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Everything posted by CoastersRZ

  1. There are also things other than just a new entrance building coming to Cedar Point... Buildings can be expensive, and general site improvements are not cheap. So the true cost of investment at Cedar Point doesn`t include just the physical hardware from B&M. There also is the demolition costs associated with Disaster Transport and Space Needle. Wooden coasters can be quite expensive in their own right, depending on how much other infrastructure is required. As far as the two coasters at Mt. Olympus, keep in mind that with two train operation, you need to have a storage track for one of the trains. If there is no storage track, then the ride needs to be modified to provide this. When both Raven and Legend opened at Holiday World, they only had one train. With modifications, a storage area was added and two train operation began. Hopefully, as others have stated, this means good things for Voyage running Timberliners in 2013 at Holiday World.
  2. It will be interesting to see what exactly happens with this in the next few years. Could hotels be on the way to other parks that currently do not offer any form of on site accomodations? What about campgrounds? Matt Ouimet certainly seems like he knows what he is doing. Its going to be a fun ride the next several years.
  3. I agree. Those Dyson hand dryers are terrible. On closing day his year, one of the men's restrooms that had those had a trash bag over it because it was broken. Yet just seem a lot less efficient than the excel hand dryers that places like Coney Island and Cedar Point.
  4. Well, I do know that ther was an extensive amount of new wood on the Blue Racer on the turn out of the station. It looked like they had almost completely rebuilt the turn. All the wood was not yet painted. Hopefully they will do that over the off season. I`m sure there will be some minor improvements and changes at the park for next season, even if no new rides are coming.
  5. It is more than just nothing. They aren't just going to be moving dirt around because they are bored. They are doing something. Just don't get your hopes up for anything exciting...
  6. The terms of service are correct. We want to limit the size of signatures so as to limit the amount if scrolling in threads. Keep in mind that some of the features under the edit your profile function can come from the forum software and not necessarily KICentral. We have in the past removed signatures and banner images that violated the terms of service signature requirements. We will continue to do this if we find users who violate this aspect of the terms of service. We want to focus on the content.
  7. Now if only Kings Island can get a flying scooter ride back! I really miss the Flying Eagles ride that flew the coop and went down to Carowinds.
  8. And don`t come on here saying you just heard a rumor like that. You must at least site where you heard the rumor. Failing to do so, is exactly how rumors start. Ever heard of the game telephone?
  9. I miss the days when it opened early to mid-April. I remember being at the park on April 9th before. Then again, I remember one opening day when the park closed at 12pm, only two hours after opening because it was cold and drizzly.
  10. I can confirm that there was a small bobcat and a dump truck by Lake Como today. It was between Como and Kellogg Avenue. All I can say, is don`t get your hopes up. You will be surely disapointed if you are expecting anything much.
  11. And don`t forget that Michigan`s Adventure, Interpreter!
  12. And don`t forget that I blieve Coke is also the official soft drink of Six Flags parks.
  13. And back in the day, there used to be a season pass holder entrance over by the building that is now ticketing and season passes. That entrance is seldom used anymore, but I have used it a couple of times for special events.
  14. Well, there are still quite a few days left in October. Patience is a virtue.
  15. I don`t think another stage is a possibility. There is already a large concerte venue and a small concert venue at Riverbend. There isn`t really a need for another venue.
  16. Rumor has it that Brenda Walker isn`t actually the owner of Coney anymore. I can`t confirm this, but I did hear rumblings that Ron Walker Jr, her son, had taken ownership of the park from her. Also, Coney serves a purpose besides just the pool and amusement rides. It is the parking and food concessionaire for Riverbend Music Center. That is a very lucrative business for Coney that few realize it has.
  17. Well, usually when the economy is down is THE time to make a big investment. That would give people a reason to visit the park, who otherwise think they do not need to visit the park. It is all about creating percieved value. If people think that a new attraction adds value to a day at Coney, they may be more willing to splurge and make a trek out to the park. Had they not added anything new, they wouldn`t necessarily have the desire to visit.
  18. Who is to say it would be a B&M if they got a steel coaster? There are lots of other steel coaster manufacturers out there.
  19. Have you even ridden Woodstock Express at Cedar Point? It is a completely different layout than wha tht Python is. The Python certain packs quite a punch for a coaster its size. And I think your numbers are a little off. You are just speculating and do not know anything about the park`s finances or attendance projections. Heck, I work sesonally at the park in the rides department, and don`t even know if attendance was up or down this year, let alone compared to what they were projecting.
  20. And technically the ride won`t even be completely dimolished when the last of the wood is hauled away. There are scores and scores of footings that will need to be removed too.
  21. How long before we see a similar announcement for the soft drink provider?
  22. I think it was back in 2010. And the price he suggested they sell at was $11.50 or $12 I believe. A far cry from the price that it is currently at.
  23. All parks have master plans. Sometime, however, those plans can be quite fluid, and what is spelled out in a master plan ends up not being what actually gets built. Technology, tastes, economics, marketing, the target market all have impacts on influencing what the finished product looks like. Would the original buildings of Kings Island could have imagined what the park would look like today? Probably not. There was no such thing as a hyper coaster when they were planning the park. Not to mention coasters powered by linear induction motors. Water parks were not very prevalent, and certainly didn`t have the range of water slides that they have today. The park is constantly changing and evolving. It will be a different place five years from now than what it is today. Enjoy the park today, remember the past, but don`t hold onto it as if the past is the end all. Memories often are seen through rose colored glasses at times. Times change. Would I love to see the Sky Ride back at Kings Island? Absolutely. Same goes for classic rides like the Whip, Flying Eagles and Tumble Bug. But those rides aren`t going to be coming back. I am positive that the park will look different in the future and that a whole new generation of people will fall in love with the place, just like we have.
  24. Yes, there is a fine line between expanding and over expanding. And Coney will not ever be Kings Island or like it once was back in its hey day as America`s Finest Amusement park. That being said, I think that there are certain things that could be added to improve Coney and bring in customers. Hopefully something big comes. It has been quite a few years since they added an adult ride to the rides side of the park. They added River Runner (along with Eurobungy and Turtle Parade) back in 2008 and then installed the Twister in 2009. Those were the last major ride installs that Coney has done. Granted Twister did cost a lot of money (just shy of $2 million). But since those years, the park has added a kiddy swing ride, repainted some rides, renovated the picnic grove, and general sprucing up. Would I love to see a new roller coaster at Coney? Absolutely! Do I realistically expect to see a new coaster coming to Coney any time soon? Not really. I think part of it is a reluctance to put in a big ride like that because they don`t want to overstep their target market as a family friendly park. And a coaster is a big investment. But I also think that the park is a little tentative especially given the future of their neighbor to the East. I don`t think River Downs will swallow up Coney, but the relationship between the two certainly is evolving and could have some pretty interesting impacts on Coney. Only time will tell what will happen. But something is up at River Downs, that much I`m sure of. I`ll pass on anything that I hear about Coney for 2013 when I find out about it. Right now I have not heard anything.
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