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Everything posted by flightoffear1996

  1. I was up there on the 4th and the lines for the rides werent bad the longest I waited was 15 minutes for dropzone!
  2. o opps i miss read that think its about 1200-1500.
  3. I got above 4000 but that is just because the ride stopped for awhile and I kept shooting the same stuff.
  4. It looks better with the other colors but doesnt White Water Canyon have the longest que in the park?
  5. that is because it is a great ride and your having so much fun and time flies when your having fun.
  6. Wanna post it or send it to some peeps?
  7. They all have the same rate of accelreation unless an outside force would be acting apon it.
  8. So they didn't even get the part I take it.
  9. The Beast crew. 1 2 3 how loud can you be?
  10. OK what do you do and how much is it?
  11. Its not bad for having it be3ing built be hand.
  12. I think I might go one day and ride some rides after the fire works walks on I am guessing.
  13. I think it need alot moremember but I joined for the hell of it
  14. I was there on Wendsday and the cranes are gone maybe it will be in a few days!
  15. Saturday June 18th a family of 4 were injured on a ride called Big Splash at Steel Peir Amusment park. The father was thrown from the ride and into a peice of glass and remains in critical condtion. Also 20 Year old hurt at Fun Flex Amusment Park on a ride like Chaos at Cedar Point. This was the 3rd accident all ready this year what is happening to the all the theme parks?
  16. If they made that a block up there then they would have to have block breaks it is code for building coasters now.
  17. Please do not reuse my photos with out my permission. Thanks Admin: Photographs have been removed.
  18. YOu couldnt get that kind of view from the DZ.
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