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Everything posted by flightoffear1996

  1. The thing is schools are closed and almost everything is closed as well. However most still have to go to work. Kids are going to have to go to day care and be around others anyway. Kids are going to be at parks, and other places as well.
  2. If Knotts is truely open it could be a good time to go if your not scared of the viruses. Flights to LAX from CVG are about $60.00.
  3. I hope they provide some kind of compensation to the parents who now have to send their kids to a babysitter. If those close the KY schools or should I say win that's going to be $300/week out of our pockets. Going to hurt our spending for sure.
  4. That's true but we also spend a lot of money in the parks it seems even with the food, drink and picture pass.
  5. I hope the park hopes it can safely operate. $30,000,000 and earning no cash.
  6. Dang I would think that where tear up those pavers.
  7. Guys this isn't much more than a cold. I am sure there is a lot of people that have it or had that didn't even know. Wash your hands and move on with your day. We can't shelter from everything.
  8. Not sure that railroad Would be a good transport ride for the park. It seems to only run once every hour or so.
  9. I never been but we are going on March 28th but I say ride all the coasters that you can and earn the credits. Just my general rule when visiting parks other than Disney is don't plan your day out and don't worry if you don't get on a certain ride. Just have fun and go with the flow.
  10. Most of the people that have passed have been elderly or people with compromised immune systems. Precautions should be taken buttes not go over board. We must live our lives.
  11. There is a nice plot of land I believe kind behind were Vortex used to sit.
  12. I think the video was disrespectful to the park but who said this was even a a member of KIC.
  13. I think something like Maxx Force would be a perfect fit for KD. Maybe just go all out and expand the idea a little bit.
  14. Too rich for my blood. Glad we didn't stick around.
  15. I was just at the stadium. No one was there walked down to tin roof for a beer.
  16. Rough week for Disney. Not to mention Disney has now closed one of its parks due to the Cornavirus
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