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Everything posted by flightoffear1996

  1. No you will only get the perks for the park that you purshached your pass at.
  2. Yea TTD will not be moving to any park. I have been on TTD quite a few times and I never really thought it to be that much fun anyway.
  3. I am glad you guys had a good time at the park.
  4. I feel that the trams were a saftey issue in the parking lot. I felt that people running from their cars or the exit gate to make the trams would be a huge safety issue people rushing and not loooking where they are going. The 2nd thing is it takes mainance, a few workers, gasoline to run those trams and come on America we can walk to some places! Yea the trams were nice after a long day walking around but I don't find the nessary.
  5. Yes they were fun but the park turned cooperate and towrads promoting movies so they had to go.
  6. Nice trip report man but more to follow how much more could you possibly type. The fireworks show is very short and boring if you ask me. They could have put on a much much better show ifyou ask me.
  7. Who says you cant have both. A ride like Maverick and have it break some kinda of stupid record like first intmain floorless or something.
  8. Except at a Staduim you usually only there a few hours out of the day say 3 or 4 hours at the most. However at a themepark you usually there all day.
  9. If it wasn't for gold pass ERT awhile back I probaly would have never rode dropzone. Line was short and I didn't have time to really think about what I was doing.
  10. Your security guards can only do so much man. Here is my view on the issue. If they made there food for a meal like $7 at fast food quality I would be happy and probaly be willing to spend $7 or even $8 per meal in the park. What gets me is you get $4 for one stinking slice of pizza and another $4 for a large drink. $8 for one crappy slice of pizza and a drink. That is horrible and is starting to get out of control. Maybe if they lowerd the prices people would buy more. Burger King has cheap prices and look at them. Heck even look at McDonalds with the $1 DOUBLE cheeseburger.
  11. I would much rather see an Intamin hyper than a B&M hyper. While I have never been on a B&M hyper coaster ther layouts just look tame.
  12. What are some signs that you have been exposed to too many G forces or not enough in hte case of airtime.
  13. I really don't get how The Beast is even on that list the ride isn't what it used to be. First off it has way too many trim breaks. Lights around the track back in the woods ruins the night time rides and most of all whats up with all that straight track!
  14. Take this for what it is worth. Computers can project the actually outcome of the forces there will always be a margin in error no matter who you are. I also heard some rumors floating around that Cedar Point may install a longer heartline which would reduce the stress. I have rode maverick a few times this year and I can say with or without the hearline roll it is a great ride, well built, and very well desgined.
  15. I heard that The Racer opened up without any type of lapbar. Is this rumor have any thruth to it?
  16. If your going on a Saturday I wouldn't count on being able to do them all.
  17. First off they have to wait in line just not in line if you know what I mean. They get a time stamp on a card if the line is too long. They paid just as much as you did to get in the park and have just as much right to ride as you do.
  18. No not really cause the ride itself could be back but under a new name and as a new attraction.
  19. My question is will Tomb Raider be operating under the name Tomb Raider : The Ride or will it have a new ride program, a new theme and a new name for the 2008 season"?
  20. I go to the event weekend every year and I realized that crowds dont really come arount until 5 or so on a saturday. The HH line are almost always 1.5 - 2 hours long so get in line early if you can. Rides lines aren't very long compared to a typical Saturday.
  21. Dude the XL-200 is the best ride in the park and I don't care what anyone says.
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