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Everything posted by flightoffear1996

  1. ALot of people came to ride it when it frist opened but after they rode it once they never came back to ride it again.
  2. I have been on it and I enjoy TTD much much more.
  3. Kingda's so called airtime hill is pointless its there just to help slow the train down faster. The Beast shouldn't even be listed as far as I am concerned. And what is with CP being the number one park? With the slipping guest I think they should have lost a few spots. MF is no way near the best steel coaster out thier. It only has airtime on the drop and the few hills that bearly give you any airtime. There are much better steel coasters out there. A cool fact Warner Stenial has 74% of the top 50 steel coasters.
  4. Yea they did I got my tickets and let them go to waste figuring the park would be jammed pack with long lines for just about anything.
  5. I think its one of the boring rides in the park. I woud rathe ride The Racer than The Beast any day. Anyway I wish PKI wouldnt be as comerical as they are now advertisng cars and what not. What happened to just going to a theme park and enjoying the roller coasters for a few bucks? Now we are flooded with very high prices and advertising and it would be hard for a family to enjoy the day without breaking the budget.
  6. I would give them 1 dollar for each park they hvae.
  7. I think that it may get re themed but the coaster its self is going to stay. It may be crap to us but its a really nice ride for a little kid and a parent to enjoy.
  8. Yea its never over 20 minutes even with the 2 train operation.
  9. Yea stupid kids. Sometimes you can only do so much and people wonder why food prices are high and what not well its because of just that.
  10. That show sounds pretty cool and no I kind of wish I would have seen it.
  11. Selling off the land maybe kinda dumb cause then you would have to tear down other rides to build new ones and I really hate it when PKI does that. Another thing is that the Six Flags parks have some sweet rides but just lack the service and have too many parks that just plain suck.
  12. They should have put them under the seats where no one could see them. Yea think if the park didnt have to replace stuff they could have a much bigger park. LIke in The Racer walls inside that tunnel that is just nastey looking and need to get repainted ever year.
  13. The Best kiddie area in the world award. I think it a golden ticket but im not sure.
  14. Yea I heard that CP was have alot of problems getting the guest in the park. How much are those discounted tickets?
  15. Yea I dont think the Beach would be closing its doors any time soon. I mean its still a great water park and it doenst have the crowds that PKI's water park has.
  16. Yea I think that the Sponge Bob Boating school think would be pretty sweet and draw alot of people to the park. It would be another low capcity ride but a few more wont hurt now will it?
  17. I was up there some time I cant rember when but the Gemini was freaking sweet.
  18. It smells really good and I want to eat there some time even though I'm not really big on Sea Food. Whenever I go out to eat at PKI I go to Skyline, The Festus (or however you spell it).
  19. I only live 30 or so minutes away from the park also but I think I might stay one night some time so I can enjoy and see what is all inside that thing. I was there yesterday and I think they started to pour some of the foundation all ready but I really couldnt tell.
  20. Why would someone do that. I realize that some may think its funny but its really not. Its a shame to see 1 or 2 people ruin the entire ride for the thousands of guest that will ride after then. You really cant even feel the fish tale at all right now so I bet will take longer for them to break in. I really wish they would fix the speakers though cause makes this ride that much better.
  21. The Aztec at the beach isnt a master blaster though at least not that I can rember. So how many slides and what not are going inside this thing.
  22. They wouldnt have to have a large water plant just a small one like 1 million gallons capacity and maybe take it of of thier taxes?? If they just sucked some water out of the river and cleaned it I dont see what the big deal would be,
  23. I think he means that the trains where stacking. The over the sholder restraints never really bothered me much but when they had them I was too small for my head to hit them and it kept the line down!
  24. I never ride The Beast in the back it beats me up too much.
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