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Everything posted by super7

  1. I have to say the Flying Eagles look better than ever with their current paint scheme at Carowinds. The cycle there is short and ends just as you get good dives going. Carowinds has 17 flat rides now including Carrousel, Drop Tower and Dodgem. I don’t understand why a park with such lower attendance than KI warrants the number of flats KI SHOULD have. It also got the better Giga. BTW a trip to Carowinds is a waste of money if there is any rain in the forecast. I was down there last Sunday. It thunderstormed from 2 to 3 rained another hour and they closed the park at 4:30 after the rain stopped. The sun was out at 6. They were scheduled to close at 10 This is the third time in a month that the park has closed early. That’s how bad the attendance is there. The park wasn’t even crowded before the rain. Fury was a one train wait on a Sunday
  2. The Endeavour is definitely the poor man’s enterprise and KI got the cheapest version. At least it looks good spinning at full height from a distance through the (few) trees. I’m happy to see budget spent on well thought out theming. But the trade off was rather junky Zamperla rides. Zamperla needs to stick to kiddie rides IMO They couldn’t find enough in the budget to build shade structures. I think KI loves ti torture guests in the blazing sun. Many of the queues and most of the midways are bare.
  3. I found the seats on Sol Spin very uncomfortable. I am 6’3 with 33 waist and the sides of the seats are more narrow than my hip bones and were crushing them. I don’t have wide hips. It’s actually the most uncomfortable seat I have experienced on a flat ride The restraints also don’t raise very high. I had to duck to get into them. The ride action itself is fine But I still prefer the freeness and comfort of a Huss Enterprise with no restraint
  4. Thanks. Why can’t they just post that by the stage?
  5. Retrospect is high quality. Especially the choreography. The choreographer knows how to feel music to the movements. They eliminated the live band It’s a soundtrack I would choose dancers over a band anyway since they are visual So there was a budget cut But honestly the sound track is powerful The show has an odd, non posted schedule It’s split into two different 15 min sets interspersed with a dj party. People cannot know when the show is happening unless they walk by Why does KI do thst? They do the same thing with the Nativity show at Winterfest The other parks have these same shows with posted show times
  6. Kings Dominion has Retrospect but not starting until Carnivale. Let’s Get Wild but only twice each night. Not starting until mid month. It’s a decent show but they have it on the pavement. It’s awful for the performers and crowd. And a kiddie Peanuts show. Their theater (identical to KI) sits empty another year. The stadium sits empty. The new KD VP will run that place in the ground even further. She loves to cost cut at the expense of the customer. With nearby BG adding coasters, having a full entertainment lineup and having b transportation rides for non thrill seekers KD coaster collection is mediocre and not much to do for non thrill seekers. It’s a beautiful park, much more thank KI, but KI is run so much better.
  7. Then the capacity will be awful for the majority of people.
  8. If G & G fails, it’s 100% on the incompetence of KI food service. I have never had anything that I did not like at kings dominion’s version. I just don’t understand how Kings Islands food is the lowest quality in the chain. And the head chef got promoted….
  9. It looks like from the videos this ride does not go completely vertical like an enterprise.
  10. Cedar Fair sells cheap season passes. So they make their money by gouging in other ways. This definitely reduces the quality of the average customer experience but they don’t care of the low season pass price
  11. Well both if the rides that KI got are inferior knock offs of superior rides (Intamin spinning barrels and Huss/Schwarzkopf enterprise). They are smaller lower capacity versions of those rides. Their Nebula is an inferior version of Zierer hexentanz (and slower loading as well.). Their Demolition Deby is an inferior cuddle up. Etc. I feel they add an air of cheapness to the parks. Then there was this with their Giant Discovery https://www.themeparkinsider.com/flume/202106/8300/ Zamperla builds coasters Would one rather have one of their shaky coasters or one from B&M, Mack, Intamin etc If KI would install a Zamperla Thunderbolt in Vortex spot im sure people would think it would be three inferior choice They just don’t have the look of quality. I’m guessing the low price is getting them sales. Especially with Cedar Fairs 2.5 billion current debt load.
  12. And Sol Spin is no Skylab. Small diameter, less capacity, restraints, solo ride. The park definitely needed flat rides Unfortunately they went with one of the lesser manufacturers. Cedar Fair is on a budget now with installations. it’s obvious with the 24 seat Endeavour instead of 48. I am glad though part of the budget is going towards theming. So much better than the Paramount days or even early Cedar Fair days (Diamondback’s station). I preferred what they did several years ago when they located used quality flat Carowinds got an excellent quartet of flats and great theming in their new County Fair. A Zierer wave swinger, Huss troika, Mondial top spin and Mack music express. All top tier manufacturers.
  13. Cirque Imagine. Definitely. Great stunts timed out to the moving music. The rest of the cirque shows were on the level of PT.
  14. Definitely a 50s 60s thene for the ‘75 Coney addition through the path to the pizza. They already have the diner. Retheme the stunt coaster to 50s cars. The Antuque Autos would be out their decade but fine. and a nice retro soundtrack instead of the generic garbage they play now
  15. I might have missed a previous post about this but it definitely the “cheap” 24 seat Endeavour. Great theming. Junky rides.
  16. The landscaping is already in line with Six Flags. Other than Kings Island at least doesn’t allow weeds to grow all over the place. That’s what’s been happening since Cedar Fair took over. Every new installation ends up with tree removal and no replacement. Even the removal of Vortex took out a lot of trees. I guess they view trees as a liability instead of what they really are, landscaping that enhances the guest experience both visually and by reducing sizzling temps. I’m unhappy about the loss of trees across from Festhaus sling the pond. It’s one of the only shaded pathways sections left in the park. They don’t even bring in a stump grinder most of the time and leave the stumps It’s really becoming a barren park like the front half of Cedar Point Winterfest suffers because of the lack of trees KI has the least impressive Winterfest lighting out of there, Kings Dominion and Carowinds Because there are few trees trees the midways to string lights
  17. They shouldn’t have to depend on chains to have quality food. I find the food a Kings Dominion a Carowinds is good. Anything those parks have that is similar on the menu to Kings Island is superior IMO. It’s a Kings Island problem. At KD and Carowinds I find myself struggling between the choices of everything I like to decide what to eat. At Kings Island I find my cell struggling to find something to eat that’s even decent. One chain brings the food down to dog food level. LaRosas is absolutely the worst Pizza I’ve ever had at any theme, park or restaurant. I don’t understand how anyone can mess up pizza that bad.
  18. While I really appreciate the money spent on quality theming, unfortunately Cedar Fair is going cheap in the ride installations if this is true. Zamperla rides have a lesser quality to start with, and having a 24 seat model not only makes it a crappy capacity, ride, it makes it a lesser experience as one cannot enjoy the ride with another person This is definitely not a tribute to the amazing high capacity Skylab. Even the ride experience is not as good. much of the ride experience is spent spinning, parallel to the ground before tilt. And from the videos that I have seen, it doesn’t even tilt 90°. But at least they are adding flat rides in a much neglected area of the park
  19. I got the beef last week. It was one thick slice. It was not good. At least the thinner slices might be chewable lol. The brussel sprouts were not good either and I thought the were decent when Coney BBQ had them. The naan was cold and garlicky. Not a good combination. As good as this restaurant is at Kings Dominion, it misses the mark at KI. But that seems to be the norm comparing KD food service to KI. The menu at Coney BBQ just seems to consist of the lowest cost meet they can find. No brisket. No ribs. They even eliminated the vegan sausage KI good service still stands as one of the worst in the chain. Even Cedar Point has finally surpassed it.
  20. My visit last Sunday was the first time I have ever seen all the Jets of the new fountain working correctly since they installed it
  21. The location of the air brush was originally part of Oktoberfest when Spinnen Keggers was there.
  22. The point is that if minors are walking around alone, security can stop them and question them. I guess they would have to contact the chaperone by phone and that chaperoned would have to come to the location to prove that they are it just seems that it’s a way to potentially harass customers after they’re in the gate. If it was a policy at the gate all day then everyone in the park would be guaranteed to have followed the policy. It’s just a very sloppy policy that just isn’t enforceable I see this policy is doing absolutely nothing. The same people can still get in the park before 4 PM and remain in the park until they might be questioned. In the meantime, a 17 year old (the age of the offender last week). can enter freely. And anyone can enter the parking lot freely. That’s where the issues occurred in this latest incident.
  23. But it will affect you after 4 o’clock if you split up with them. If security sees you alone, they may confront you or even eject. If it was an all day policy then they would know everyone through the gate was chaperoned.
  24. This policy is nothing but theater. Anyone can get in the park before 4. There is no way they can enforce this policy after 4 with those already in the park. There will be troublemakers already in the park that they won’t be able to locate. Additionally, what are they going to do? Harass every minor that they see standing alone? The ones that are with an adult that doesn’t want to ride or goes to the bathroom? I agree they aren’t even targeting the age group that has caused the problems if they don’t enforce the policy at the gate all day long that it’s a worthless policy.
  25. Cedar Fair parks are becoming a good place to get hurt in a gang fight. Worlds of fun had a massive fight and a stabbing on opening weekend. Knotts had major issues recently as well as KI last year this is absolutely because of the people that Cedar Fair targets with cheap season passes and the focus on mostly thrill rides This is the clientele that they want and they can’t survive without them apparently The new chaperone policy at Worlds of Fun is proof of that. One only has to have a chaperone after 4 PM. There is no way they can police this if the people are getting into the park un chaperoned before 4 PM. It’s all security theater I think the worlds of fun incident happen in the parking lot as well. The parking lots have virtually no security
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