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Everything posted by flightoffear1996

  1. Any topic here will start a fight.
  2. As the budget PKI is on I think think they are doing great with what they got. The guest in the park do not help any throwing trash on the ground and vandelizing the park and writing on the walls and such. All of that takes money away from what would other wised be used to fix the park paths and such and add bigger and better rides.
  3. This may sound stupid but where is there a steel coaster in river town?
  4. The Beast is no longer rated one of the best anymore. I dont even think it is in the top 50 any more.
  5. I was browing the internet at school and I found this Does anyone know what happened? I know this pic was from awhile go but I would still like to know what happened.
  6. I heard rumors that HW was building a wooden coaster longer and more thrilling with air time hills. If they did this there would be no reason for PKI to have The Beast and they could add alot of stuff back in those woods. The Beast is taking up valubale land.
  7. I think The Beast is by far the most over rated ride at PKI. There are no airtime kills and it isnt even all that fun anymore with the breaks. Paramount is taking away everything The Beast had.
  8. Plus the only thing they could put in that land would be another out and back so what would be the point?
  9. I wasnt there but if the weather is like it was on Saturday I usually try and avoid the parks.
  10. The best time to go in on Sundays right around June 4th when everyone has gradutation parties to go to.
  11. I really doubt that you will see another flat ride right their but if they were to they could use that flight commander plot of land for the actual ride and make the laser tag thing the que line for the ride.
  12. Your nto going to notice the 2 feet on the ride anyway. They are both the same ride so how can you say that one is better than the other?
  13. Just start him out on whatever but don't force anyone on a ride no matter what. THis can cause major problems and even a death.
  14. I would go but I live 20 minutes away from the park so it would be kind of dumb. I wonder how much it would cost to go and see the indoor water park. I would like to get a look at that though.
  15. Why is Cedar Fair in the PKI Polls
  16. Wait for that resort to be built and I am sure they might have some lock ins there.
  17. I wonder why they are saving those. *Coughs
  18. PKIC has some areial shots but some of them are hard to tell. Ill take alot of pics for you.
  19. Did they have any concept art?
  20. Nice pics but I wanted to see the fire thing. And why are some of the pictures so blurry. But beggers can be choosers. Nice job Gaberial.
  21. A penny more like a quater or a dollar.
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