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Everything posted by flightoffear1996

  1. What about those one things you had to pedal and you went around a track those take up a decant amount of room god I loved those things.
  2. Yea I just just hoping even though I know that it would never happen. Do you know the area besides near PKI this park is gonna go and when they are going to start to build.
  3. I spend enough of money at the park probaly 20-50 bucks a week all depending what it is. Anyway I would still go with out all the nice gold passes.
  4. That is what I ment you just put it in better words than I did.
  5. Maybe it is talking about Hanna Barbra Land.
  6. WHat if the Zoo and PKI didnt a joint project. PKI builds some rides and the zoo well they build the zoo. I know it wouldn't happen but it would be kind of cool. Maybe the Zoo is looking to make some money and they want to start their own Bush Gardens type park after seeing the succes they have. WE can only hope.
  7. If they took out Congo Falls nothing else would fit in there cept maybe an impluse coaster.
  8. Yes PKI has alot of land but if they were to open up a new section it would cost them tons of money and it wouldn't even be worth it. I mean all of the trees would have to be cut down and the land flatened. THere would be a lot of work in order to get a new section back there. The only thing I could possible see is some kind of coaster off the FOF path and having it go threw the woods.
  9. Yea but what is stopping them from making a park like Buch Gardens after the success they had maybe if they did go into debt they would quickly get them selfs out of ahole.
  10. What if they make it like Bush Garden that would be so sweet to have Bush Gardens and PKI close to each others and should that heppen some great coaster wars may go on.
  11. Why take out Top Gun when its one of the best suspended coasters out and is one of the best starter coasters out there and where would they go cause they have the new resort thing coming out.
  12. Im just saying if it is The Vortex they better put something great in like a B&M Floorless would go really nice in there. I bet it will be like Slime Zone or somethign stupid though. IF they tear out a major ride they will wait until the end of August. A steel coaster doesnt take that long to build.
  13. That bunny provides no airtime they only have they have it there is because they needed to slow the train down faster other than that it is really just for looks.
  14. Sky Lab yea they do get pretty old at least the one at Cedar Point does. You would think not be restrained would add a thrill but the G's are so much you dont even get your ass of the seat even if you tried.
  15. How would it last when the themeing gets run down PKI has been know to let there theming get run down.
  16. ^ Yea it does for sure.
  17. TR:TR by far some of those things on there dont even have any theming like The Racer.
  18. Yea that makes me mad also. The other thing that makes me mad are the people who are playing around pushing and shoving their friends and they push them in to. I just want to sock one of those guys right in their face.
  19. I always tried to grab some leaves but I never could. What abou the countless people still ingroing the no smoking rule. I think the park needs to start kicking these people out becuase just saying that you can't do it isnt enough.
  20. I go up at least once a week right now and in the summer it will be about twice a week.
  21. Just ride everything if you have time but if you dont have enough time avoid the following major rides: Distar Transport, The Train, Mean Streak.
  22. Yea its worth it to ride it once or twice but after that I wouldn't pay anythign for it.
  23. Cedar Point has the smaller one I know that. Is the spin radius the same?
  24. The one a Cedar Point when I rode it they only put one person per car in.
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