crowd. Why, that is the reason the bulk of acts that play there are geared at teens. The others that tend to play Timberwolf are, for lack of a better term, "Hasbeens" that can still draw a novel crowd, but cannot fill a large venue. Last I checked, PKI did not allow alcohol at Timberwolf. As unfortunate as this may sound (I am not a proponent of Alcohol) that is a big deterrant. Another thing that factors into all of this is the fact that large venues such as Riverbend are owned by Clear Channel Entertainment. Clear Channel is also a MAJOR promoter of artists. Because they promote the acts AND own the buildings, overhead is low and there are not lots of hands dipping into the pot. If ticket sales are low, then there is no loss because they are not out a monetary guarantee. By comparison, Timberwolf is a small venue, that draws *smaller* named acts. The artists require a large overead to play there, and what is left over gets divided up by the promoter (Jam) and PKI etc. etc. etc. If you go back 20 years, Timberwolf was the only (and Premier) outdoor amphitheatre venue in the area. It was a huge success. But, as the industry changed and grew, and more high profile Promoters began overtaking the industry... venues like Timberwolf lost their steam. Actually, PKI still has a pretty reputable draw. Most parks have discontinued concerts all-together. PKI just limits what they do, in order to not loose their shirts. Obviously, I am sure the park has weighed the options in keeping Timberwolf. But to be honest, I believe that Spirit Song itself is what keeps the venue operational at PKI. That weekend event is one of the single largest Christian festivals in the country. PKI is not about to give that up, even if it means that Timberwolf sits empty 99% of the time. Shaggy
"I am just curious. What kind of illusions do they perform in Spellbound?" I'll sum it up... -KABLAMO! -Dance segment -Guy makes wife dissapear -Dance segment -Guy makes wife dissapear again -Dance segment -Guy makes wife dissapear once more -Dance segment -Yet again, guy makes wife dissapear -Dance segment -Guy does confetti trick -Dance segment -Guy does another confetti trick -Dance segment -Guy makes wife dissapear -Dance segment -Guy makes wife dissapear again -Dance segment -Guy makes wife dissapear once more -Dance segment -Grand finale... guy makes dancers appear... and wife dissapear. I think his wife should take the hint. Shaggy - who is completely being toungue-in-cheek here... I actually enjoyed the show quite a bit.
"In all the other Paramount Parks this show has been put on in their large concert venue" Actually at Dominion, the Safari Amphitheater was chosen as the location for the show. And it is a smaller venue than PKI's International Showplace. "The antagonist was kind of annoying because they tried to make him sound a little too much like Dr. Evil from Austin Powers. " Actually, the guy I saw played it like an English fop.... which was terribly annoying and a poor choice on his part, especially since they already had the wimpy professor role. Bottom line, Paramount could do a great deal more with it. But it is not the worst show I have seen at the park. That would have to go to "Cheer's the Musical." Shaggy
"Lara is british right.........then why the new york accent........" Were you really concentrating on her accent? I sincerely believe that she was not hired for her acting prowess or accent delivery... more than likely she was hired for other assets. She definitely looked the part. Anyway, I saw it yesterday. It was cute. Nothing earth-shattering, but fun and different. I didn't go into it with huge expectations so I was not let down. I would like to see PKI install a permanent stunt show in the Showplace. It is well suited for one. If something were more permanent, the quality would be better. However this is a travelling show, going park to park to park, so the quality is a little lackluster. Anyway, it's something new and different. And I'll not complain when a park does something fun... that doesn't cost extra. But I do want to complain about something though. Stupid Parents. Prior to entering the Showplace, and usher announced two or three times that the show would have loud effects/gunfire etc. There are also signs above each entrance warning folks that it is not suitable for young children. If I recall, they even play a recorded announcement it before the show starts. Anyway, idiotic parents ignore it thinking "Oh, they certainly dont mean MY child." And of course the first bang goes off and half the kids there start screaming and throwing tantrums. As if that isn't bad enough, the parents sit there thinking the kids will calm down. Hello! If the show starts with a bang, what on earth makes them think it doesn't end with a dozen or so? OY. Needless to say, wailing kids irritate the life out of me... but their parents (who obviously have no regard for those trying to enjoy the show) are downright rude by not taking them out. Whew... glad to have that off of my chest! Shaggy
PKI has to obtain the rights for any music that they play in park. The music really is not a big interest for me, as well as many guests. It is just filler.... so I assume that PKI concentrates the money they would have to pay for those rights elsewhere in the park. Shaggy