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The Interpreter

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Everything posted by The Interpreter

  1. Nitro opened with a cable that attached from the "top of the bar" to the side of the seat frame. After less than two weeks, it was quietly removed. Guest fingers were then no longer subject to that proven danger...
  2. That was in 2011. In 2001, Paramount's Carowinds never gave me a bit of trouble with my Kings Island pass--go to GR, sign in, go in. And yes, in 2011, a park, I believe it was Kings Dominion, tried to tell me my Platinum Pass from Kings Island waa last valid in 1997. And yes, I spent a day driving back home I was going to spend at Carowinds a few years ago. Half an hour from opening, second in line, I got told I'd already been in the park and wasn't coming in that day. After 20 minutes of them trying to call Kings Island (they wouldn't even listen that that park was not open yet, I had a valiant struggle just to get my pass back. So, no, don't tell me they always let people in. They do not. At least not at Carowinds. I've had several Platinum Pass problems since, but none this year. Then again, I've only been to Kings Island Cedar Fairwise this year.
  3. It's Deja Vu all over again. -- Yogi Berra. Terp -- cross threadin' and truth tellin'
  4. You do know that the head of Apex, Al Weber, Jr, is the former CEO of Six Flags, Palace Entertainment, Paramount Parks and was once GM at Paramount's Carowinds and Paramount's Kings Island, right?
  5. Hopefully, the new pass works at parks other than Cedar Point. It may not. Especially at Kings Dominion or Carowinds. Terp -- who speaks from experience. Too much experience. And whose Kings Island Platinum Pass says Dorney Park and Wildwater Kingdom right on the back.
  6. The same public that thinks Gemini is a wood coaster is going to care if RMC steels a woodie? Really?
  7. Water resistant? If Captain Biscuit is manning the soakers--can you say drenched?
  8. ...who used to depend on "her" "husband" for industry knowledge. Perhaps a divorce?
  9. As expected, a creditor has objected, in essence, to the park's proposed reorganization plan, particularly as to the Joint Disclosure Statement. What wasn't expected is that it would be Joseph J. and Isabel J. Prischak. They have asked that the Joint Disclosure Statement be disapproved, primarily as the park has not made a case that it is a viable, going concern that can pay off its debts as scheduled in the plan. July 14 will be interesting.
  10. Those looking down their integrity nose: * Some can't afford to go to Kings Island at all. Do you have "integrity?" * Some can't afford food. Do you have "integrity?" * Some can't afford housing. Do you have "integrity?" * Some choose between paying the rent or getting prescriptions filled. Do you have "integrity?"
  11. So do they use SFGAm for the IL park and SFGA for the NJ park? Yep. And they know just exactly who uses NJFTP. And that's good enough for me.
  12. And SFGA is in NJ. That's SIX's exact nomenclature for the park. They do NOT recognize nor use SFGAd.
  13. Meanwhile, at NJFTP in 2017---OOOPS, off topic. Never mind.
  14. Goliath? At Six Flags Great Adventure? It had better NOT be.
  15. I'm going to be good. ^ That's ALL Terp is going to say about the original post. Well, that and UGH!
  16. A. Welcome to KIC. B. No. The ones in Richmond, VA don't. Nor Kansas, etc. C. Location, location, location.
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